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Could use help picking 3 crew skill.


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I have Biochem and Bioanalysis, but I already have another character with pretty high Diplomacy 320 so I figured I would just use him for Diplomacy.


I was curious what you would suggest as my 3rd crew skill? I really only need one just for the extra money, originally I was just going to do slicing, but with nodes being on such a long spawn rate there is very few of them around and missions being so poor it really doesn't worthwhile to pick up. I'm kind of thinking scavenging would be good, since I can loot bots and nodes then just sell it all on the GTN or just make an armormech/armstech alt. Would really love some input.


Btw my character is a lvl 13 Sage Seer. If that helps at all.

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It just doesn't really seem to be worth it honestly. Like bioanalysis for instance I can collect 2-4 green goos from each node so that's 160-320 credits per node and there a lot more and they respawn much faster, and can be farmed from mobs. While slicing each grade 1 node is only worth 80-120 credits ea and is few and far between.


Anyone have any other ideas?

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If you have the credits to level it, Underworld Trading can earn you a lot of profit. It requires continual investment, though, such as buying unlocked missions on the GTN. A 20k unlocked mission can be turned into 40k quite easily.


Don't discount Slicing, however. At 400 Slicing, the point is not credits and lock-boxes, it's those unlocked missions I was talking about, which you usually get on a critical roll. Most will sell for only about 3-4k, but the rare ones, like Underworld Trading or Treasure Hunting, can go for 15k to 25k, perhaps more. If you get really lucky and score an unlocked Slicing mission, then you get a purple augment; a really nice augment, such as +28 willpower or strength, can sell in the 50k to 75k range, or even higher depending on your server.


Slicing is an excellent gathering skill, as well. Some planets have sparse Slicing resource nodes, but other planets are littered with them. On Taris I had to keep opening them or they would fill up my inventory.


To be honest, most of the non-crafting professions can make you money, you just have to find out what the market needs and then supply it. That said, I don't think Scavenging has a lot going for it on most servers. It seems to be a high population skill, and the GTN is usually flooded with product. The only one I've found to really sell is Zal Alloy, and you won't be gathering that until you're nearly level 50.

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I'm biochem, bio-analysis and slicing....


I leveled Slicing first to 400 using my ship droid while fighting (and of course vette/quinn when they werent helpin). Once at 400 I started doing the 49-50 lockbox missions in order to get 340 crafting missions. This is the best way I've seen for a newer player to make money. It currently pays for my merc and sorcerers addictions as well. You can sell any of the 340 missions (at least on my server Khellars Void sp?) for the default 4k or Underworld/Treasure Hunting/Diplomacy for higher.... some you'll see selling for 15-20k a piece.


Since it sounds like you're trying to pick up a crew mission solely for profit, slicing might work out for you as well.

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My other character has Biochem and Bioanalysis as well. I really don't see any other profession being worth having honestly. Maybe later down the line when BW can see the error of their ways but for now Biochem is just too useful not to have IMO.
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