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West Coast PvP'ers!!!!


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So if you clicked the link then you are probably like me and noticed that just about every PvP thread was for an East coast server. If you are part of the 1% who just want to be associated with the server who "has the best pvp'ers" then by all means, have fun with your Q times.


But I would like to invite all my West Coast PvP friends to come roll their new toons on my server...




I think people who start toons on a PvP server are already PvP minded, but I would like to use this thread to invite more West Coasters and our friends to join us. I spent every chance I could in organized PvP yesterday as I was leveling through my teens and had a great time. But I would like to see more faces (on my team and the opposition).


Plus Dark Reaper is a ****** name. =)


See you on the battlefield.



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People rolling on servers to associate with the "best PvPers" is probably true to a certain extent for some. Speaking for myself though, I just want open world action that's available around the clock, and team mates in warzones who mostly know what they're doing. Coming from what was considered to be a "casual" battlegroup in WoW, I know how frustrating it can be playing with folks who don't even know what the objectives are in battlegrounds.
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I'm looking for a good west coast pvp server myself


Do you know if the server is more rebels or imperials?


Also which side are you on?


Is there a server queue time?


I'm interested but just need you to answer these questions



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I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



No thanks!







Edited by Melderyni
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I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



No thanks!








You have some deep underlying mental problems.

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I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



No thanks!









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Do you know if the server is more rebels or imperials?

I am level 18 and currently don't have a great grasp on the balance of factions yet. The overall concensus is that Empire is the dominant faction on just about every server so far. I PvP'd just about every chance I could when leveling through my teens. Q times were about 5-10 minutes on average. Though some popped instantly. I also saw many of the same names both Empire and Republic in the battlegrounds, but this is probably because it was day 1.


Also which side are you on?

I play Republic...I enjoy being the underdog (was horde when wow was first released)


Is there a server queue time?

Not at all.


Hope this helps!

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I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



No thanks!








Pretty much every server is Sith dominated at this point...don't think the name of it is influencing it more or less. But whatever floats your boat! =)

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You have some deep underlying mental problems.


No I agree with him, he has a good point, a name means a lot to a player, apparently you just go 'eenie meenie miney mo ', but a lot of players strategize based on the name. I don't know which server I will choose yet, but the name will be a factor, I would also like it to be balanced, but lets face it this game will have the exact same dynamic as wow, mostly evil, for a while, but because jedi are pretty cool it may balance itself out eventually.

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At this point I think its wayyyy too early to name a server a 'solid' choice or 'THE' place to be for PvP (like in the fatman thread). If anyone here was a PvPer in WoW, so far if Fatman is the Blackrock for pvp, then hopefully Dark Reaper can become the Cho'gall. Either way,we aren't trying to claim Dark Reaper as the best of anything, more so just trying to get any potential pvpers to come to Dark Reaper so we can build a great community. Edited by KingHenryXXi
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Kaution, are you starting a guild? If not I'd be down to start a PvP guild on Dark Reaper.


We haven't created one yet, but we are going to today or tomorrow. I have about 10-15 players that I know IRL and have played with on wow who will be joining us so far. We didn't do the pre-guild launch program obviously, so we are not going to start big. But if you'd like to be one of the first we'd love to have you!


Contact me or my cohorts in game


Kaution (Me)



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At this point I think its wayyyy too early to name a server a 'solid' choice or 'THE' place to be for PvP (like in the fatman thread). If anyone here was a PvPer in WoW, so far if Fatman is the Blackrock for pvp, then hopefully Dark Reaper can become the Cho'gall. Either way,we aren't trying to claim Dark Reaper as the best of anything, more so just trying to get any potential pvpers to come to Dark Reaper so we can build a great community.



^^ This ^^

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I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



No thanks!








Sadly that's the server my guild was sent to. It is totally unbalanced. Empire having WAY WAY more guilds than republic. I think I am rolling on swiftsure

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Sadly that's the server my guild was sent to. It is totally unbalanced. Empire having WAY WAY more guilds than republic. I think I am rolling on swiftsure


Every server is like this right now bud. Wait for the launch date before you leave. Albeit, it might get worse at launch...there is a chance it will all even out.

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I got a hardcore PvP guild forming on Dark Reaper, Republic side (we were Empire, decided to all reroll to help server imbalance).


Once again thats Republic, on Dark Reaper. We are actively recruiting hardcore PvPers, anyone who wants more info send me a pm.

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I got a hardcore PvP guild forming on Dark Reaper, Republic side (we were Empire, decided to all reroll to help server imbalance).


Once again thats Republic, on Dark Reaper. We are actively recruiting hardcore PvPers, anyone who wants more info send me a pm.


Glad you decided to help the cause! Hopefully we can get more Republic guilds here.

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I got a hardcore PvP guild forming on Dark Reaper, Republic side (we were Empire, decided to all reroll to help server imbalance).


Once again thats Republic, on Dark Reaper. We are actively recruiting hardcore PvPers, anyone who wants more info send me a pm.


That's what I like to hear Grim! Would you be interested in taking on like 10-15 players? I don't know how Hardcore they will be with it, but they are good people. I also work 60 hours a week so I don't know how much I can contribute myself...but it makes more sense to join established guilds in the direction we want to go, instead of making our own 10-15 man guild.


What is the name too by the way?

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