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Let's brainstorm on Ilum fixes


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I think many of us will agree that Ilum, as it stands, is an unmitigated disaster on many servers and on many levels. Prior to 1.1 the zone was a snore-fest with most people objective swapping in the center of the zone to finish dailies before going back to warzones where the majority of the good (yes, my opinion) PvP takes place. While this was boring and contrary to the point of Ilum, at least all parties had equal access to finishing the daily and weekly quests.


On my server (Keller's Void), and many others based on a number of posts I've read, the Republic side (I play Republic) has given up entirely on the zone. Ilum now consists of 30 Imperials sitting on the central objective clicking boxes. So essentially, the zone is just as boring but only Imperials are now able to complete the dailies.


My personal preference, given the abject failure of this zone, is to abandon the dailies here entirely, give double the rewards for the warzone dailies and let Ilum be for the occasional guild v guild feud settling or what have you. I would, however, like to get a forum going where people can throw around workable ideas to potentially come up with a better solution.


So let's get the conversation started! What would you like to be changed regarding Ilum to improve the overall experience?

Edited by Supercaptain
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My personal preference, given the abject failure of this zone, is to abandon the dailies here entirely, give double the rewards for the warzone dailies and let Ilum be for the occasional guild v guild feud settling or what have you. I would, however, like to get a forum going where people can throw around workable ideas to potentially come up with a better solution.


So let's get the conversation started! What would you like to be changed regarding Ilum to improve the overall experience?



1) If one side SIGNIFIGANTLY outnumbers the other, boost the smaller side with generated NPC defenders and additional turrets. Not enough to be impossible to beat, but to help even the odds. Also, add a boost to the defender via an underdog buff.


2) Have stronger NPC defenses at all control points.

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OK I take it back; you might not need an expantion for a "real" 3rd faction. As a band-aid to not having a 3rd faction, BioWare could initiate an option for players to join an Ilum only 3rd faction and people can switch beteen their normal faction and the Neutral faction.


Give players incentives for being with the various factions.


Thus sith and jedi could actually be on the same team on Ilum and would act as a balancing force (heh) against the other two.


That's the bare-bones idea; obviously there would have to be mechanics introduced so people couldn't exploit faction switching.

Edited by Brickabrack
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Honestly there needs to be some reason other than killing people to go there. They really should have had bases that we can capture or zones with resources ect. Right now the only reason to go there is to mindlessly kill people for valor. It would make it a lot more fun if there was an objective like capturing a base with special perks.
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Huts could be third faction.


Expand the Star Cabal, make it where they actually weren't wiped out.


Have a large scale revolution in the border area of the Empire/Republic where powerful worlds break away on both sides because they are the one bearing the brunt of the cold war and start a new faction.

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OK I take it back; you might not need an expantion for a 3rd faction. As a band-aid to not having a 3rd faction, BioWare could initiate an option for players to join an Ilum only 3rd faction and people can switch beteen their normal faction and the Neutral faction.


Give players incentives for being with the various factions.


Thus sith and jedi could actually be on the same team on Ilum and would act as a balancing force (heh) against the other two.


That's the bare-bones idea; obviously there would have to be mechanics introduced so people couldn't exploit faction switching.


I think the problem with this is any faction has to somehow fit into the Star Wars Universe and the timeframe it's set in. They can't just make one up on the fly. That's why I asked what this third faction would be.

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What would the third faction be though? Just curious.


Oh it could be anything really. If we're talking expansion, I would probably say the Hutts or Mandalorians being their own faction (because they kind of are in the Star Wars Lore anyway). Or they could get creative and just introduce an outside threat to both Republic and Empire, but the problem with that is you would probably have to introduce new classes as well, and that might be asking for too much.

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I think the problem with this is any faction has to somehow fit into the Star Wars Universe and the timeframe it's set in. They can't just make one up on the fly. That's why I asked what this third faction would be.


The Confederacy of Independant Systems in EP 1/2/3 was pretty much made up, it didn't even have that many worlds compared to the rest of the Republic. A breakaway, ESPECIALLY with the corruption in the Republic and the general "Emperor not really paying attention" in the Empire, is not too far fetched.

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Huts could be third faction.


Expand the Star Cabal, make it where they actually weren't wiped out.


Have a large scale revolution in the border area of the Empire/Republic where powerful worlds break away on both sides because they are the one bearing the brunt of the cold war and start a new faction.


Sounds cool, personally I like the idea of a third faction. I've never really liked two faction PVP, it just doesn't ever seem to turn out well because it's always lopsided for one or the other.

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How about just removing the factions in Ilum? You could be randomly assigned to a Red/Blue team when you zone in instead. Far from ideal but I don't understand why you would have a faction vs faction zone in any game, they just don't ever seem to work. But I don't have a level 50 yet so maybe I'm talking gibberish.
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I laugh at DAoC fanboys all the time, but the other day I read something. I am now convinced that 3 faction PVP makes sense. I got rolled for years as Alliance. Yesterday I took advantage of Rifts free 4 days and got Rolled all day as Defiant(led to me basically rage logging lol).


Basically the fun dies faster for those who are the faction that gets rolled. I honestly hadn't done a BG in WOW for maybe 2 years when I quit in August.


3 factions =You can either Gang up on the strongest faction or Gang Up on the OP classes of a Faction.


So there you have it. The article I read made me a believer in DAoC's 3 faction format.

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I had some ideas for Ilum.

It seems to me that the map have few real interest points. There's no reason to have such large map if the fight happens at few locations. And the mechanic of get the points, well, it not have a real tactical benefit for it.


What i thougth:

It could have some other points of interest that really change something in the battle.

It could have one or two resources for each team to build things on the map or power up the particle guns and other possible guns like machinegun blasters. Like a real time strategy game.

Resources: Metals or minerals (to build guns and repair lost guns in the base) and energy to energize those guns, it could have levels of energy and the towers could improve its damage if have more power, or perhaps the number of active guns could rise.


It could have some mines in the field that you need to capture, when you have those mines your metal or mineral stock increases over time.


It could have some power generators in the map. Each power generator increase the current level of power allowing you to build more guns and/or improve its damage.

Together with generators could have power lines connectin the power generator to your base or enemy's base. Enemy's could plant bombs in the power lines to disable it, and allies could fix it. Same thing with generators, a faction could sabotage the generator and/or sabotage the power lines.


Inside this complex zone system, it could have specific ranks for ilum separated from valor. Ilum ranks. Reaching specifics rank levels could alow you access manager options like build things like the particle gun, or improve some defenses. High Ilum rank level could abilitate some options in the map screen or one high ilum rank level could enter a

commander room with manager devices where to build some things.


With resources it could build and palce some automated defense system like turrets to aid. So the ganked team could have some help.


I made map how i think it could be -> Ilum Benets Map


The red thing is the generators and the red lines is the power lines connecting it to the bases. The square box could be the power line towers where players can sabotage with bombs. perhaps we could get bombs in a factory inside our base to plant on objectives. The western power generator on the center is bigger and provide more power than the other but both factions can use it but player could sabotage the power lines and/or the generator. If they sabotage the power lines the all the power of this generator goes to your faction. Or you could destroy the generator so none would have this power. (well its a strategic decision, if you can't get your lines fixed you could destoy the generator so nor you nor the oposite will benefit for it for some time until it's fixed).

The purpe triangles could be the entrance of mines people could dominate to earn minerals over time.


Some of those objectives could be a phased zone like mission zones, or a class phased story zones. But a phased pvp zone where the number inside are limited for fewer participants. Like 4 or 8. So inside those objectives at least it could be balanced the number. It don't matter if Imps have 100 players in Ilum, in the mines only can enter 4 or 8 each time.


Like a mini warzone or a dinamic arena. Could have a safe wait room in the entrance for each faction where player cannot be attacked and players enter in the mine when open a spot. It could have a respawn time for other enter. Like when sombody inside die need to wait 20 seconds to other enter.


The center of the map could be something like a castle or base you could siege and mount defense systems. The team on control could use their weapons and have a closer spawn points to enemy base, soh the battle a progression not skip everything and go to enemy base, if you dont get or dominate a respawn point you walk more to reach the battle zone.


So it could be a massive dynamic mix of world pvp with elements of arena style and warzones.


Another idea is, could have some uses for the crafting professions. Each professions could have tasks or bonus in some things. And perhaps specifics missions inside it.


They could click in a console or part near the itens and open like a craft menu spefic for ilum with gathering materials found only at ilum pvp zone and used only for ilum purposes. Those material collected could go not to the person who gather but it could go for the faction resourse like a faction bank with all pvp gathered itens on ilum or resouce bar.


Armormech could 'work' on turrets and guns and automated defense systems and improve the life of it.


Armstech could improve the damage of those guns.


Artifice could build better crystal or enhance to put on guns and improve the fire rate for exemple.


Biochem could build medical droids on objetive improving the life or people near it, like a becon or rasing the life regeneration.


Cybertech could build combat droids or improve some aspect of defense systems.


Synthweaving, this hard lol, dunno, build some camuflage covers for systems so players only see the defense system when got too close, or build "bunkers" or tents or camps with camouflage that give a lesser stealth a zone for a while to everybody inside it, enemy will only see you when enter the zone.


Also some professions could have bonus for some tasks, like, slicing and/or cybertech could use the gun consoles faster than normal to fix it. Armstech could have a improved rocket to fire at vehicles with rockes, or faster or more damage. Like if a armortech improved the resistance of vehicles the life could be improved and you could only destry with 3 shots. But an armstech could still do it with 1 shot. Or activate de bazooka faster. Or armstech could have a improved particle gun like more time using it (channeling). And so on.


Ilum could have some timed or random events. Like A ship fall and the factions need to reach and secure it till the event time ends to get something that could give some advantage. Like 1% damage for an hour in ilum or extra 20% valor bonus for 1 hour. Or ilum resources.


Also Ilum bases could have some other things like artillery with limited range. Once per half-hour you could activate a part of map in range of artillery, not too far, and do an (not lethal) aoe damage to enemies in the area of effect. Like 200 per second for 20 seconds. (4k total damage).


And perhaps an orbital bombardment with same caracteristcs but no limit range once per hour or 2 hours.

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