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Gearing while Leveling


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So I'm running as darkness, quite enjoying it too. However, I'm getting to that point where you're starting to see gear specifically for tanking or DPS. Around lvl 25, Tatooine that is. So the question is, is there a generally favored way to gear for the purpose of leveling, doing the occasional PvP and maybe a FP or two while specced as a tank?
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Well, I personally have no experience at all with leveling as Darkness, but using Tanking gear combined with a DPS or Healing companion sounds like a good way to go. You'll be durable against mobs yourself in solo play while your companion either deals some extra damage or heals your Health, you'll be able to Tank better in any Flashpoints you'll find yourself in, and you'll be harder to kill by other players in PvP due to your extra defensive stats.
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You mean the mods that give more endurance then will power?


If so, go for the ones with a higher will power.

Take it from someone who played tank till 41, your damage will suffer alot if you focus on endurance to much.


Try to balance your mods, one with high endurance, one with high will power, and the third just see what you have that fits or what needs boosting.

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Well at this point you start seeing gear with more absorbation and defense rating and stuff as well. I'm a bit hesitant to mix and match though. While I see the idea behind it I'm not sure if there'll be a very noticeable effect on things though.
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