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This isn't what I signed up for when I rolled Smuggler day 1.


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Define "Unusable"

As a gunslinger I have almost the exact same tree, albeit with a 30 meter range and no stealth and it's pretty great. Especially the sustained damage.

Have you tried it, or did you just stick to the lolburst crutch from scrapper?

Just because it doesn't have the same huge burst as a guerilla specc doesn't make it unusable.


You're going to have to elaborate on your points if you want to make a compelling case

And please, don't resort to childish curses


ten meter range on wounding shots makes it unusable. Dirty fighting is absolutely terrible as it can be completely invalidated by a cleanse.

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So your stealth opener gets a much needed nerf (sure, we can all argue on the numbers but most can agree it needed a nerf) so now you're useless in both PvP and PvE?


You guys do realize that classes get nerfed and buffed over the life of a development cycle? If Op/Sc DPS is truly too low, they'll buff your OOS to compensate.


You dont play one then - the only tree that is any good is concealment and now it will be WORTHLESS - literally they are nerfing most of our DPS - Sure we CAN get top three in the leaderboards but only way I am doing that is in my 1-49 bracket against a bunch of lvl 11-20s - otherwise my lvl 26 assasin buddy usually does more damage than I do and I am 45!!!


What a waste of my time lvling this class was - I guess I was wrong about Bioware

Edited by Torn
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I rolled scoundrel in early access mainly because of two things:


1. They were slated as possibly the least played class

2. The cowboy looks


I didn't play any beta and I'm a decemberist. FOTM had nothing to do with it.


Also, I'm an altaholic and I play several classes at the same time anyway. Knowing different classes firsthand makes for a better view of class balance, you should try it. Sadly scoundrel is a pretty one-dimensional class that relies on doing its pony trick. I might add btw that even my scoundrel's not 50 and does not have Biochem or even relics because I went the neutral route.


P.S. How's plan D for FOTM? :D


If those are the reasons you picked your class then stop crying cuz the nerfs have nothign to do with the reasons you are playing operatives.

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I rolled scroundrel because I looked through every talent tree before the game launched. This nerf is going to make us useless in pve and pvp.


If you're going to nerf our ownly dps tree can you at least make the shared tree at least viable for us? its completely weighted toward GunSlinger. Give us another dps tree then! We're drowning here!


Yes, your class will be totally useless. You'll do 0 dps after the patch, no reason to play now

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ITT: a lot of people unaware that the shared DPS tree is extremely clunky and poorly designed for Scoundrels/OPs, and seems to be exclusively designed for Snipers/Gunslingers.


So the only really viable DPS spec, which was only really viable for PvP and not PvE - Scrapper/Concealment - was just nerfed to be one of if not the worst DPS tree in the entire game. What does that leave these classes with? They are now officially only good at healing. And they're already the worst healer of all 3.


GG Bioware. You made them a 1-trick pony then nerfed the 1 trick into the dirt, then burned it and pissed on the ashes. How about you actually get back to work and balance this class a little bit?

Edited by Mhak
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