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[Suggestion] Global chat (LFG Channel)


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Lets face it no one likes going to fleet to look for group or going to certain planets to look for group. It means you have to drop questing/gathering and switch modes just to run an FP or maybe do a Heroic on another planet. Or maybe there is a Ilum uprising and your faction needs everyone to come to Ilum to fight off the other faction.


I would like to see a global chat channel that spans all planets so that everyone can talk, LFG regardless of their location.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves with this game is that everyone is so seperated across the planets from each other.


hurts the social aspect of the game.


We know theres already global channels in the game by using /create xxx channel name then telling people to join it so I cant imagine adding a built global chat would be to hard...

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I really just want to toss in my experience here.


Though I'm one of several thousand, I'm sure some people feel the same way. Ahem.


I have a great computer, very high-end, and for the most part I do not deal with FPS issues. However, once I get on the Fleet for any reason, at ANYTIME of day with ANY AMOUNT of people, my system crawls to a slide show. That said, I just do not go into the Fleet if I have to. I sit in my ship if I'm currently not questing.


Except with my friend who got early access and far outlevelled me and ran me through Black Talon 3-4 times, I have never stepped inside a Flash Point. And it saddens me, because it would greatly break up the tedium of questing and allow me to do that content.


I am also a dedicated healer, so I feel like a waste for those spamming /1 in Fleet for "LF1M Healer, for XXXX FP."


I support a dungeon finder, but failing that, a general LFG would be awesome. I understand it may devolve into a server wide chat room, but placing restrictions (Like you can only type once every 60 seconds) could alleviate that problem.


If we're going to get a dungeon finder in the near future, I still think a General LFG channel would suffice in its meantime.

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