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What 1.2 patch notes SHOULD look like....


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You look like you're trying, but some of them are biased by bitterness.


The bubble ones for sages would make them no longer viable as healers. They heavily depend on that short instant to hold for a second between their heals. A nerf to Deliverance (their long casted heal) and Benevolence (their short, weaker heal) would be a far better solution to reduce survivability of dps sages. If you think the healer spec is too powerful, a nerf to Healing Trance (the channeled heal) would be your best bet.


The armor debuff from grav round doesn't need changing, the damage reduction makes sense, but they'd need a damage buff to other abilities that involve a combo with grav round. Their damage is acceptable currently, it's just too simple/mindless.


10% faction imbalance is acceptable. 30% buff is too much. Try more like 25% imbalance and 10% buff.


3 stars, would be more if you didn't succumb to bitterness. Some are very solid ideas. Can't speak for the Knight/Warrior or the Gunslinger/Sniper ones very effectively, haven't done as much research/alting with those classes. Scoundrels and Operatives don't need any more nerfs. They're fine, if not a little underpowered at the moment. I say this as someone who gets jumped by them, not as someone who plays one.


My main is a Jedi Shadow, so I approve of the thought to make Battle Readiness actually worth using as a dps cooldown, but that's too many buffs to it. Tone it down just a little imo.

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Can I give negative stars?


Your changes do absolutely nothing to help the actual issues of the game (such as lack of endgame, PVP lag, retarded looking gear for republic, bugs, etc) and instead panders to the clueless class balance whining on the forums.

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TM should have a short CD and be instacast.


If you want some "cool force powers" you should be willing to either give up range or heavy armor.


Knight = Melee restriction

Consular = light armor restriction.



Do try to keep up next time, though.


knight has dps and tons of interrupts, counsular has dps and tons of utility. merc has dps, so why do we have to give something up again oh knowledgeable counsular?

Edited by Cegenaus
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Since the OP wanted stars and since his ratings only go 1-5 I will say 1 Star.


A lot of your proposals would cripple classes to the point of not being playable.


You idea of the bonuses to the side with less people on at a time is also not a good solution. Other games have tried similar things with very little success. They need to put in more reasons for people to want to play republic. Just because it gets a bonus every 12 hours will not make me want to switch.

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For the start I don't want to be rude. So let me say I want to give it a 2 star rating... but then I realise I would give it -10.


1. Imperial Agent is overpowered greatly in pvp, now what ? You give it more boost. Cool bro`.

2. Jedi Consular is already vulnerable if not using Force Armor, what do you really do ? Give it a bigger cooldown.


Since my main character is a Jedi Sage DPS, I don't want these changes... these are really Empire boosting changes.


But... I can say I want that buff for the republic... since there are like 100 imps on 1 rep player.

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I should have mentioned to explain your opinion as well. Now we can only guess you are an op/scound/merc/commando...


Why are you crying about Operatives/ Scoundrels when it's the Troopers/ Bounty Hunters that need the nerf in this game. Everyone knows it.

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For the start I don't want to be rude. So let me say I want to give it a 2 star rating... but then I realise I would give it -10.


1. Imperial Agent is overpowered greatly in pvp, now what ? You give it more boost. Cool bro`.

2. Jedi Consular is already vulnerable if not using Force Armor, what do you really do ? Give it a bigger cooldown.


Since my main character is a Jedi Sage DPS, I don't want these changes... these are really Empire boosting changes.


But... I can say I want that buff for the republic... since there are like 100 imps on 1 rep player.


Not very accurate to say Operatives are 'greatly overpowered' when you play a Sage, which is pretty much the easiest thing for an Operative to kill. We are your anti-class. Try fighting someone with heavy armor as an Operative.

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Heres a Cool Idea stop chnging the things that work and just focus on teh bugs Bioware will never satisfy 2 million crying babys cause they suck at pvp.


Tel'damore Jedi Sentenal Watchman Spec.


Love the game. Hate the QQ.

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I'd tend to say you should leave the game design decisions (or if you put as much thoughts in everything, any decision...) to someone else.


That's a long post to just resume in "nerf everyone else, buff me up"... get some skills, that will solve your problems too.

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"-In addition, a new algorithm has been implemented that will auto-check faction population on servers every 12 hours. If the system detects an imbalance of greater than 10%. The lesser population receives a 30% buff to exp, and valor gains, for the next 12 hours until the pop is checked again. If the imbalance is greater than 50% the lesser faction gets a 10% max health bonus and a 5% bonus to damage and healing in addition to the above buff, again until the population is checked again."


Given the fact that there is only 24 hours in a day (last time I checked) you want them to consider a buff for one side or another for the majority of the play time? (Considering I know of very few people who play between 2-8 am) That's one of the most idiotic things I have read on the forums...and that says alot.... I am sorry but a 12 hour buff is friggen ridiculous to even suggest. Not only would it unbalance the game, not everyone plays at the time when the server would be checked.



"- Reduced the damage of Tracer Missile/Grav Round by 20% and reduced armor reduction debuff to 2% per stack. Updated tooltips to display changed values."


So you want to nerf the **** out of a primary ability for BH/Troopers? a 20% reduction, plus lowering the debuff to 10%? Another ridiculous idea.




"Sith Inquisitor Assassin. and Jedi Consulor Shadow.


- Increased the damage increase on Static Charge/Exit Strategy stacks to 8%, and reduced maximum amount of stacks to 3. Updated talent description.


- Reduced the internal cooldown of Surging Charge/Shadow Technique to 1.0 seconds, down from 1.5 seconds. Also increased the damage of the technique's attack by 5%.

Updated talent description and ability tooltip to represent change.


- Maul/Shadow Strike now has a 15% increased chance to crit when used from stealth. Ability tooltip has been updated.


- Reduced the force cost of Low Slash to 10, down from 30. Updated ability tooltip and talent description to match change.


- Overcharge Saber/Battle Readiness now reduce the force cost of all abilities by 15% and removes all internal cooldowns on techniques during it's duration. Ability tooltip has been updated."


One of the most OP classes in the game (I know because I have one) and you want to make them more OP? Fo reals?


"Imperial Agent Sniper, and Smuggler Gunslinger


- Critical chance increase on Between the Eyes/Slick Shooter has been increased to 4/8/12% respectively.


- Ambush/Aimed Shot, and Sniper/Charged burst now also reduce the duration of all damage absorbtion shield abilities currently in effect on the target by 2 seconds per hit. The tooltip of these abilities have been updated.


- Cover Pulse/Pulse Detonator now roots the target after the knockback for 2 seconds. Tooltips have been updated to corrently display this change.


- Increased the damage of Plasma probe/Incendiary Grenade by 15% and reduced duration by 3 seconds. Talent description and ability tooltip updated.


- Reduced duration of Interrogation Probe/Shock Charge to 12 seconds without changing damage, therefore increasing damage per tick.

Talent description and ability tooltip updated."



Just so I understand. You think schwarzeneggering IA/Smugglers and Assassins/Shadows is fair compared to your idea of nerfing the **** outta a weak hitting class? Srsly?


"-Lowered the total damagedone over time of Rupture/Cauterize by 20%. Tooltip changed to reflect alteration.


- Increased damage done by Ataru form's extra attack by 15%. Talent and tooltip changed to reflect alteration.


- Massacre/Blade rush now heals the Marauder/Sentinel for 2% (of maximum health) for every Ataru Form attack gained during the buff granted by this ability in addition to the 30% trigger chance increase. (6 second duration unchanged)"



Your ideas seem to increase the effectiveness for two particular classes and overall nerf the rest. Juggernauts for one don't need the incease in endure pain. I **** things with my Jug in PvP and PvE without ever touching endure pain. Giving the extra boost to both Health and duration is redundant. If you feel you absolutely need the extra utilty of 10 extra seconds of endure pain in order to effectively tank or play PvP re-roll.




Overall I am glad people like you don't work at Bioware. If I could give this heaping pile of Bantha poo doo (see what I did there?) a negative rating I would.

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Operatives/Scoundrels aren't even overpowered any more lol It's things like this that ruins the game because people see this and then complain about said classes because they died to them.


I feel bad for operative/Scoundrels, they'll be labelled overpowered until they can't kill anything.


i can say i have exp wit this lol i got a sith op and scoundrel both start out pretty decent but if

i do not have my gear updated contstantly i will die way to fast

not to mention the crappy tanks forced on my char lol

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You all have to learn to respect the people developing making changes to the game you rag them down for trying this round and expect them to take any suggestion you offer for later patches or expands.. thats a L0L moment if I do say so myself. If they make changes that dramatically affect the game in a bad way the people who post postitive polite feedback will be the ones they listen for. ... please I dont know any of them ...


5 Stars for effort


please watch how the conditions you change affect the gameplay some of us have respect. This is an awesome game and yes there are a few bugs thats for trying to consider a balance but if some changes were wrong after the fact ...change them or take them out ... save the codes ..make it easy to rollback thanks

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Bounty Hunter Mercenary, Trooper Commando.


- Tracer Missile/Grav Round has had it's cast time removed and increased armor reduction debuff to 10% per stack. Updated tooltips to display changed values.

- New Ability - Flash Grenade, instantly interrupts an enemy and stuns them for 10 seconds. Damage caused will not end the effect early.

- New Ability - Immortal, remove all movement impairing effects, and teleport to his/her desired location instantly with a scotch on the rocks and roastbeef sandwich.


Fixed it for ya :)

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