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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ideas For the Future of SWTOR (come share them)


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I would like to see less loading screens. There are just far to many.


How about different loading screens, like ones pertinent to the area you are entering... I hear another game has this...


I would like to see the current worlds expanded for exploration.


Ok, so I'm on Tatooine. And I'm cruising around. And I find the explorable area is smaller than a strip mall in the old part of town. This is a freaking desert planet and I can't go exploring? How about dunes that prevent me from going somewhere then. Some kind of visible marker to let me know I can't go that way.


This is bothersome, I agree.

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Small thing's i'd like to see:


Blade Wall for knights and warriors. It's similar to throwing your lightsaber, but instead you make it hover infront of you where it spins round in a fast circle creating a shield which deflects all enemy abilities for 10 seconds, but you can't perform any of your own abilities and all healing recieved is reduced by 20%. 5 minute CD.

canyon asteroid mission for space combat. It akes place on a massive asteroid, flying through caves, round pillars and through canyons. The objective isn't to destroy so many of this that and every other target (although that's a bonus objective) it's to successfully navigate through the caverns of the asteroids chasing a drone ship that's downloaded sensative information about the empire/republic and needs to be destroyed. Only problem is the drone's shields are impenatrible by lasers and conventional rockets, but can be severly damaged by large rocks or debris, making the main object to blast chunks of rock into the drone ship to remove the shield before destroying it.


These are both excellent ideas! I know both would not be easy to implement, but the second idea is downright genius!

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All gear should be modifiable and run on mods so this system actually encourages customization rather than punishes it. Or, rather than rework all itemization in the game, they could just put in an appearance tab/transmogrify.
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All gear should be modifiable and run on mods so this system actually encourages customization rather than punishes it. Or, rather than rework all itemization in the game, they could just put in an appearance tab/transmogrify.


I disagree with this one, humbly. Orange gear is modifiable, and some purple gear or exceptionally crafted items, but I don't think all gear should be customizable. These games use gear as rewards to those that rise to the top in achieving goals, and I do not think these rewards should be given cheaply.

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FIRST I just wanted to say this thread is a wonderful change of pace from the average thread you see in general. Here are some small (not so ambitious) changes that I would like to see that I think would add a lot to the game.


Day/Night Cycles

Really didn't bother me until I reached Tattooine, but the perpetual daylight is really static and overbearing


Armor that aesthetically degrades with durability

Robes that get tattered, heavy armor that gets scuffed up as durability gets near 0


Scheduled shuttles from the main fleet ON THE MAIN FLOOR

Would add a more dynamic feel to the fleets, make the zones feel more connected, would give you the opportunity to run into more players, and reduces the number of clicks/loading screens. For reps, I think shuttles to Ilum and Coruscant would be a good start.


Characters that limp when on low health

NOT asking for any movement impairment effects that would affect gameplay mechanics, but it would be nice to see someone running doubled over when they're at 1%


Group PVE missions for space combat

Eventually I'd like to see something more ambitious but I think this would be a good first step for them

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UI: I don't want a third party UI similar to what developed in WoW,, but I would like the ability to move action bars, scale the bars and the ability to pin certain abilities to the screen in the play area. As an example, I did not realize that Headshot was proccing off the CC being performed by my companion. I don't look at the UI often enough. The ability to move a proc ability into the view screen would be helpful.


Party/Raid Frames need to be included. Paying attention to the far left side of the screen forces keeps me from watching the action. If we are going to be expected to play the game without mods then everyone will need to see such things as emotes and character animations. Help us by allowing the player to move the bars into positions where we can see.


Continuation of the story lines.


I for one love the story lines. Aside from everything else in the game, so far it has been the story that sets this game apart from the run of the mill MMO. Please come up with ways to continue the story.


Combat Log:


I realize that a combat log is the slippery slop that leads to mods, but give me the ability to see the last 30 seconds of combat, so I can figure out how I made a mistake. Make it so I can only see if I am dead, I don't care, I just want know what happened. So I can see how I can correct the problem.


Damage Meter:


Until we know our performance we can't tell if we are playing better or worse. I have suggested posting this type of information at the end of a boss encounter in an operation to keep the meter from ruining the encounter.


Guild Ships:


This is an idea we have discussed privately for a while. So lets lay out the basics.


Give a guild the ability to build a ship. Make the cost insanely expensive. Give parts of the ship to the crafting abilities. Armstech would make the main guns for example. All the professions would have a role to play.


Customize the ship with various weapons, armor and shields. Make the upgrades insanely expensive, and craftable by certain professions


Once the ship is ready for launch, allow 8 or 16 members to operate various parts of the ship. Engineers could "heal" the ship. Others could pilot. Still others could activate shielding and still others would handle the guns. Each aspect would be important Hand out certain rewards for the "winner" of the ship to ship battle.


Phase two is a boarding encounter., pvp style, allow the match to last 15 minutes to achieve to certain objectives. Take and hold engineering, take and hold heavy weapons section, take and hold the bridge.

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You do know that everything you posted was what the "Doomsayers" and "Kiddies" wanted, right?




Please tell me you actually read those posts and didn't jump to conclusions. What a horrible thing THAT would be.


I understand where you're coming from and actually agree: yes, many of those things were what the doomsayers were asking for. The difference is I know it takes time to incorporate, I'm not demanding immediate action and satisfaction, I broke it into 3 areas:


1. Things I would like to see.


2. Things others were clamoring about, albeit in an unhealthy, demanding way.


3. Dreams for the game to transcend from good, right past great and into epic territories. My dream request is something no other game has even considered or at least attempted.


So, you're mostly correct in your assessment, but we're trying a healthy way. Positive feedback of what is truly wanted, what is truly needed and dreams for another time and era.

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- Mail on Ship. +1


- Customizable UI. +1 on no 3rd party. Also pleased to see in the recent Vid on the splash page that this is being done.


- A lit less sharding. +1 STO had too much sharding at launch, but has worked on this a lot and has improved. I predict less sharding will come as the game ages and areas change.


- Crew Skills. +1 here as well for the most part unless the cost of this would be too many people sitting in their ships instead of being in social areas.


- Non-Tethered Agro. DISAGREE. I like the fact that blaster fire and explosions draw the attention of other critters within a reasonable distance. I've always found it silly to be able to draw critters away from a group one at a time just because you know where to position yourself. Sorry.


- Damage Meters. & LFG Tool. I agree more or less with what you said in the OP. Don't like damage meters for the most part, never have. As for the LFG tool, there is a variant of one (you can flag yourself and note), but too few people use it. If more people used this, this issue would go away.


- Pre-Made Group Tools for PVP. Simple solution. Have 2 divisions of PvP. A PRE-MADE and a PUG category. One would permit joining as a group and the other would only allow you to queue solo. Also, making the PRE-MADE division cross server would open up a whole world of competitive possibilities and permit very good teams to have a go at other very good teams.



Supportive_Canuck :)

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Guild Ships:


This is an idea we have discussed privately for a while. So lets lay out the basics.


Give a guild the ability to build a ship. Make the cost insanely expensive. Give parts of the ship to the crafting abilities. Armstech would make the main guns for example. All the professions would have a role to play.


Customize the ship with various weapons, armor and shields. Make the upgrades insanely expensive, and craftable by certain professions


Once the ship is ready for launch, allow 8 or 16 members to operate various parts of the ship. Engineers could "heal" the ship. Others could pilot. Still others could activate shielding and still others would handle the guns. Each aspect would be important Hand out certain rewards for the "winner" of the ship to ship battle.


Phase two is a boarding encounter., pvp style, allow the match to last 15 minutes to achieve to certain objectives. Take and hold engineering, take and hold heavy weapons section, take and hold the bridge.


I highlighted the parts I found most interesting for one reason: I didn't buy Star Trek Online because a friend did, and once I found out the space battles were not like this, I knew I would never buy it.



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First to the OP. Thank you SOOOOO much for a positive, intelligent post.


As for your suggestions I think they are all good. Here is a list of stuff I posted earlier (some were well received, others were trashed)


- An in game barbershop. It would allow you to (for a cost) change your looks, both hair and other things currently only available on character creation.


- An ability similar to WoW's Transmogrification in which in game gear can be altered to look like any piece of similar gear. (although I admit this is kind of handled with orange items.) This mostly comes from my general dislike of almost all the Jedi Light Armor choices. I hate the fact that from a game stat point of view I can find great gear but form a visual point of view the stuff looks terrible and conversely, the stuff I find that looks good has horrible stats.


- An out of game pay for services option where you can possibly; change your race, transfer to a lighter populated server, change your in-game name, etc...


- At some point I'd love to see a story arc which included contact with the Yuuzhan Vong. We know from their EU info that at least one scout had reached the settings the galaxy almost 500 before the current game time. It wouldn't need to be a major story arc but it could make for a very interesting sub area.


- The ability to have a PvP area that's closer to you in levels. I know that the system now matches you up with another queued person of similar levels before it drops you in but then you are all thrown in together and your little 15th level dude is getting the floor wiped with him by some much higher person. I'd love to see some PvP areas which are level restricted. Say like 10-20, 20-30, etc... Just as an option. All PvP Warzones don't have to be that way just a couple for those who want a closer battle.

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I disagree with this one, humbly. Orange gear is modifiable, and some purple gear or exceptionally crafted items, but I don't think all gear should be customizable. These games use gear as rewards to those that rise to the top in achieving goals, and I do not think these rewards should be given cheaply.


In no way does my suggestion circumvent the earning of gear. It enhances that award system by allowing a player to benefit both from their statistical and aesthetic awards as they so choose.



Appearance tabs/transmogrify/modification, by their implicit nature, require players to "rise to the top in achieving goals" if they expect the appearance or stats that are rewarded for such. Nothing comes any more cheaply than it already does.


Under the present modification system, players are still forced to forgo statistical upgrades while attempting to modify their aesthetic preferences and modifiable gear is not exactly easy to come by, especially as it relates to individual aesthetic preference. This makes the system more onerous and less intuitive than the options of virtually all competing games, including free to plays. It does not behoove BioWare to lag behind in any arena, most especially one as important to the context of TOR as characterization, immersion, and cinematic scope. Or, more simply: forcing my male jedi to wear sparkling white dresses or forgo stats for the majority of his career sucks.

Edited by Jairec
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- The ability to have a PvP area that's closer to you in levels. I know that the system now matches you up with another queued person of similar levels before it drops you in but then you are all thrown in together and your little 15th level dude is getting the floor wiped with him by some much higher person. I'd love to see some PvP areas which are level restricted. Say like 10-20, 20-30, etc... Just as an option. All PvP Warzones don't have to be that way just a couple for those who want a closer battle.


I agree the PVP zones should be tiered. Simply bumping up damage and HP's doesn't give the character the abilities of the level. There are many abilities that turn the tide of PVP, and it should be tiered to level.


I'm hoping this can be done in time.

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- Mail on Ship. +1


- Customizable UI. +1 on no 3rd party. Also pleased to see in the recent Vid on the splash page that this is being done.


- A lit less sharding. +1 STO had too much sharding at launch, but has worked on this a lot and has improved. I predict less sharding will come as the game ages and areas change.


- Crew Skills. +1 here as well for the most part unless the cost of this would be too many people sitting in their ships instead of being in social areas.


- Non-Tethered Agro. DISAGREE. I like the fact that blaster fire and explosions draw the attention of other critters within a reasonable distance. I've always found it silly to be able to draw critters away from a group one at a time just because you know where to position yourself. Sorry.


- Damage Meters. & LFG Tool. I agree more or less with what you said in the OP. Don't like damage meters for the most part, never have. As for the LFG tool, there is a variant of one (you can flag yourself and note), but too few people use it. If more people used this, this issue would go away.


- Pre-Made Group Tools for PVP. Simple solution. Have 2 divisions of PvP. A PRE-MADE and a PUG category. One would permit joining as a group and the other would only allow you to queue solo. Also, making the PRE-MADE division cross server would open up a whole world of competitive possibilities and permit very good teams to have a go at other very good teams.



Supportive_Canuck :)


Let me add my $.02...

How about the ability to change the color(or at least match it) on our gear. Currently, I look like a Value Village reject:)


More world interaction such as sitting in chairs or using the gambling/gaming tables at cantinas.


Multiplayer space combat-either against enemy faction or co-op with friends guildmates. It could also feature your guildies/friends working on one ship as gunners with one pilot too!


Crafting vendors instead of an "auction house". The ability to set up your own vendors to sell your goods at your prices either on your ship(or in your hangar) or at a "mall" would set up world economy nicely. It would also encourage social areas as well.


There are a lot of great ideas for this game. Hopefully more are coming for the game..:)

Edited by Rhime
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- Customizable UI. +1 on no 3rd party. Also pleased to see in the recent Vid on the splash page that this is being done.



Okay so I'm looking for help here. Why is it that people complain (I know that's a strong word but it's all I can come up with. No offense meant) so much about BW allowing an OPTION which if people don't want to use they don't have to. I think allowing 3rd party whatever (interface, timers, maps, etc...) could be done in a way to make them solely a very personal choice. If a person doesn't like them then they wouldn't have to use them. I've never understood why people are so against allowing an option which doesn't affect them if they didn't want to use them. Especially one that could potentially increase the enjoyment of another players personal experience. If it's only going to affect their personal in game experience and not change how the game plays why care? Just a phenomenon which happens here that I've never understood.

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One of the best ideas I've seen (so I admit this was not originally my idea) was to use an alt as a companion. What good is a Legacy/Family system, if your toons never once meet and quest together?


I like most of your other ideas, too.

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- Epic Quest to change Faction. This is my dream request, and something I understand won't come around till say, an expansion, but something that would make me squeal like a Japanese schoolgirl. I play a Dark Jedi, I purposely make the dark side choices because, well, it's fun as Hell, to be honest. But I digress. Having a quest story line that would allow me in the course of the quest to slowly cross over to the Sith Side, and begin using Sith towns, merchants, Fleet, etc would be truly epic! Mind you, this questline would be immense, and I am very understanding of the coding it would take, but, seriously, would that would be cool or what?!?! Having an Inquisitor making all the Light Side choices, and then having the opportunity to change to the Republic would be groundbreaking work in an MMO. Honestly, it would set a new precedent in how MMO's work



This would be cool :D

I made a post about something similair before: Here




And this:


I would also like to be able to rename my companions. I am all about the storyline and how it feels personal, but haveing seeing 50 others with Khem walking around just removes the personal feel. Allowing me to select a name for my companion's would increase the individual/personal feel of the storyline. This dosnt have to be something where I am allowed to make up the name, but something like the appearance of the companion where you can earn tokens ect which allow you to change the name. they could be obtained from a list of stored named as long as the list consist of high numbers and variety.



I would like to see non-speeder mounts like Bantha's or whatever creature. And different speeders for Empire and Republic,

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Let me add my $.02...

How about the ability to change the color(or at least match it) on our gear. Currently, I look like a Value Village reject:)


More world interaction such as sitting in chairs or using the gambling/gaming tables at cantinas.


Multiplayer space combat-either against enemy faction or co-op with friends guildmates. It could also feature your guildies/friends working on one ship as gunners with one pilot too!


Crafting vendors instead of an "auction house". The ability to set up your own vendors to sell your goods at your prices either on your ship(or in your hangar) or at a "mall" would set up world economy nicely. It would also encourage social areas as well.


There are a lot of great ideas for this game. Hopefully more are coming for the game..:)


All good points here.


The colour match option was available already in beta, it was called "match armor to chest" but was scrapped for launch in favor of a new and improved system they're still working on which we havn't had any in depth details about yet.


I really like the change to the aution house. Having a "bazaar" where you'd have your vendor to sell items to other players is neat. Massive problem though, how would you have "your" vendor there aswell as everyone elses own vendor? hundreds of vendors in one place. Having them in yor ship or hangar wouldn't really work as it's instanced and only available to group members. So you'd only be able to set your vendor to a generic vendor usable by all other players for the same purpose, which not only makes it un-moddable (would of been cool to set up a customised vendor like char creation) but also turns it into an auction house anyway.

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All good points here.


The colour match option was available already in beta, it was called "match armor to chest" but was scrapped for launch in favor of a new and improved system they're still working on which we havn't had any in depth details about yet.


I really like the change to the aution house. Having a "bazaar" where you'd have your vendor to sell items to other players is neat. Massive problem though, how would you have "your" vendor there aswell as everyone elses own vendor? hundreds of vendors in one place. Having them in yor ship or hangar wouldn't really work as it's instanced and only available to group members. So you'd only be able to set your vendor to a generic vendor usable by all other players for the same purpose, which not only makes it un-moddable (would of been cool to set up a customised vendor like char creation) but also turns it into an auction house anyway.


Yall can look at FFXIV's ward system to see what not to do, although it did get better with item specific wards and search & buy functions.

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Good post OP


I would like to see in the future if possible.


* Starship as Guild Hall

* Player customization bars

* Entertainer class with ability to fight

* Customize ships

* Ability to play companion

* Multi player rides

* Dye clothing

* swimming

* Death decay on armour

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