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Cross Class Quests


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One thing I haven't found in SWTOR, (yet?) but feel is important for the Star Wars feel is the class stories intermingling with each other. So far from what I've seen, it's been like 8 stories that all happen to take place on the same planets but the class quests have nothing to do with each other (that I've found).


It would be nice if some classes got quests that were based partly (and in a spoiler-free way) on the quests other classes are doing for their class quest, perhaps in a way that only makes sense when you replay the other class, but not so intrusive that the player feels a need to play the other classes to understand their own.


I can give an example using some Empire quests on Hutta & Dromund Kaas




In the Imperial Agent starter quest, you quickly meet a bounty hunter. Since there is a bounty hunter class quest already, that character would be a great source of involvement on both sides. The bounty hunter could have had an early "cameo" of that bounty hunter arriving on Hutta, and perhaps part of the quest of getting to see the Hutt.


On Dromund Kaas, all 4 class quests end at the Temple. The two Sith classes are allowed to go there, but the other two aren't. They each have their own story on why, but that story could have been combined. The Agent could have been given a bonus mission with the cover story of "assisting another covert operation" with the task of disabling some security measures. The Bounty hunter's quest could have included "a contact in Imperial Intelligence is giving you an open window to get into the Temple".




These are small touches and minor details, but that level of attention to detail would bring the story telling to a whole new level and give players a bonus when they reroll to new characters and continue following the story. They learn answers to questions they never knew they had.


With the number of shared locations, there have been lots of missed possibilities for cross-class content. I only hope that, either it's already there and I haven't found it, or it becomes part of the newer content.

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Not a bad idea, but the problem is that any Bounty Hunter or whoever you mention will always be an off screen factor, so either it'll be a character you'll never see and whose mentions are only vague at best, or you risk spoiling the class story of another class long before you had planned to play that class. Or alternatively, if the Bounty Hunter is an on-screen presence he or she might differ from how the player envisioned them.
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Not a bad idea, but the problem is that any Bounty Hunter or whoever you mention will always be an off screen factor, so either it'll be a character you'll never see and whose mentions are only vague at best, or you risk spoiling the class story of another class long before you had planned to play that class. Or alternatively, if the Bounty Hunter is an on-screen presence he or she might differ from how the player envisioned them.


No on screen presence or involvement of an actual 2nd player or NPC equivalent. what combines the two classes together are the events. It does require a subtle touch to avoid spoilers, but that's not the hard part. The "vague at best" is pretty much what I'm talking about. Something that ties the classes together. If you play only 1 class, you only get the vaguest hints at something. Play all 4 and you have insight into the greater picture and how everything ties together. Let's break down parts of Episode IV into its "class quest" components.



Travelling aboard a starship

Meet with Princess Leia and given a mission

Escape from the ship, captured by Jawas

Purchased by Luke Skywalker

Locate Ben Kenobi

Travel with Luke to Kenobi's house, then to Mos Eisley

Be allowed through customs

Be kicked out of a bar

Hide from troopers

Travel on Millenium Falcon to Death Star

Locate Leia and give out quest to rescue

Wait in control room

Sneak out past troopers

Receive comm from Luke Skywalker and disable trash compactor

Meet up with rest of group at Millenium Falcon

Be Luke Skywalker's Companion for Death Star attack. Destroyed and gets revived after the fight


Ben Kenobi:

Rescue Luke Skywalker and droids from sand people

Visit Home with Luke Skywalker and droids

Discover Sandcrawler

Wait for Luke Skywalker to return from Go Home quest

Travel to Mos eisley

Mind trick on troopers

Enter a bar

Talk to Chewbacca

Save Luke Skywalker from dunk patron

Offer quest to Han Solo to travel to Alderaan.

Travel on Millenium Falcon to Death Star

Accept solo quest to disable the tractor beams

Succeed mission objective, but dies to the Elite Boss. All teammates are out of range for in-combat revive. Kicked from the team, but continues to help with /whisper to Luke Skywalker


Princess Leia:

Gives quest to R2D2

Captured by Darth Vader

Interrogated by Darth Vader

Sees cutscene for Alderaan blown up

Rescued by Luke Skywalker & Han Solo

Escapes aboard Millenium Falcon

Goes AFK at command center while Luke Skywalker leads 16-man Operation


Han Solo:

Meets Ben Kenobi at Mos Eisley and accepts quest to go to Alderaan

Sneak attack critical hit 1-shot on Greedo

Travels on Millenium Falcon to Death Star

Waits in control room while Ben Kenobi starts his quest

Accepts quest to rescue princess

Gets into fight with troopers at the prison level. Troopers are in infinite respawn. Flees combat through a hatch

Almost killed in trash compactor

Does AoE fear on troopers and gives chase

Fear expires and flees from combat

Meets up with group at Millenium Falcon

Space combat mini-game. Destroys 2 TIE fighters

Flies to Rebel base

Gets reward for Rescue Princess quest

Leaves the team

Rejoins the team in the middle of Death Star operation to help with the final encounter


Luke Skywalker:

Boring intro quests

Buys 2 droids

Chases after droids and gets ambushed & incapacitated by Sandpeople

Revived by Ben Kenobi

Travels to Ben Kenobi's house for dialog

Finds Sandcrawler. Accepts timed quest Return Home

Mission timer expires before getting to quest location. Quest failed. Returns to Kenobi

Travels to Mos Eisley

Sells speeder to NPC for fraction of the purchase price

Travels on Millenium Falcon to Death Star

Waits in control room with rest of the team. Kenobi wanders off to do his own thing

Talks Han Solo & Chewbacca into 3-manning Heroic 4 "Rescue Princess"

Rescues princess, jumps into the garbage

Uses comm to give C3P0/R2D2 quest to shut down the trash compactors

Meets up with group at Millenium Falcon

Sees Ben Kenobi trying to solo boss. Ben Kenobi dies. Too many mobs in the way. Damn noob.

Shoots down 2 TIE-Fighters

Goes to Rebel Base

Accepts Space Operation to Destroy Death Star. Most other players in the operation died and logged off. Han Solo invited late in the raid to help finish it off.



Each of these characters has a unique story and unique view, and when combined correctly creates a cohesive story. The exact same thing can't be done in SWTOR because of spoiler issues, but a smaller scale can be done with small touches.

Edited by Sabarok
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