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Changeing factions will fix illum


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I play Empire 50 sorc and find illum extremely boring just allow changing factions it wouldn"t be a determent to the story telling just make it a quest that requires lv 50 as to not impair the class quests. then once more class quests come out after expansion just make small alterations to the class quests once you defect. 90% of my guild said we would roll republic if we had the option to defect with the toons we have already invested time into. And it wouldn't be outside of the basic lore of the star wars universe for say a jedi to fall to the dark side....(duh). I'd rather be a repub who has 100 targets to fight then be one of the 100 that does circles in illum for 15 min hoping to see someone and hope someone else doesn't kill them b4 i can target them. I just dont want to leave my guild and have to re roll a toon after iv invested time in the only toon i have interest in playing.
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Someone yesterday suggested having a quest chain set up to where you can "defect to Republic." I thought that was a brilliant idea.


I like the idea too, but the logistics for implementing that would not be trivial.

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they have a faction change chain quest for EQ2.

i made a BH for the hopes that they would add something like that since i hate the imps and have been on the republic side since SWG.

imps outnumbered republic there why would it be any different here.


furthermore i get that you took the time getting to 50 on your main and gearing him as well but leveling is fast in this game.

simply make a new toon you can have opposite side faction toons on the same server.

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Imbalance will still be there but the people who want to enjoy pvp will be quick to hop to the republic side our allegiance is to our force lightning, red light sabers, and better race choice. Not the empire. So said game plan will allow this to happen with no issues.
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they have a faction change chain quest for EQ2.

i made a BH for the hopes that they would add something like that since i hate the imps and have been on the republic side since SWG.

imps outnumbered republic there why would it be any different here.


furthermore i get that you took the time getting to 50 on your main and gearing him as well but leveling is fast in this game.

simply make a new toon you can have opposite side faction toons on the same server.


its not as much about time spent leveling i like having a red tatted face with horns.


PS thanks for being an eq2 vet these wow children have no idea how easy they have it.

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