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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Has the exploiter community been around for a while, even pre-swtor?


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I remember in SWG when a player first figured out how to do the IG-88 instance solo. Months later someone with a bat pet figured out how to solo that instance where you board a ship. Then it also had bots. I had level 90 characters who sole purpose was to give me officer tacs, and an ent to give me a buff. Oh yeah, it was possible to dual log multiple accounts in SWG. Then at night (all night) there were players who AFK played to grind holos and junk loot for sale. SWG devs admitted it was a problem, but said they didn't have the staff to enforce the rules. Also, most players AFK grinded their pet's level in less than 2 days.


So, have things changed that much? With all the legitimate griefing in this game, I'd say no. Heck, I just saw an exploit last night in huttball I didn't know about.

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