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A plea to the masses - not qq


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For those of you saying My guild should take the first leap, I AM REPUBLIC, already on this server.


Where in my text did you get any sort of hint that I was imperial?


Think he's implying that your guild should all re-roll and start over at level 1 like you are asking other people to do.

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It wouldnt change the fact that the imperials are overpopulated on virtually every server - I'm not asking for people to specifically come to this server and help us poor republic on this server alone.


Its a general statement, asking people to TRY to balance the factions. Even If we roll to some other server and stay republic, the amount of people playing republic vs imperials in a BROAD scale, wouldn't change at all, and erego has no effect.

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It's ironic because I thought all the kiddies would wanna be "ZOMG like luke skywalker" and be the "super duper good guys for JUSTICE!!!!!!" and all roll republic =/


In light of this assumption I rolled imperial for supposedly more mature and better community gameplay....now I roll republic.




republic has tons of mature players and imo has TONS less kiddes...



Why would anyone think that? It could have also been OMG I WANT LITNING and CHOKE PEOPLE VAAAAAAADDDDDDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!


Reality is people just choose a side regardless of maturity. In this game the Empire story line lets people be something they are usually not, mass murdering lunatics. I am trying to play a Republic character, have a Jedi Sentinel to 19 and a Trooper to 12. I just wish I had not choosen the Assault Cannon Trooper since he plays just like my Merc (did not think it through).

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I will join your cause. I always wanted to play on a PVP server but afraid of the frustration. Might as well give it a go since I want to play Republic.


Guild recruiting?


Last Rites on Darth Malak


We have great players, there are just 3 pure pvp guilds on imp side and we just cant compete number wise.

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