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Balancing: Nerf Now. Buff Later.


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People are angry that slicing, biochem and cybertech got nerfed instead of buffing the other crew skills. Leaving aside how ineffective the biochem nerf was, (I doubt a single biochemist became an armstech due to the nerfs) nerfing the skills everyone flocks to instead of buffing the others is always the way to go...at first.


It's easy to turn down numbers and while it may make players angry it rarely causes more than an annoyance. But buffs can be game breaking. Look at their attempt at adding valor to Ilum. It was exploited in moments, making people demand a rollback, now the people that benefited, have those benefits forever.


It takes time to carefully balance buffs to make sure they are in line with pve and pvp. So I'll give them a few months to figure out a way to make crafting viable, to play test it, and make sure it works before I go all /ragequit in the forums.

Edited by Lady_Alyria
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