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Isnt It Sad When Ilum PvP Is This?


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He was probably referring to the Ugh finally done part. Illum pvp is not fun at the moment, its more of a chore. Hopefully that will change when more people are 50 and we can actually have some battles rather than run around and look for boxes to click.
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This makes no sense. What do you mean by that picture? All I see is someone leaving an Ops group...


No Republic in a PvP zone = no kills...


Therefor you have to rely on looting PvE crap...


Which 40+ others are trying to do at the same time...


= tedious...

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Then don't bloody do it? Theres 5 PVE dailys on ilum, 17 on belsavis. Spam WZs in between, have decent pve/pvp set in a week.


Hard game is hard. If ppl want pvp so gd bad, just go play a few games of LoL and get spammed called racial slurs when you misclick and killsteal someone.

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Then don't bloody do it? Theres 5 PVE dailys on ilum, 17 on belsavis. Spam WZs in between, have decent pve/pvp set in a week.


Hard game is hard. If ppl want pvp so gd bad, just go play a few games of LoL and get spammed called racial slurs when you misclick and killsteal someone.


PvP dailies on Ilum = 1


Thats what im talking about...


Trying to find players to kill for the daily/weekly...


Resorting to looting PvE crap off the ground, while 40+ others are trying to do the same, all within a small area...


If i wanted to do a PvE daily, i would run the other Ilum PvE dailies, or the Belsavis PvE dailes...


Waited 4 hours in the queue tonight, to join a bloody warzone...


And when i finally get in one, there are only 4 people and it ends due to lack of players...

I want PvP damnit!

Edited by Felgor
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