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Plea to the masses - not qq


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My name is Flaunt, and I play on Darth Malak - Last Rites Is looking for people to even the odds on our server, and in general, begging people to even the odds on every server.


In order for this game to truely thrive and make it past the initial first few months without them having to close servers or merge servers, we need people to step up to the plate and reroll Republic. The severe population imbalance on most servers is not something that will yield a fruitful game environment.


There are servers such as the one I come from - Darth Malak - Where the Imp to Repub ratio is seemingly, and not exagerated, around 7:1


I understand what this entails, leaving a high level imperial character and rerolling and starting over from scratch, but this game desperately needs balance in order to somewhat succeed. There are no gamebreaking racials, and no benefit to playing imperial other than the asthetics, which you can achieve the same asthetics if you go darkside on your repub character.


We need people to step up and make the switch, because as more and more people begin to play this game, people who are newer will always flock to the side who is more represented on a server due to easier questing, instancing, ops.


Please step up and make the switch, the game needs it.

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Actually, Empire characters level faster because the zones are smaller, and many Republic skills have animation delays and random other issues that make them inferior to their Empire counterparts.


I play Republic, and honestly I'm about to just give up and play only Empire. I have a Scoundrel and an Operative and the Scoundrel plays like garbage.

Edited by savionen
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