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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware Insulting Bias


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The imbalance is huge because everyone who rolled Republic has learned that we cant compete with a faction that grinds warzones by itself at 3am.


If they stopped spoon feeding commendations to the empire with huttball people who dont play based on lore would switch and it would even out.


There is flat out no reason to be republic other than class quest stories as of now.

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So you believe they deliberately sabotaged their own game knowing that would cause people to get angry and leave, because clearly they want people to unsub.


I'm not even sure whether your trolling or you actually believe this, which frightens me.


Nope I think they deliberately put in faction specific warzones because they knew everyone would play the faction they worked harder on.


Instead of manning up and creating balance, they created huttball and ilum so all the imperials could get gear.

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The horrid balance, lack of a 50 bracket and plethora of issues; specifically PvP related is what caused me to unsub a day prior to the deployment of the patch, not after the patch. The fiasco of the patch and lack of immediate attention to what it created on Ilium just confirmed what was already obvious.


Those who unsubbed after 1.1 were obviously on the brink and that just pushed them over the edge.


People don't spend $60+ dollars hoping for the fun to only last 30-days. I don't genuinely understand how you can read all the feedback and not understand the credible reasons people have for leaving that have absolutely nothing to do with your theory.


Immediate attention to Illum? You mean the post they made at I think around 2 P.M. when it was apparent there was a problem? Or do you mean the lack of a patch to stop the med camping that came 7 A.M. the next day. Do you think the people that make the decisions sit around a monitor watching us play see something a and immediately go, " crap we gotta fix that in five mins. You've played apparently countless MMO's, any played at launch? Were any of them ever perfect? Do they not become fixed with a steady supply of patches?

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Nope I think they deliberately put in faction specific warzones because they knew everyone would play the faction they worked harder on.


Instead of manning up and creating balance, they created huttball and ilum so all the imperials could get gear.


That,s the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

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Nope I think they deliberately put in faction specific warzones because they knew everyone would play the faction they worked harder on.


Instead of manning up and creating balance, they created huttball and ilum so all the imperials could get gear.




Yeah...no point trying to discuss reality with you.

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Yeah...no point trying to discuss reality with you.


Dude this game is designed to support an overpopulated faction.


The pvp zone dailys allow you to click items in a small area instead of actually getting killed.


1 warzone faction neutral, a second faction neutral coming in march


They arent interested in RvR pvp.


They are interested in making sure the majority sits on life support in huttball.

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I find it to be a flat out insult that Bioware can clearly see that the population is imbalanced, and they look me right in the face and say...


We are putting in another warzone so the empire can keep fighting each other.

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since that is what bw wants i just rerolled empire, problem solved.


no limits for creating empire/republic during launch was a bad idea. i don't care about imbalance but if there are 10 or 15 repubs on ilum compared to the 100 imps, you can hardly call that imbalance, just call it massacre.

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Yes, OP, I think this is a social experiment in a sense. What it shows is that youth and society in general have changed. No longer is it cool to be the good guy. Embracing villainy, evil, hatred, anti-God (I say that because Republic has a lot of belief / faith structure behind it), and sociopathic tendencies has become the norm.


For this reason alone, I believe, we see such a huge population imbalance with Empire vs. Republic. You might think its funny to think this, but I honestly believe it shows what has become of a lot of our society and the breakdown of the family in America. It somewhat seeps through online and you can read it plain as day. Why else would a song about the murders at Columbine become a #1 hit?


That'd be a good theory if it were confined to America only, but every server for every country has the balance problem, so your self righteous rant is null and void.

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Immediate attention to Illum? You mean the post they made at I think around 2 P.M. when it was apparent there was a problem? Or do you mean the lack of a patch to stop the med camping that came 7 A.M. the next day. Do you think the people that make the decisions sit around a monitor watching us play see something a and immediately go, " crap we gotta fix that in five mins. You've played apparently countless MMO's, any played at launch? Were any of them ever perfect? Do they not become fixed with a steady supply of patches?


I don't know what your experience is, but having played MMO since 1997 I can tell you that when a major patch goes in a game, usually developers monitor the forums for any issues they may have missed. As soon as this was brought to their attention; which I believe was within an hour of deployment, they should have done some thing. The zone could have been shut down until a patch was ready, as an example. It's pathetic the way it was and is being handled, but the entire PvP is pathetic as well so the problem goes a lot deeper than customer service.


From what I can glean, SWTOR has a very very poor PvP team. Even in a link posted today, this guy "Gabe" the lead PvP developer says he is a "hardcore PvPr & Raider". Sure, hardcore PvPrs do PvE, but a hardcore PvPr and hardcore Raider is an oxymoron. If you don't understand that it would help explain why you aren't understanding me and also explains one of the big problems Bioware has as well. The two don't mix.

Edited by Gratus_Mortuus
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Yes blame Bioware for making the faction appealing to players, They didn't give us advantages,


Oh really? Go check out Consular's project and compare it with Sith Inquisitor's. Check out Smuggler's dirty kick and compare it with Imperial Agent's counterpart.


Or heck, go visit the URL in my signature and enlighten yourself.


If those data ain't enough, here's one straight from BioWare. Go read the public test server's latest patch notes and see what Juggernauts have been enjoying with their Chilling Scream compared to the Guardian's Freezing Force.


When you're done, come back here. I'll have finished digging a hole in the ground for you to stick your ignorant head into and you can scream to the world, "Hey! We don't massively outnumber the Republic players, nope we don't zerg them at all on Ilum! Hey! Our game mechanics are completely mirrored, we don't really have any advantages whatsoever! We're all just naturally great, -every- -single- -one- -of- -us-. Especially -me-! Gosh diddly do, I'm so cool!"

Edited by Obie_Wan
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Yes blame Bioware for making the faction appealing to players, They didn't give us advantages, they gave us what we wanted, a chance to play the Sith. Do you know how many games you could be an actual Sith? Zero. None. Nada. The story alone is what brought most people here. You know why? No games about the Sith. They didn't play the Sith up in any way, they showed Sith being Sith, and bland Jedi being Jedi. Stop blaming Bioware because you made the "bland and boring" faction choice. It'll all even out once the FOTM players leave for something newer and shinier. Then only the Star Wars fans will remain and then you'll see a difference in numbers, SWG republic outnumbered Empire 5:1. Granted there were only 10000 people playing that game, but still you get my point.


LOL another Imp loving his EZ-mode. Hope you love it when its dead and buried.

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I don't know what your experience is, but having played MMO since 1997 I can tell you that when a major patch goes in a game, usually developers monitor the forums for any issues they may have missed. As soon as this was brought to their attention; which I believe was within an hour of deployment, they should have done some thing. The zone could have been shut down until a patch was ready, as an example. It's pathetic the way it was and is being handled, but the entire PvP is pathetic as well so the problem goes a lot deeper than customer service.


From what I can glean, SWTOR has a very very poor PvP team. Even in a link posted today, this guy "Gabe" the lead PvP developer says he is a "hardcore PvPr & Raider". Sure, hardcore PvPrs do PvE, but a hardcore PvPr and hardcore Raider is an oxymoron. If you don't understand that it would help explain why you aren't understanding me and also explains one of the big problems Bioware has as well. The two don't mix.


I PvP all day now that I'm 50, But when I'm bored of Huttball, or losing, I do Raids and FP's, So I myself am proof of a Hardcore PvPist, that Raids and stuff, hell, my guild is proof of that, we love doing everything a game has to offer, my preference is PvP, but am I gonna refuse my guildies the help or group they need/want cause I need three more wins for my weekly? No, it's a weekly, it'll be there when I get back. . Know where my And it's fun to break the pace and do something different, PvE requires different play styles, watching your AOE's and making sure CC's are staying on. It's like a puzzle you do for entertainment. Know where my Raid gear goes? My companions, cause I don't need it, I PvP.

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Nope I think they deliberately put in faction specific warzones because they knew everyone would play the faction they worked harder on.


Instead of manning up and creating balance, they created huttball and ilum so all the imperials could get gear.


Worked harder on?

Im playing republic right now and its seems to have just as much effort put in only thing is republic with their force to be calm and collected makes it uninteresting so blame the person who made star wars cause its been that way forever in the star wars universe

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I don't know what your experience is, but having played MMO since 1997 I can tell you that when a major patch goes in a game, usually developers monitor the forums for any issues they may have missed. As soon as this was brought to their attention; which I believe was within an hour of deployment, they should have done some thing. The zone could have been shut down until a patch was ready, as an example. It's pathetic the way it was and is being handled, but the entire PvP is pathetic as well so the problem goes a lot deeper than customer service.


From what I can glean, SWTOR has a very very poor PvP team. Even in a link posted today, this guy "Gabe" the lead PvP developer says he is a "hardcore PvPr & Raider". Sure, hardcore PvPrs do PvE, but a hardcore PvPr and hardcore Raider is an oxymoron. If you don't understand that it would help explain why you aren't understanding me and also explains one of the big problems Bioware has as well. The two don't mix.


Wait, so a person/guild can not set up time frames for hardcore PvP and PvE content, they must do one or the other? How very Himmler of you. So now we know the way, it's one or the other, we can not have both.

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All this complaining about Ilum (haven't made it there myself highest is a 40) But can anyone really say they're surprised I don't think world pvp has ever truly worked. It sure as hell never worked in WoW. One side always zergs the other with very rare fair battles. As for the warzones they should be fixed with time and patches and more warzones being added in.


Just my two cents

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Oh really? Go check out Consular's project and compare it with Sith Inquisitor's. Check out Smuggler's dirty kick and compare it with Imperial Agent's counterpart.


Or heck, go visit the URL in my signature and enlighten yourself.


If those data ain't enough, here's one straight from BioWare. Go read the public test server's latest patch notes and see what Juggernauts have been enjoying with their Chilling Scream compared to the Guardian's Freezing Force.


When you're done, come back here. I'll have finished digging a hole in the ground for you to stick your ignorant head into and you can scream to the world, "Hey! We don't massively outnumber the Republic players, nope we don't zerg them at all on Ilum! Hey! Our game mechanics are completely mirrored, we don't really have any advantages whatsoever! We're all just naturally great, -every- -single- -one- -of- -us-. Especially -me-! Gosh diddly do, I'm so cool!"


I never said we don't outnumber you, I said us outnumbering you is not Biowares fault people choose the faction they wanted to play, as it turned out, Republic was not popular, I was disappointed with this fact, as pre beta and during beta numbers were even. Now, not. Oh and good thing it's in the TEST SERVER. They can see if it works or not, then implement changes, cause you know, that's what the test servers are for and all. So you can keep that hole for yourself, stick your head in it and scream to the mole people,"I'M COMING DOWN THERE CAUSE THE SKY IS FALLING." Oh and I love the whole Republic abilities delayed excuse,. Yes the animation is longer, damage, still hits, I fought a Sage, fired off my shock, killed him, he fired of his throw rock at the same time, rock kept coming, killed me. I have a sage, played huttball, threw project, he ran behind cover, project went though cover, hit him. So...what's your point.

Edited by LordXile
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I never said we don't outnumber you, I said us outnumbering you is not Biowares fault people choose the faction they wanted to play, as it turned out, Republic was not popular, I was disappointed with this fact, as pre beta and during beta numbers were even. Now, not. Oh and good thing it's in the TEST SERVER. They can see if it works or not, then implement changes, cause you know, that's what the test servers are for and all. So you can keep that hole for yourself, stick your head in it and scream to the mole people,"I'M COMING DOWN THERE CAUSE THE SKY IS FALLING."


It turned out that republic wasnt popular, then when people realized they could go empire and still pvp, all the would be republic guys just rolled empire because they had to.

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Worked harder on?

Im playing republic right now and its seems to have just as much effort put in only thing is republic with their force to be calm and collected makes it uninteresting so blame the person who made star wars cause its been that way forever in the star wars universe


Roll an empire toon and make to to the fleet.


You will be appauled.


No one else thinks its cute that in the republic fleet there are poorly modeled tents with no one standing under them?


Are we homeless?

Edited by Halofax
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Roll an empire toon and make to to the fleet.


You will be appauled.


No one else thinks its cute that in the republic fleet there are poorly modeled tents with no one standing under them?


Are we homeless?


maybe it's the same thing as that big ol' empty room half way between the lightside darkside vendors, which will obviously be used for the neutral vendor. Maybe it's remnants of a Smuggler selling off his ill gotten goods and had to leave in a hurry, Maybe someone is setting up shop but got delayed in traffic.

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It turned out that republic wasnt popular, then when people realized they could go empire and still pvp, all the would be republic guys just rolled empire because they had to.


I don't understand this at all, so you Republics just never get WZ's, cause whenever I'm on my Pub I que, and get in instantly. If people leave republic for empire to do PvP then they're dumb, Illum is a different story, one I'm not happy about, I won't go there and camp the pub base for easy kills, no thanks, I'd rather have fun when killing stuff.

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