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PT-Tank: at which lvl viable


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After playing for 30lvls only pyro, I switched at lvl 30 for several BG´s rounds to the Shieldtech/tank spec. Wasnt really good, had the feeling that I do 50% less dmg almost and my surviveability wasnt that great. Even lower lvls under lvl 20 did kick my *** and I almost lost to them, which were cake before with a pyro build. Same lvl players or only some lvl higher take away loads of my health pool, especially shadows/assassins, wheras I cant take them down fast enough and I just die. For kiting the dmg is way too low and takes too long to kill someone with this tactic, which I actually use successfull with the pyro build.


At which lvl is actually a PT-Tank viable in pvp... I can do a lot more with the pyro build currently.

Edited by BobaFurz
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The hardest thing about playing pure tank is staying alive through incoming Guard damage. If you have someone healing you, you're good. Otherwise, you need a good bit of gear. Shoot for 18k+ health. 20k+ is better. You can use DPS gear if you have healing and it doesn't overburden the healer. If not, you better just go full tank gear to extend your life long enough to be useful.


I currently play 31/10/0 for the extra CC cooldown reduction and to maximize my mitigation.


At 30, you don't really have this option. I would go something like 21/0/0


You won't do much damage. Heck, you'll need to pop a relic and a red buff just to get the 2.5k medal even at 50.


It's different. You are dependent on teammates for the most part. I usually queue with someone I know can just tear people up and keep him alive.

Edited by Tarelther
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After playing for 30lvls only pyro, I switched at lvl 30 for several BG´s rounds to the Shieldtech/tank spec. Wasnt really good, had the feeling that I do 50% less dmg almost and my surviveability wasnt that great. Even lower lvls under lvl 20 did kick my *** and I almost lost to them, which were cake before with a pyro build. Same lvl players or only some lvl higher take away loads of my health pool, especially shadows/assassins, wheras I cant take them down fast enough and I just die. For kiting the dmg is way too low and takes too long to kill someone with this tactic, which I actually use successfull with the pyro build.


At which lvl is actually a PT-Tank viable in pvp... I can do a lot more with the pyro build currently.


The shield gen is not very effective in pvp due to its mechanics, so for pvp you want to avoid the shield skills in the shield tree unless they offer a secondary benefit. I have levelled up to 31 as shield spec and I have had a completely opposite experience to you. I have found it to be tough to kill, has good damage and utility.


Try this spec up until 32/33 and then go hybrid either into ap or pyro. http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/bounty_hunter/powertech/#::fefe2fe3f2ed2fe2df39:

Edited by Ki-tec
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Well with heals it looks different of course, and I dont mind to dish out lower dmg which I do as a tank. But when it comes to single fights, just one Shadow alone who is only 2-3 lvl above me kills me quiete fast with my 54% dmg reduction in comparison to...uh I think it was something like 35% before with pyro build. In comparison to pyro I did feel quiete weak - with surviveability and dmg output. With pyro the surviveability is that much higher since I can effectively kill my opponent in short time, so I avoid getting hit for longer... using kiting of course if I need to do it.


Seems like a tank is just a late bloomer...do you have that great gear with your lvl 31 ? ( I have mostly blues with a bit greens and an epic chest armor). My build is very similar like the one you did post.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Well with heals it looks different of course, and I dont mind to dish out lower dmg which I do as a tank. But when it comes to single fights, just one Shadow alone who is only 2-3 lvl above me kills me quiete fast with my 54% dmg reduction in comparison to...uh I think it was something like 35% before with pyro build. In comparison to pyro I did feel quiete weak - with surviveability and dmg output. The surviveability is that much higher since I can effectively kill my opponent in short time in short time, so I avoid a longer time getting hit..aswell kiting of course if I need to do it.


Seems like a tank is just a late bloomer...do you have that great gear with your lvl 31 ? ( I have mostly blues with a bit greens and an epic chest armor). My build is very similar like the one you did post.


Got blues and some orange gear - average for my level and not maxed. Pyro and shield tech are two different play styles. You might just need some more time to adjust?


What spec you been using?

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This one....at our lvl there is not much difference in builds. I did use even Oil slick in fights. Whats the difference in play styles ? With pyro I attack from range before I go in, taking down bubbles for example and take down up to 1/3 of the health pool and finish them off with fire with some GCD´s, explosives and the rest of my skills. Except its a class you need to kite for longer.


How are you playing with your tank actually killing opponents ?



Edited by BobaFurz
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This one....at our lvl there is not much difference in builds. I did use even Oil slick in fights. Whats the difference in play styles ? With pyro I attack from range before I go in, taking down bubbles for example and take down up to 1/3 of the health pool and finish them off with fire with some GCD´s, explosives and the rest of my skills. Except its a class you need to kite for longer.


How are you playing with your tank ?




Not much difference but the difference is all in dps talents. You have points tied up in Shield vents and ablative upgrades which won't help you in pvp at your level. Also the dot from Igc is not that great, so taking talents to boost it is meh imo. If your not clear on how shield works in pvp I suggest reading taugrims powertech guide. http://taugrim.com/2012/01/04/guide-to-bounty-hunter-powertech-trooper-vanguard-mechanics-and-pvp/

Edited by Ki-tec
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The guide looks intereseting, thx a lot. Well for me the tank build is more a support class and needs his team to shine. I will check back to this build when I reach 40 with pvp gear, pyro is just too good at my lvl . :) Edited by BobaFurz
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I am a full tank spec at lvl 41 for pve. I can dish out a good amount of damage, always end up in the top 5 with a minimum of 6-7 medals and around 100k damage.


It is all about how you play. Yeah I lack skills like snares and stuff, but I make up for it in defending the ball carrier, bomb planter etc.


I also have no problems 1 on 1 with lvl 30-49. I kick there arse most of the time and they can kick my arse.

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I dont use tank stance anymore in pvp unless you have a healer its useless..


having played a Jedi tank having all that shield, defense, evade is nothing in pvp.. better to burn them down quicker..


for a PT it's actually not a bad idea, because how PT's work. we completely ignore avoidance (we get no boosts beyond the 5% base, and our shielding bonuses), PT's get the highest pure damage reduction to just take hits like a baws.


Guardans are behind by about 6-7%, and make up for it in defense; which is worthless in pve.


Something 've noticed though, is you have to use your whole toolbox as a Shieldtech, mostly due to ST giving you no real new attacks to fill a rotation with -- at level 33 I pulled 210k and 9 medals in a voidstar match, just door defending with explosive dart + unload (as a shieldtech it's really nice dps since ion gas is on-hit not on ability, so you can trigger it 2-3 times per use so it's decent burst, you can then just rail shot -> charge -> rocket punch and well, dead guy is usually dead.


plus the hilarity of watching a sage/shadow use force speed after blowing the door to reach the bridge and juuuuust as his force speed runs out, hitting him with grapple -> electro dart -> rocket punch -> rail shot -> explosive dart -> unload and anyone without heals is a red stain on the ground.


get hurt? energy shield -> Kolto-overload, they're now hitting me like a little girl.


Shieldtech is very nice in pvp, and i'm only 33, I can imagine going Carolina Parakeet would raise the effectiveness of this massively, since the top two tiers of shieldtech are worthless for pvp

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