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If this game dies I personally blame the doomsayers and whiners.


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So in 5 months I'll probably have to play this game on one too? That what you're gettin at? lol


No I'm getting at the fact that if you like a game, it'll always be there to play.


And anyone who thinks this game is going to go the way of Tabula Rasa has lost sight of reality and have fallen into the "There can only be one" MMO mentality.

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No I'm getting at the fact that if you like a game, it'll always be there to play.


And anyone who thinks this game is going to go the way of Tabula Rasa has lost sight of reality and have fallen into the "There can only be one" MMO mentality.


If there's a highlander MMO that ever comes out, I'll have to play it lol (then troll the forums when it sucks lol)

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If the game fails its because they DIDNT LISTEN and were empowered to ignore issues because of fanboi's like yourself.


You idiots need to get out of the way if you want your game to survive. End of story.


The alternative is sitting on republic fleet with 3 other people during prime time hoping to god a HEALER logs in so you can actually play your casual-************-game.

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If the game fails its because they DIDNT LISTEN and were empowered to ignore issues because of fanboi's like yourself.


You idiots need to get out of the way if you want your game to survive. End of story.


The alternative is sitting on republic fleet with 3 other people during prime time hoping to god a HEALER logs in so you can actually play your casual-************-game.


+1 in the face

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Read the rest of the post


Generally yes ill pretty much ignore anyone who basically wants everything a differant MMO has when guess what its a completly differant game


MMO dosnt mean it must have everything wow has it means simply its a game that is played online with massive amounts of players, not must copy every feature some other MMO has or its not and MMO lol, lol, lol


That's not what James Ohlen said (the game director): he said that if anybody thought that SWTOR would be any different then other successful MMO they would be wrong. We are making a game that has Biowares famous voice acting and choices with a classic MMO feel. We are not reinventing the franchise just refining it.

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My honest opinion? I truly believe half of what we are seeing on the forums is FUD marketing by either or both Blizzard and Trion Worlds.


What's more likely, Blizzard/Trion spending $60 + subscription fees to post on a competitor's forum, or EA/Bioware spending nothing to talk up the game on their own forums? Are you a Bioware employee trying to spread FUD against people having concerns about the game?


Conspiracy theories work both ways, use your brain and stop being so paranoid.

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I dont mind if people have a different opinion, What I do have an issue with is people saying I quit, then thats it??? Why, there no constructive feedback in most of the posts you are trying to defend. "boo hoo i quit" with no feedback, no mature criticism. Most posts are filled with dribble.


I believe many have had valid complaints as to why they canceled, however whenever they do this you and many others attack them and say that is not a good enough reason or their overreacting. Bottom line the only group that is immature are the ones that don;t understand their are big issues in this game that certain people have that make them quit.

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I believe many have had valid complaints as to why they canceled, however whenever they do this you and many others attack them and say that is not a good enough reason or their overreacting. Bottom line the only group that is immature are the ones that don;t understand their are big issues in this game that certain people have that make them quit.



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Or maybe we understand that people have issues but that does not entitle them to make X ragequit post and whine on a forum. Or they have to understand that it is all a matter of perspective and that they do not weight more that anyone else because they rant on a forum.


Talking about issues is fine and there are some for sure but seeing post 'this game will fail, dying BS' is really not making a good case.

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I doubt the doomsayers and haters are really making much of an impact, except in making themselves look stupid.



The other half are just angry WoW nerds who have so much invested in that game that they are afraid of the impact this game will and has had on their community....



I actualy think its more likely that They used to wow so much, and its features, and not having the same in swtor, its making them feel this game its not up to standarts. what they fail to see its being diferent, or not having some features can be a good thing and not a bad, juts because they are used too. Or because their first experience in aVirtual world, its the best for them, despite the best being subjective. specialy in MMOs.


But this is good discussion, here is an articale very ineteresting about virtual worlds online and its design and overall mechanics.



its worth a read.

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I blame BW for it because they didn't delete all the doom threads in timely manner.

Blizzard usually deletes them the second after they are posted, and bans people that keep going on.


It is fine with constructive threads that explain an issue and maybe even give a solution to solve it, but just crying like a baby and spreading false rumors does not help anyone neither solves anything.


Besides that, there would not be this thread either if forum moderation was ruled by a stronger hand.

Edited by Mineria
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No one takes the doomsayers seriously. I could hardly care less what some of the frequent complainers have to say about the game, the only person's opinion about it that I care about... is my own.


The game is fun for me, and I'll continue playing it as long as it is fun, regardless if it reaches the pop level WoW once had or not. If your having fun, play it, stop worrying about what a bunch of angsty forum trolls have to say about it.



This, many times over


If you're having fun, why the hell does it matter what other people think? Just play the game and enjoy it.

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It is fine with constructive threads that explain an issue and maybe even give a solution to solve it, but just crying like a baby and spreading false rumors does not help anyone neither solves anything.




This^^. I have no problem with constructive criticism. I do with broad sweeping BS that has no merit.

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It is definitely not the lack of standard MMORPG features, bugs, or the recycled and boring content. What of the failed crafting system and horrid "world" pvp on Ilum? Incredibly large faction imbalances also has nothing to do with it, especially when you couple that with extremely low population caps on servers for release which is quickly leading to dead servers. Horrid UI? Lack of modding and simple macroing which is now standard for MMOs. How about that rushed holiday release?


Yeah... I blame the "whiners".

Edited by WarTornPanda
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I blame the people who instead of pointing out flaws decided it would help to instead boost Biowares ego by telling them how great everything was, when it isn't.


See how this works?


You are totally correct. Fanboys have ruined the gaming industry as they protect sub standard products so guess what? More sub standard products are released, and on it goes....


People need to show these companies that we the paying customer will no longer accept sub standard crap.

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If this game fails it falls squarely on BW. They created the game they're the ones responsible for the success or failure of this game.


I'd say I blame it on BW who didnt listen to the masses who left. I doubt that thousands of paying customers are wrong verses some 4 man dev team who "yes men" their way in and couldnt produce a single original game mechanic among them. BW is to blame and especially the producers which I have a feeling that idiot Julio Torres is among them. This game reaks of all his mistakes in the NGE of SWG. The biggest mistake, they didnt listen to the player base.

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Or maybe we understand that people have issues but that does not entitle them to make X ragequit post and whine on a forum. Or they have to understand that it is all a matter of perspective and that they do not weight more that anyone else because they rant on a forum.


Talking about issues is fine and there are some for sure but seeing post 'this game will fail, dying BS' is really not making a good case.


Why not? forums is for expressing opinion and general chat is for expressing general stuff like quitting unless they make subforum for those who quit there is no good reason to bash those who cry they will quit...


about the posting of ''this game will fail'' why is that not ok ? A freaking important guy in EU cried Euro might ''DIE'' was that inappropriate to?


No he has his opinion and can express it if 100 people express it its not inappropriate unless they express it more than once.


sigh fanboys and i loved Star Wars.

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I dont mind if people have a different opinion, What I do have an issue with is people saying I quit, then thats it??? Why, there no constructive feedback in most of the posts you are trying to defend. "boo hoo i quit" with no feedback, no mature criticism. Most posts are filled with dribble.


How more constructive can you be when you quit a game? That says alot all by itself. It says that you didnt listen, you built a half *** game, and we dont like it.

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I blame the people who instead of pointing out flaws decided it would help to instead boost Biowares ego by telling them how great everything was, when it isn't.


See how this works?




This is an MMO, BioWare should've known what they were getting into.


Like no other MMO has ever had to deal with whiny forums. Really? Biggest MMOs out there have notoriously awful forums where people whine all day -- and one of those MMOs is the most financially successful video-game ever made.



The LFG-tool is a good example. Queuing for groups has become a staple of MMOs, like it or not. Your opinion on them is moot to the point that most people are accustomed to having them.


Or really any feature lacking in this game, you can find hundreds of people saying how wonderful it is that BioWare isn't even offering said feature. Kind of sad.

Edited by Leporello
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I don't beleive anyone has a valid complaint when they start insulting others to get their point across, as there are correct ways to get intelligent points across, rather than being agressive about it.


Neither have I seen anyone who has openly said they like the game, made out it's perfect, but they have the intelligents to make posts informing of faults and NOT screaming which so many are doing. Just because support doesn't reply to every post DOES not mean they aren't listening either. But don't accuse those who like swtor of not helping get swtor fixed, because they are.


It's the people who scream like babies that need stringing up, as they cause more halm then good to any community. Any community is only as good as it's members, if you have members that think they are owed the world by buying swtor, then those are the ones the community should get rid of..


I personally would like a forum that you sign up to, that you can just chat in about swtor and the agreement being if you argue your posts are deleted without question, and if you disagree with this, your then kicked out the forum..... I play swtor to enjoy and have fun, this forum has no fun about it, and if I was a person viewing this forum to see if I'd like the game, I would say forget it and move on, so the original poster has a very valid point.:rolleyes:

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