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Companion Story on Hiatus


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This probably just seems like another in a long line of posts requesting same sex relationships but all I really want is a little clarification. The issue I am dealing with is that I would really like to have a relationship with Vette and to witness that story arc for my marauder (I screwed up with my juggernaut and ended up with Jaesa) but I made my marauder a female so that just isn't possible at the moment.


It has been officially stated that same sex relationships will be available post launch though and that is where my issue comes into play. For the last 15-16 levels I have had a triangle staring at me whenever I get onto my ship and whenever I group with Vette she wants to talk to me but I have to ignore her because I am at the point in her story arc that initializes the romantic arc. If I do the quest and then, say a month or two from now, same sex relationships are opened broadly then I will have lost the chance to experience that arc.


So all I really want to know is when same sex relationships are going to be introduced are they going to be retroactive to our current companions? If we have past the point in the story arc where the romance starts will there be a way to reinitialize it if we are past that point? or will it be assumed that our current companions are strictly heterosexual and same sex relationships will only apply towards new companions to be added later?


Any information would be appreciated.

Edited by Rouncer
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Yeh, welcome to the club. I see posts like this pop up everywhere, filled with nothing but community speculation. I\v been watching the Dev tracker and everything, you would think they would throw us a bone and say something about it, ****.


Hell even a conformation of being read by a dev would be nice, even a "We're working on it" or arguing about it with people or something. It feels like this topic is being 100% ignored by the developer team. It just makes me think that "going gay" is never going to happen with a Lucas arts/EA attached game and we should just forget about it.


If that's the case just tell us. We're all waiting, bioware.

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the general consensus seem to be that when/if they introduce same sex it will be with new companions, not the existing ones. the logistics of back filling with the current companions would just make it impractical.


It would actually be significantly easier than creating entirely new companions and I've seen nothing stating that new companions is the only intention anyway. Hopefully they get to it sooner rather than later.


My JK (and soon to be my subscription) is on hiatus as well till we get the missing content added in.

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