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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW, you can save the game with 1.2 if you choose to.


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BW, patch 1.2 is going to be your deciding factor. From that point forward the game will continue down one of two paths; either the game will reclaim several of the subs I know you lost after the first month and gain many more or it will lose more subs and have few people willing to try the game for the first time.


I urge you to include the following in your next major content patch as it will bring the game on par with the industry standards of other games.


Make quick travel interplanetary.

Load screens are one of the biggest enemies to the game. Load screens kill immersion and traveling between planets can mean multiple load screens and pointless amounts of running through spaceports. Give people the option to have their ship pick them up at whatever location they are currently at and take them to the space port of another planet in a single load screen.


Such an inclusion can also indirectly help with world PvP. Impromptu world PvP has a certain amount of reliance on people being able to respond to the challenge and get there in a reasonable amount of time. Given enough inconvenience, it becomes a long, daunting, and unworthy task to leave your questing area and get to where the action is. This can kill potential world PvP at lower levels.



Cross-server LFG and/or server transfers, please.

There are still quite a few servers out there that have good populations on them and it is easy to form groups for flashpoints, but this is not the case for several of the servers which have effectively died over the last month. A level 40 who really enjoys their class and story but is stuck on a server where there are only 6 people within their level range and does not get to enjoy the group content or flashpoints because of this is just as likely to unsubscribe from the game as they are to re-roll the same class on another server. BW, you know this is true even if members of the forum are unwilling to believe it.


Also, more than a few of the people I've met in this game and on other forums have decided to un-sub simply because they are tired of spamming general with LFG for an hour+ in an attempt to get a viable group. People playing on dead servers just can't find other people wanting to group and people on lively servers watch their LFG go whizzing past as people argue whether America or Australia is a better country.



Very few people want this game to do poorly and a lot of people see potential with this game if BW is willing to dig deep and catch up with the industry standards of other MMOs currently on the market. I think a lot of people were willing to adapt to the changes BW made in the layout and the gameplay. In spite of this, you should be striving to appeal to the masses. Not just the SW fan who will relish in anything that has a blaster or a lightsaber because this alone will not keep the lights on at your studios. Not just 'hardcore' MMO player who thinks running everywhere and endless load screens are the way its done because people will leave in favor of games with single load screens.



Everyone on these forums who are being called whiners, QQ-ers, and being told to 'just leave'...they played the game to some degree or another. This isn't metacritic; these are your customers. Everyone who is advocating this game remain in its current state is advocating its demise by the end of the year.

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Yo chief. Just want to let you know they have a suggestions forum, and there are threads on both these topics there. I'd add your voice there, but stick to your ideas for improvement. They'll just remove your post if you start conjecture about other players or the company.
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I asked for a purple unicorn that farts glitter A WHOLE FIVE MINUTES AGO and it's STILL NOT IN THE GAME. How is this game NOT dying?


Weird...and I asked for things that should have been in a currently release MMO at launch...or prepared to be launched with the first content patch and that didn't happen either.


I guess we're both in a pickle.

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Weird...and I asked for things that should have been in a currently release MMO at launch...or prepared to be launched with the first content patch and that didn't happen either.


I guess we're both in a pickle.


You are the authority on what an mmo is right?

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A) isn't going to happen because of a few lazy forum whiners


B) LFD needs to never happen cross server unlikely.


You realize that you are talking about a video game, right? That thing most normal people play when they are being lazy. Since lazy is an option many people have with only a small portion of their time, why would they want to spend it in load screens and general chat?


Go play on one of the low population servers already in the game and then tell me again it doesn't need to happen. Hard to form a group, even with an LFG tool, if there are <10 people within an acceptable range of a given flashpoint. If not cross server then server mergers for sure.

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You realize that you are talking about a video game, right? That thing most normal people play when they are being lazy. Since lazy is an option many people have with only a small portion of their time, why would they want to spend it in load screens and general chat?


Go play on one of the low population servers already in the game and then tell me again it doesn't need to happen. Hard to form a group, even with an LFG tool, if there are <10 people within an acceptable range of a given flashpoint. If not cross server then server mergers for sure.


Explain to me how adding a system that finds groups for you with random people makes the game less of a single player game.

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1) Simply put, NO it isn't needed or game breaking because YOU want it in game. Honestly, it's a space game if there isn't space travel then what would be the point? Oh yeah, people want easy mode and mistakenly believe that they are entitled to such a mode.


2.) LFD isn't needed at all. Getting a group doesn't take long and isn't difficult. Once again, you are demanding things that are unnecessary and onl serve to dumb down the game.

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Bioware, you can still copy all of wows features for me in 1.2, it isnt too late!


That isn't all of wow's features. I'd just go play wow if that is the game I preferred and that isn't what the post is about if you bothered to focus a little. Appealing to the masses and being caught up with industry standards will keep this game going.


They are suggestions I believe would help. Nothing more. They don't want them, that's their deal. Other than the cost of the game and the monthly sub I don't lose anything no matter what direction it goes.


Perhaps servers with almost no population after one month will suddenly start to see a revitalization all on their own...that would be nice, wouldn't it?

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1) Simply put, NO it isn't needed or game breaking because YOU want it in game. Honestly, it's a space game if there isn't space travel then what would be the point? Oh yeah, people want easy mode and mistakenly believe that they are entitled to such a mode.

You're argument is flawed. Space travel would be fine, if not enjoyable for me. It is STAR wars after all. Unfortunately:


Space PORT and load screens =/= space travel.


2.) LFD isn't needed at all. Getting a group doesn't take long and isn't difficult. Once again, you are demanding things that are unnecessary and onl serve to dumb down the game.

I'm not demanding anything. Please reference where I "demand" this be done. I think it would help, yes, but I place no demands. I do believe it will have an impact on their subscription base, yes, but I place no demands.


Once again, get off Swiftsure or Harbinger or one of the other high population servers, roll on one of the now low population servers and then tell me you don't want it. If you can't, you are just as unqualified to say it isn't needed at all as I am for asking for it.

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Keep in mind that WoWs own LFG tool took a very long time to develop. It didn't come until halfway through Lich King. And at one point they said cross server play would be impossible to implement. This came from the highest grossing MMO dev team in history. Yes, they did it. After years of work. This game is in it's infancy yet. They are fixing bugs balancing classes and adding filler content. To ask the devs to implement all that you suggest in the next patch is impossible at this point.


As for server transfers give the game more than a month to stabilize population. Then complain. There's an easy fix in the mean time. Roll somewhere else.


Be reasonable and make your suggestions that don't sound as if you've successfully developed an MMO yourself. I have issues with the game, but none of what you listed is on my complaint list nor is having me consider quitting.

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Explain to me how adding a system that finds groups for you with random people makes the game less of a single player game.


Wait...first it was 'too long didn't read' and then you want me to explain things to you that weren't even included in my initial suggestion. Wow...your problem is L2Read...not TL;DR.


I never said it would be more or less of a single player game, at all. I simply alluded to the fact that people on low population servers are having problems forming viable groups and that rerolling from level 40 is not always something a person wants to do even if they enjoy the class and play style.


Being able to experience group content appropriate for the level keeps people interested in playing a MMO.

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Ease up on the leading rhetoric, and you might get yourself some constructive replies to your ideas.


They do need to reduce some of the travel time in game I think. Much of it can be remedied with making getting to your ship more convenient.


-Have a quick travel option to port you directly to your class airlock.

-Add an ability where you signal to your companions aboard your ship to come and pick you up. This could perhaps replace the fleet pass.

-Remove the elevators/mini loading screens between you and your ship.

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I guess the OP does not remember vanilla WoW with many zones having usually one very inconvenient flight path, the one hour cool down on your hearth, which is only tied to one specific innkeeper.

Also you want to talk about running to an instance? The Thorium Point flight path wasn't even added until 7 months after the game launched, so that run to Molten Core, BRD, and BRS was a very long run.


Expecting SWTOR to have features in it that in some cases WoW took years to put in is unreasonable. Also thinking that the SWTOR developers aren't seriously looking at ways to improve the player experience is stupid when you know that they are looking at ways to improve the game experience just don't expect them to do it on YOUR schedule.

Edited by JTYoung
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