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So much Rage on the forums


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Why does everyone get so upset so easily. I have to guess a large part of this newly formed community are transplants from other MMO such as WOW and Rift etc. Because I don't remember Beta being this bad. It just seems to be that people fly off the handle at the drop of a hat.


From PVP anger, to faction imbalance, to nerf this class to buff that class. The majority of the people posting seem more oriented to spitting insults at BW and other community members instead of taking a more objective stance with issues they have. Providing feedback to BW in a constructive manner believe it or not actually works with this company.


People seem very critical of BW and almost want to see its failure with SWTOR. As if taking some pleasure out of destroying years of hard work and passion of a really great game. Sure its not perfect but for release its pretty damn good!


Posts asking for why you closed your SWTOR account, or EA stock losses or why I hate BW seem anti productive and only cause grief with a company that only wants to please you. Believe it or not they want to make this game the best it can be, for you!


From one community member to another lets all try to make this game and its community the best it can be. Before you fly off the handle think of a way to provide feedback in a constructive way. Allow BW more then 24 hrs to analyse the communities issues before you nuke them with the rage posts.


We are all in this together, if you like the game help improve it, if you don't like the game, move on to another one. If you have left the game then don't continue to grief BW about why you left. Help BW help you, show a little patience and they will make this game the best it can be from your constructive input not from your rabid angry posts.

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This is generally just how it winds up. The General forum devolves into the place where people yip and screech that their demands are not being met, or people trolling the hell out of each other out of boredom.

Not that I approve of it. I hate how forums can get.

You can't stop them, lord knows we've all tried at one point or another on other boards.

Keep to smaller boards like the Community tab. The sanity will be a little more resistant to the madness.

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Few years ago I was playing Lineage 2 and I wrote very nice guide about healing and posted it on forum. After that I meet my friend IRL and told him what I have done and he was like : "ehh that's great but... I won't read it" I asked "why?" and he answered " because everytime I read forums I want to kill some1". Everyone who have seen official forums knows why, but it wasn't always like that. There are nice communites out there. Just dont expect to find one on official forum.
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Few years ago I was playing Lineage 2 and I wrote very nice guide about healing and posted it on forum. After that I meet my friend IRL and told him what I have done and he was like : "ehh that's great but... I won't read it" I asked "why?" and he answered " because everytime I read forums I want to kill some1". Everyone who have seen official forums knows why, but it wasn't always like that. There are nice communites out there. Just dont expect to find one on official forum.


You can find better communities within the cancer of the main community, which is where the chirping monkeys are. That's the wonderful part of sub-forums. They can be they're own dedicated communities if people put forth the effort.

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SWTOR fans that believe there's nothing wrong with the game,VS people who believe there is.Its a win win forum.




I love my little wafer of sarcasm.


Yes SWTOR fans,there's nothing wrong with the game ( other than the 1000's of bugs,exploits and hackers ) its completely fine.

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Forums can attract the most extreme views, because if you don't mind either way - why would you post.


I happily include myself in that extremist class; there's a few things that really annoy me. In an effort to contribute though I always try to vent that annoyance constructive and end posts with an actual suggestion. I'd encourage y'all to do the same in an effort to change the tone around here.

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I find agression can be channeled elsewhere, and the disposition of one side of the other would be far more civil if the mental image of a mob armed with pitchforks didn't come to mind after sifting through the diatribes.


By all means, if you have a concern, one should be free to voice it, but I feel that it should be kept in a civil manner without erupting into Glen Beck purely on the basis that you're venting in your post. It's a horrible and ineffective way of dealing with your annoyance as you're only going to hook the responses of people who are going to poke at your annoyances, leaving you more annoyed, than before you posted.

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SWTOR fans that believe there's nothing wrong with the game,VS people who believe there is.Its a win win forum.




I love my little wafer of sarcasm.


Yes SWTOR fans,there's nothing wrong with the game ( other than the 1000's of bugs,exploits and hackers ) its completely fine.


Those posts are usually in response to post about how the game is the worst game ever and Bioware is satan incarnate.


Anyhow, I think you illustrate the OPs point well.

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I find the private fan-supported forums are generally much more calm, but then they also have less traffic.


Ironically, drama is viewed as "entertainment" by many, so a thread with a lot of people yelling - for all the subsequent rage it induces - is still more read than a polite thread discussing things civilly.


It is, sadly, human nature and we generally have no one to blame but ourselves.


It's gotten me so jaded that every time someone complains, I play the game of "Troll Or Not Troll? with regard to the OP, which can end up offending deeply someone who is simply not that socially aware.

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Waaaaaa why don't you fix the bugs right now! Waaaaaa I want more end game! Waaaaaa I want better (fill in the blank).


These people want no solutions, they don't care in the least. They just love to be heard and get responses, any kind at all. In fact offer them a solution or an answer and they call you a fanboy and move on. The little troll flameboys don't bother me so much I just ignore them and give them nothing to work off of. Though I have to admit It is a little entertaining, if only for a few minutes, to come to forums as soon as there is an update and see them posting how they hate the update/fix when it is utterly impossible for them to even have been in game yet. No, the ones that bother me are the trolls that go to sights like youtube and present their doctored up renditions of the game and why its dead. They purposely are trying to sabotage the game.


I'm confident it will calm down some as the months move on. Many of these people are here for only a short time, they never intended to stay. I was in a chat group of gamers and several made same or similar comments: Oh yeah I'm looking forward to playing it for month or two I need short break from my game. Then I'll go back to (fill in mmo name) because it's better.


The forums will never be free of trolls but hopefully their numbers will dwindle. One can always hope. Till then I get in, find what I'm looking for and get out as fast as possible.

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Haters gonna hate, as the saying goes. :rolleyes:


I tend to liken them to monkeys flinging poo at anyone who comes close to their cages.


We're of like minds then. And while some might see it as "entertainment", they are welcome to that keep that to themselves. I'm not here to bask in the failure of human communication, I'm here to discuss a game I'm currently rather enjoing, which is part of a series that I am particularly fond on.

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There are two different games going on here. There's the game that you play, and, for the most part, enjoy quite a bit. And, then, for forum trolls, the forums are the game. They'll make an inflammatory post of some sort, and then see how many pages of comments that they can get before the thread gets locked. I personally play a different forum game when I'm at work. I write down every person's forum handle that writes "Quit" or "Unsub", and then every week or so, I'll search for them and see how many more posts they've written after they've said they've quit. In about 4 or 5 months, I suppose I'll put up a Troll thread with the stats. :)
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I agree. It can get extremely disheartening listen to a lot of flamers on these forums. Take heart, BioWare! Your game is loved! :)


you have not made it to end game to see all the flashpoint bugs yet have you? or the fact that pvp in this game is the worst pvp I have ever played.

Edited by Nithryok
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There are two different games going on here. There's the game that you play, and, for the most part, enjoy quite a bit. And, then, for forum trolls, the forums are the game. They'll make an inflammatory post of some sort, and then see how many pages of comments that they can get before the thread gets locked. I personally play a different forum game when I'm at work. I write down every person's forum handle that writes "Quit" or "Unsub", and then every week or so, I'll search for them and see how many more posts they've written after they've said they've quit. In about 4 or 5 months, I suppose I'll put up a Troll thread with the stats. :)


I look forward to seeing that post!


I really have a trouble coming to the forums because the negative and useless comments really get under my skin, and I'm sure some of them are intentionally put there for that very purpose. As many have said tho, there are some sections of these forums that are actually decent and helpful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

People go to forums to complain. That's it. There is nothing else on forums.


Everyone who doesn't have something to complain about are simply playing the game.


If you have not figured this out by now, you should probably steer clear of forums all together.

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Waaaaaa why don't you fix the bugs right now! Waaaaaa I want more end game! Waaaaaa I want better (fill in the blank).


These people want no solutions, they don't care in the least. They just love to be heard and get responses, any kind at all. In fact offer them a solution or an answer and they call you a fanboy and move on. The little troll flameboys don't bother me so much I just ignore them and give them nothing to work off of. Though I have to admit It is a little entertaining, if only for a few minutes, to come to forums as soon as there is an update and see them posting how they hate the update/fix when it is utterly impossible for them to even have been in game yet. No, the ones that bother me are the trolls that go to sights like youtube and present their doctored up renditions of the game and why its dead. They purposely are trying to sabotage the game.


I'm confident it will calm down some as the months move on. Many of these people are here for only a short time, they never intended to stay. I was in a chat group of gamers and several made same or similar comments: Oh yeah I'm looking forward to playing it for month or two I need short break from my game. Then I'll go back to (fill in mmo name) because it's better.


The forums will never be free of trolls but hopefully their numbers will dwindle. One can always hope. Till then I get in, find what I'm looking for and get out as fast as possible.


Sycophant claiming forum-posters are attention-seekers makes verbose post in the forums. News at 11.

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