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Idiots and SWTOR


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Does the amount of complaining and stupidity on these forums make anyone else want to go INSANE!?


Why can't people just play the damn game and have a little patience? When you tell BW about problems in the game, I am sure there is a series of steps that must be taken...... Such as: investigation, testing, implementing a fix, etc. These things take time. Just because BW didn't address you and your half baked complaint doesn't mean they aren't working on it. WAAA This game wasn't absolutely perfect at launch, WAAAA My abilities dont work as fast as I want them too, WAAAA my computer is a POS that cant run the game, WAAA I'm an idiot that spawn camped Illum and can't figure out why I am going to be punished, WAAAA they made a mistake with Illum and didnt have it fixed that instant.... *** is the matter with you people?

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Agreed. I'm also getting tired of threads that bring this up though. There's at least four of them floating around either for whining or complaining about whining and I've only been here a few days. 0.o


No offense to you though.

Edited by Brosephiine
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While you may not like the tone that some people present legitamite problems with, they remain legitamite problems, as is evidenced by the Principal Lead Combat Designer's own personal response to some of the bigger problems, which can be found on these very forums.
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1.) I do understand that there are other posts regarding the issue of complaining and I apologize that I am adding to that list. I just wanted to see if anyone else felt the way I do about it.


2.) I am not saying that there are not legit problems in this game. There are legit problems in every game. However the amount of childish complaining that takes place on these forums about said problems is rediculous.

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Worst community I've ever seen. Trolls who speculate with facts to cause riots and panic that leads to endless threads with "I'm canceling subscription because bla bla bla" and 80% of em haven't even canceled, but made madness. Can't ppl enjoy game? The community from WoW who came to play SWTOR wants everything and now. I feel sorry for devs have to read forum to make this game better for players, but most of threads are trollfest filled by *******.
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Worst community I've ever seen. Trolls who speculate with facts to cause riots and panic that leads to endless threads with "I'm canceling subscription because bla bla bla" and 80% of em haven't even canceled, but made madness. Can't ppl enjoy game? The community from WoW who came to play SWTOR wants everything and now. I feel sorry for devs have to read forum to make this game better for players, but most of threads are trollfest filled by *******.


Hey now, not all of us from WoW are starting trouble. D: I personally love this game.

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I say let them be WoW babies who played it in it's prime (Burning Crusade/Icecrown). I cancelled my WoW going on 2 years now. And you know it's them complaining b/c people who are new to MMO's or played WoW in Vanilla, don't know it's broken or know nothing is perfect at launch respectively. People need to chill and kinks must be worked out constantly. If you don't like it yeah, unsub, I don't give a ****. But don't come on to the forums ************. QQ and go back to counting your polygons on WoW. Btw enjoy your pandas.... LMAO.
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Worst community I've ever seen.


I will see your TOR community with the Online New World of Darkness community, and I will raise it by the League of Legends community.


Trolls who speculate with facts to cause riots and panic that leads to endless threads with "I'm canceling subscription because bla bla bla" and 80% of em haven't even canceled, but made madness.


Welcome to a world without consequence, where no one cares about anyone else, where no one knows who you really are. Welcome, my friend, to the internet.


Can't ppl enjoy game?


Nope. We have to analyze it, pick it apart, and point out everything we do and don't like about it, otherwise how will people know how smart we are when it comes to all things, and how refined our tastes are in general media? Seriously, we really need to get back to the days where stories were told for entertainment. That was why Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings, to entertain people, specifically because he enjoyed entertaining people through story. Of course everyone read a whole bunch of crap into his story that he didn't put there, but that is people for you. People are crazy.


The community from WoW who came to play SWTOR wants everything and now.


That is everyone, not just the WoW community.


I feel sorry for devs have to read forum to make this game better for players, but most of threads are trollfest filled by *******.


You know who I feel sorry for? The nice, easy-going fans out there who just like to have fun, who don't feel like they have to evaluate their opinions and ideas by going on about how much they hate or like this or that, who get yelled at by people who have crossed well passed the "crazy line," of fanboyism a long time ago. Their community is so filled with muck, grime, and trash of the inconsiderate that they can't even recognize the community underneath it anymore.

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i will see your tor community with the online new world of darkness community, and i will raise it by the league of legends community.


OH GOD NO! Not the League of Legends community!! ANYTHING but that! D:


Side note: I didn't realize you couldn't post all in capitals. My capslock is sad.

Edited by Brosephiine
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OH GOD NO! Not the League of Legends community!! ANYTHING but that! D:


Side note: I didn't realize you couldn't post all in capitals. My capslock is sad.


While the LoL community is bad, technically even worse than the ONWOD community, having actually dealt extensively with self-absorbed New World of Darkness players in real life, I am seriously questioning my choice in real life friends. I have come really close to commiting aggravated assault over the last couple of days because of that community.

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While the LoL community is bad, technically even worse than the ONWOD community, having actually dealt extensively with self-absorbed New World of Darkness players in real life, I am seriously questioning my choice in real life friends. I have come really close to commiting aggravated assault over the last couple of days because of that community.


Hah. I've never played it, but I'll make sure to steer clear. xD I honestly love League of Legends as a game, but the community drove me off after a few months. I'll play occasionally, but it'll either be a bot game or a full premade with my friends. And even then there's no guarantee that the opposing team won't be douches.


I don't mind reading the Tribunal though. I can skim through most of that without reading the minutia.

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Hah. I've never played it, but I'll make sure to steer clear. xD I honestly love League of Legends as a game, but the community drove me off after a few months. I'll play occasionally, but it'll either be a bot game or a full premade with my friends. And even then there's no guarantee that the opposing team won't be douches.


I don't mind reading the Tribunal though. I can skim through most of that without reading the minutia.


I feel pretty much the same. I still play LoL once a day for my win of the day, and to collect champions that I think are cool. Even in bot games though, I always find that one player that feels like it is their sacred duty to be the biggest ****** they possibly can. New World of Darkness is a tabletop roleplaying game, so you won't have to worry much about their online community unless you go to their forums.

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i have been with wow since day 1 and i can say this is a better launch i can actually get in the servers and play way better then wows launch


In terms of technical quality and playability, absolutely, yes, by miles. In terms of community, well, the WoW community is a lot more bearable than this. I swear, something about online Star Wars communities, and RTS communities just brings out the worst in people.

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I feel pretty much the same. I still play LoL once a day for my win of the day, and to collect champions that I think are cool. Even in bot games though, I always find that one player that feels like it is their sacred duty to be the biggest ****** they possibly can. New World of Darkness is a tabletop roleplaying game, so you won't have to worry much about their online community unless you go to their forums.


Ahh. Closest I've got to that is D&D a while back. I probably won't run into tabletop rp communities much. I tend to avoid roleplaying now.


And yeah, LoL seriously has the worst community I've ever had the misfortune of being in. Which is very sad.

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While you may not like the tone that some people present legitamite problems with, they remain legitamite problems, as is evidenced by the Principal Lead Combat Designer's own personal response to some of the bigger problems, which can be found on these very forums.



the problem isn't the 25 or so legitimate posts, nor are they what this thread complains against. the problem, and this threads complaint, is the 100k + threads that do nothing but ***** about insignificant personal opinions founded on, and informed by, real life insecurities and prejudices.

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It's pretty normal. Throw together anonymity, huge population of people, various floating segments of given playstyles who believe that their chosen playstyle is the only valid one ever, a lot of entitlement, a lot of cynicism, a lot of 'I hated every MMO yet but this one must be good right?', and massive intolerance for others' opinions, shake well, and you get the forums.


Also, you're wrong. :p;)

Edited by Grammarye
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