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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

An idea for a new Jedi Companion.


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A Yoda character. (dont believe they disclosed his race) He would be harnessed to the player Via Backpack. Like when Yoda Trains Luke in episode 5. I think this is a great idea. I can see him jumping out of the back pack throwing his saber into people, Sounds epic. Or even stay and deflect blaster shots - possibilities = endless


Now maybe a way to balance it would be to only have it available to lvl 50 characters.


what do u guys say?! lets make this happen.



If anything he could be a pet that u could buy for 1,000,000,000,000,000 republic credits.

Edited by dbStriker
thought of something else to add to topic
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Every time I see a Jawa, I wish I could make a Jawa Sentinel. My guild gets tired of me saying it.


I don't know if there is any record of Jawa's being force sensitive but if a fleshraider can be a jedi, I don't see why not.


Not a fan of Yoda species companion, as the only other known characters of this species from SW fiction are all very powerful jedi masters... it just doesn't make sense. They are meant to be mysterious, unknown and very powerful. Lucas has gone out of his way to keep it that way.

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Not a fan of Yoda species companion, as the only other known characters of this species from SW fiction are all very powerful jedi masters... it just doesn't make sense. They are meant to be mysterious, unknown and very powerful. Lucas has gone out of his way to keep it that way.




Also, not sure having a companion stuck to your back would be all that balanced on PVP servers... Like at ALL. Running into a Jedi wtih a companion stuck in a backpack in open world in a PVP situation would be a huge pain in the butt. You lose the ability to get the player seperated from the companion and kills all sorts of strategies for taking on players with companions.

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No Yoda. No Ewoks.


First off, the Yoda companion is never gonna happen. Secondly, Ewoks haven't even been discovered in this era yet, so that's never gonna happen either. All the wishing and hoping in the world for Ewoks and Endor is a waste of time.


There has to be a compelling "gap" in the Jedi Knight's companion profile. What archetypes are missing?


Male Jedi Knights


The Loyal Sidekick: T7-M1

The Sarcastic (Lovable?) Rogue: Doc

The Girl: Kira Carsen

The Serious Buttkicker: Rusk

The Mystery Man: Lord Scourge


Female Jedi Knights


The Loyal Sidekick: T7-M1

The Troubled Apprentice: Kira Carsen

The Guy: Doc

The Serious Buttkicker: Rusk

The Mystery Man: Lord Scourge


What the Jedi Knight needs is either a Force Savant (i.e. companion with a great potential to use the Force except no formal training ala Luke Skywalker) or the Dour Realist (i.e. a companion who always believes every mission is gonna end in certain death to the humorous chagrin of everyone else).


For a Force Savant, I think there are any number of aliens that would fit this bill. In order to make the teachable moments of the character's growth more poignant, however, this character would need to be able to speak Basic and have human-like facial expressions. My suggestions would be one of the following: female Human, female Arkanian, female Omwati or female Wroonian.


Force Savant Companion Analogue: Jedi Sage (burst damage, CC)


For a Dour Realist, the alien selection could be broader as he wouldn't necessarily have to speak Basic or possess human-like facial expressions. For the sake of canon and lore, my first choice would be a male Advozse due to their overly pessimistic nature. However, any of the following would fit nicely: male Rodian, male Bothan, male Vultan, male Nautolan, or male Advozse.


Dour Realist Companion Analogue: Mercenary (tanky DPS)


There are two criteria for all future companion additions: Archetypes (to fit in with the story) and Class Analogues (to diversify the crew).

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