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Remove CvC, Add PvP


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Dear Bioware,


In the game now (as in most MMOs) there is no such thing as PvP. What we have is a CvC (Character versus Character) system which is 100% impossible to balance due to the fact that progression is involved.


My suggestion is this: When a character is in a warzone, all stats are removed from the character/gear and a set of base stats is applied. These base stats will vary by class/spec as necessary to reach an "optimum" level. Secondary stats like Critical, Alarcity, etc. should then only be available through on use items like trinkets or stims.


By doing this, you remove the Character from the arena and allow the Player's skill to determine the outcome making the game a true PvP match.


This will also allow you to remove the bracketing which will help queue times.


Obviously, this same principle can be applied to the world PvP planet(s), however it would be impractical to apply to other "world PvP".


Now I understand that the reason that the progression or "gear grind" is so often used in MMOs is that it promotes subscription renewal and seasonal achievement and that some steps must be taken to keep those facets alive. Mounts, Titles, and Cosmetic Changes will all give the players something to work towards each PvP season and will achieve the same developer goal as the gear grind without unbalancing PvP or turning it into CvC.


I know that my idea contradicts all common "wisdom" with regard to MMO CvC, but the idea of being able to have balanced PvP with an RPG character just doesn't make any logical sense at all. With an RPG, the result is supposed to be determined by the Character and to achieve that result we have stats. In PvP, the result is supposed to be determined by the player's skills and therefore the two concepts are OPPOSITES!

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