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Question about columi tokens

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Ok had a question about the columi tokens that always drops from the last boss in a HM instance.


Playing a trooper tank and wearing 4 pieces of columi. The problem is the itemization of these pieces. The enhancement slot in for example my boots is a lvl56 accuracy one which basically makes the boots worse then mastercrafted ones. The stats I need are absorb, shield and defense. Not stacking obscene amounts of accuracy well above the cap.


Because of this what I was thinking after looking through jedi tank columi gear is try to get my hands on a columi jedi tank piece since they have very good enhancement slots. Rip out that enhancement and replace the accuracy one in my boots to get my stats somewhat back in order.


Have ran alot of HM FPs but can't seem to recollect ever getting a columi token for another class. Was planing to do some runs without a jedi sentinel or guardian now to try and get the enhancement. So just wondering:


Can other classes turn in wrong class columi tokens? Also can you freely swap the enhancements in your columi gear without losing the set bonuses? Perhaps stupid questions.

Edited by Eivon
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Yeah I've turned in tokens from other classes to put gear on companions. I've also pulled the mods out for use in other pieces. The set bonus is not affected by the mods being switched.


Thanks for the quick reply. Great to hear it works. A shame though about the developers making it necessary to do because of poor itemization on their part. Vanguard tank gear have some messed up slots that is for sure.

Edited by Eivon
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I'm pretty sure they intentionally have accuracy on them. Accuracy should be important for both tanks and DPS. If DPS misses an attack, they just wasted the resources, cooldown/global cooldown, and potential damage of said attack. The same is pretty much true for tanks: if a tank misses with an attack then they have wasted resources, time, and potential threat generation. Obviously if you're not having any trouble holding aggro then this isn't a big deal.


However, I have to wonder if abilities like taunts can miss and fail due to low accuracy. I've played previous games where this was the case. Sometimes boss mechanics require multiple tanks taunting off one another and if such a taunt fails then you've just screwed your group over.

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Accuracy do infact affect chance to hit with taunt so it's an important stat that is for sure. However the only cap that is needed to hit as far as I know is 105%. My toon atm is sitting at 109% I believe so it's way above what is needed. It does help somewhat with kite tanking where you are using pretty much only hammershot(non tech attack so needs more then 105%). But would rather get down to 105% and increase my shield and absorb by several percents.
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I'm an Operative healer and almost every piece of gear has a lot of Alacrity on it, which to us is useful only in small amounts, as too much actually hurts us more than anything else.


When I'm lucky, I get a token for another class and swap enhancements. It's possible, but it shouldn't be mandatory.

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