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Shadow or Sentinel


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To start, I usually like to pick a melee tank class, but a tank class with some thinking to it because I like to PvP more and don't like to be pidgeon holed into one role. My first character starting off was a Jedi Guardian(Lvl 21), I found this class mechanically a bit too simple and repetitive. My current character is a Jedi Shadow running in infiltration; he is fun in PvP and Ive managed to tank a few flashpoints. I usually score quite well in PvP, and the skills meet my needs. The thing is, the more I see higher level Jedi Sentinels, the more I am interested in the class. They seem to have amazing looking armor sets, and interesting skills. My question is end game, which two of these classes, the Jedi Shadow or the Jedi Sentinel will meet the needs of: An Off Tank, Dps Spec, PvP and Fun Factor. I do like stealth, being on an open pvp server, but as I see this game progress, it's really not a deal breaking factor, I run into groups too much for that I think. Enough of my rabble, what is your opinion?
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I have a lvl 38 Watchman Sentinel as my main and a Trooper Alt. Never played Shadow but in terms of off-tank I have heard Shadow is a viable options. Sentinel has some very good survivability with defensive cooldowns but I would never think to use them as a tank or even an off-tank. We are far too squishy to be effective in that role for anything other than an emergency. Once our cooldowns are all blown we wont last long as compared to more traditional tanks.
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The sentinel has no tanking tree, it is not good for even off tanking. Sure it has some defensive CDs but those are only good in a pinch and not for any real off tanking a group may need. Sentinel is a pure DPS class, which some say is lacking and needs dev attention. I haven't been playing my sent long enough to make that determination myself, so don't take it as gospel.


So if you want to melee dps/tank/offtank, the only choices are shadow or guardian, which of both of those, I'd say any shadow/guardian that isn't spec'd into their tanking tree would be a dps/offtank, while those spec'd into their tanking tree are tanks.

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Sent does not have any real tanking spec. As stated, Sents have a bunch of defensive cooldowns though. You can viably tank lower level stuff while leveling in most cases. For the endgame, bad idea.


Shadow has an actual tanking spec and can maintank stuff. Offtanking means using your tank stance with tank gear in a DPS spec. Or using DPS gear in a tank spec.


In terms of DPS, they're both fine.


In terms of fun, you're asking on the Sentinel forum.

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Thanks for the replies so far, I actually did a split run of this in both forums to get an idea lol. I meant to also ask if the Sentinel is a good cross in between the Guardian and the Shadow. What is survivability of Sentinel like in high ranked warzones or open pvp matches? Most likely in the end I will be pvping more than pve.
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Shadows can escape better with vanish. They have 'ok' defensive cooldowns.


Sentinels have much better defensive cooldowns ... Sent escape capabilities are slightly weaker, but pretty close.


Shadows gain slightly more opening burst damage and the "FIRST STRIKE" advantage from stealth. Also a few more utility capabilities like the knockback and long range stun.

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The sentinel has no tanking tree, it is not good for even off tanking. Sure it has some defensive CDs but those are only good in a pinch and not for any real off tanking a group may need. Sentinel is a pure DPS class, which some say is lacking and needs dev attention. I haven't been playing my sent long enough to make that determination myself, so don't take it as gospel.


So if you want to melee dps/tank/offtank, the only choices are shadow or guardian, which of both of those, I'd say any shadow/guardian that isn't spec'd into their tanking tree would be a dps/offtank, while those spec'd into their tanking tree are tanks.


vanguards can melee dps/offtank ;)

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Do sentinels get many force powers, or is it more similar to Guardian? I like the idea of Melee classes with some spell casting effect. I'm think you are going to say Shadow then haha.



I dont know what guardians get but sents get many force powers and abilities but miss probably the most iconic one imo, force push


No jedi is a true jedi without force push so we are like half jedi


Sents get force leap, blade storm, valorous, trasncendence, force stasis, zen, saber ward, dispatch, etc etc etc

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