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A suggestion for Georg


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This is a finishing part of a statement by georg


That said, what matters is that we fix it. Even if two thirds of our players claimed it doesn't happen, we still fix it. Serious problems don't require a majority vote to get addressed



Ok well idk about 2/3rds or not but i do know a crap load of us sents/maras have been practicly begging for some kind of cc or for them to give us the force push we had in beta back.


It wouldnt be a overpowering ability and it would greatl help our versatility and viability in pve and pvp espeacily as how huttball is about 70% of the games..


But suggestion is pls allow us this skill back as its needed on our class we are already somewhat behind other classes in the survival bracket and we are extremely more gear/heal dependent than all other classes.

how about throwing us a bone pls.


And the push ability would give us that little bit of breathing room we need sometimes to get that quick stim heal pack or for that mnatter chance to run in . Or atleast itll allow a few seconds heal.

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