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This is where you messed up.....


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You made a 50's bracket. Let me explain why.....


First off the 50's bracket doesnt effect me, im gonna win regardless with my pre-made and /slap people as i do it.


You ruined the game for the other 95%. 95% of mmo players are terrible, backwalking clickers that dont know the ins and outs of the opposing classes and dont learn to adapt and anticipate there surroundings. The only chance they were ever going to have was with the old single 10-50 bracket. You basically applified how bad players are by sticking them in a 50's bracket. Now cc is 10 times more important, now not breaking a cc is 100 times more important. You took away the only chance a bad player had at being accepted. Now they will all be bashed on forever by the elitests. Right up until this patch I didnt care who was on my team, i would solo queue and it really didnt matter....i was ready to carry the team.


What you did now was tell players they dont want to hit max level. Cuz when they do, they gotta face people like me and my team. Before this patch they probably had to deal with my team 10 times in a month. And now they gotta deal with us 3+ times a day. They will never win, they wait in queue for 30 min and have to play us. LOL


If you ask then why would lowbies pvp, well then i would tell you to allow them to stock up on bags so when they hit 50, they dont hit the gear wall as hard and now that they payed there due's and did the grind, guess who is a 50 champ now and feels good about finally / hopefully being able to kill people, thats right the people who suck.

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The devs can't filter us into warzones based on the same gear, abilities, and skill. Level 50 is a good bracket and shouldn't be filtered more because players aren't that good. The only way players are going to get better is if they play harder teams/players. I disagree with OP.
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Actually We've been having a lot more fun now that there is a 50's only bracket.


It's true the queues are longer but playing a fight against even-leveled players is exhilarating.


As for bad players not finding acceptance? Well... they can stop being carried by the team and actually learn to contribute. Why is that a bad thing exactly?

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Just admit you are mad you can't roll grey's any more. Your nerd-rage is too obvious.


If you read this and that is your conclusion I think you missed the point. I still roll the 50's, that aint ever going to change. It is the bad players who will have nothing to roll over, they will complain forever that gear is too strong and blah blah. Until you give all the bad players a reason to feel good about themselves they will just complain that others are better. (If you havent noticed this country is turning into this exact same mentality where people feel entitled to everything).


Honestly they had done it right, BIOWARE found the best way to keep a high % of there level 50 playerbase happy. And they threw it away.....they took away the only thing bad players were going to be able to beat, and thats lower level bad players. If you wanted to add a competitive arena type system to the game then that would have been the next step. But realistically there was no logical reason to make the 50's bracket.

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