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Powertech Question - Is Kolto Vents working as intended?


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As the title states is Kolto Vents working as intended?


Kolto Vents - when you vent heat, you regen 7% of your health over 10 seconds

ie it should only proc when the vent heat skill is used and

not when you vent heat from Prototype Cylinder Ventilation, Superheated Rail or

Gyroscopic Alignment Jets?


If so, is this skill not a bit on the weak side to require you to spend 21 points in Advanced Prototype,

especially when to reduce the cooldown on Vent Heat (skill) requires you to go 17 deep in Pyrotech?


Am I missing something with regards to its usefulness in its current state?



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This has been asked many times weeks ago when people were starting out. General consensus seems to be "working as intended".


If it gave you 7% HP each time you vented heat, it would be bordering on overpowered. As it is, it is comparable to other class talents. For example, when a Darkness (tanking spec) Assassin uses Overcharge Saber (2 min CD, same as Vent Heat), he gets 10% HP back. Same thing.


Yes, the talent is mostly useless. That's how I feel anyway. Especially so deep in the tree. But then, consider the Shieldtech 31 pointer - it's junk.

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Thanks for the replies.


I just wanted to ensure that i hadn't missed something obvious.


My thought would be to have a prerequisite of Prototype Cylinder Ventilation

and turn it into a clickable Heal over Time mayable similar to On the Trail

but without the companion requirement (ie 2% for a minute with a long cooldown).

Edited by DuncanGreyheart
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This has been asked many times weeks ago when people were starting out. General consensus seems to be "working as intended".


If it gave you 7% HP each time you vented heat, it would be bordering on overpowered. As it is, it is comparable to other class talents. For example, when a Darkness (tanking spec) Assassin uses Overcharge Saber (2 min CD, same as Vent Heat), he gets 10% HP back. Same thing.


Yes, the talent is mostly useless. That's how I feel anyway. Especially so deep in the tree. But then, consider the Shieldtech 31 pointer - it's junk.


If you think the shield techs final skill, heat blast is junk, then you simply arent playing your tank correctly. It is one of our bests skills.

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If you think the shield techs final skill, heat blast is junk, then you simply arent playing your tank correctly. It is one of our bests skills.


You can play the class correctly and fully understand Heat Blast is junk for a 31 point talent..

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To the OP:

I wish BioWare would update the tooltip to say "Vent Heat" instead of "vent heat". The Vanguard equivalent has the correct casing of words to avoid confusion.


If the heal proc'd on the latter it would be overpowered.


You can play the class correctly and fully understand Heat Blast is junk for a 31 point talent..


From a PVP perspective, it's also important to understand that the Shield Chance boosting talent right below Heat Blast is very meh.


Getting to the 31-pt talent means you'll have to spend precious talent points on talents that don't add much value in a PVP context.


The main issue with Heat Blast (and Immolate) are the 15-sec cooldowns. I can understand Thermal Detonator having the 15-sec cooldown given that it's an AOE. But for single-target 31-pt abilities, they're a bit underwhelming.

Edited by taugrimtaugrim
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I can understand Thermal Detonator having the 15-sec cooldown given that it's an AOE. But for single-target 31-pt abilities, they're a bit underwhelming.


(sidenote: big fan, love your vids, guides, and info Taugrim! Keep up the great work, it is appreciated!)


I wasn't aware that Thermal Det was an aoe. I know it shares a CD with explosive dart, but nothing in the ability description or tooltip says anything about it hitting multiple targets. I could be totally wrong, and the tooltips are mislabeled, but it's my assumption that it is NOT an aoe ability, so it still fits with the 15 second cooldown gripe. (I know where assumptions lead...)


Anyways, perhaps someone can clarify through testing.


For reference, you can compare the abilities here:



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