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SKILLS---> when do they start to function ?!!?


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RAVAGE is utterly broken Force Choke is a laugh when its just animation.. does annihilate deal dmg or is just sometimes.. deadly saber where is it ´s bonuses ?!!? skills goes on cooldown without applying its effects smash dosen´t hit targets etc there are many more issues and minuses with this class than +++


Not to mention the pvp medal system is flawed for the dps classes compared to the other classes.


but I still like the Marauder :)


does anyone agree with this ?

Edited by Lord-Raze
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agreed. having fun on my mara alt but WOW broken skills. and yeah a definite lack of easy medals(guard, healing etc..) but i guess it kind of makes sense with dps AC. what they do actually need is more objective based medals but you can only expect so much from team downs
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oh noes!!! QQer over a game that just launched and has a few issues. Yes please quit and go back to wow.




BTW WoW was unplayable for teh first 3 months of the game with the way they had bugs and their server stability. Its a shame people cannot grasp as good of a launch this is.

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You forgot force charge being a total abomination, ie.


force charge, screen flickers, still in same place, no wait I at the enemy now, they are in front of me, but out of range, oh my *********** god, now I'm a mime, there's no wall here, ***... omg, now i'm running in place...


The class offers the strongest damage in pvp, but that is asuming at least 50% of what you attempt to do, actually happens. All the broken **** on the class does seem to make it rather unsatisfactory to play however. Class will be awesome once they fix the bugs.


beyond the bugs, something needs to be done in huttball to make that wz less of a tragedy, force pull would be choice, force push would be acceptible. Also, you should be able to force charge snipers from behind, that shield is not 360, the fact that it is treated as so is utter b.s. for a melee class, especially when as soon as you get close, knock back will come from any intelligent sniper/gunslinger.


Anything else is probably excessive qq'ing from the pop, for the class' damage output, our lack of survivability seems in line. The above mentioned issues are usually what leave me wanting to emo rage quit.



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oh noes!!! QQer over a game that just launched and has a few issues. Yes please quit and go back to wow.




BTW WoW was unplayable for teh first 3 months of the game with the way they had bugs and their server stability. Its a shame people cannot grasp as good of a launch this is.


He stated the issues he found with the class in a reasonable manner. As far as launches go, comparing it to WoW's launch a decade ago is retarded, not to mention linear. Recent launches have been much smoother, and biowares lack of speed in addressing the issues, not to mention releasing more bugged content, really seems to show little forethought. Stop trying to justify and try being objective, having a class that spends 25% of its time as a minimum attacking its enemies with animations is a ridiculous issue to fail addressing, that is a simple undisputable fact.



Edited by CoreIX
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oh noes!!! QQer over a game that just launched and has a few issues. Yes please quit and go back to wow.




BTW WoW was unplayable for teh first 3 months of the game with the way they had bugs and their server stability. Its a shame people cannot grasp as good of a launch this is.


plz spare me for comments like these, first of all read my post so you understand the words, before you start talking ****! ive defended this game and class from day one, but simply not getting much in return only goes so far.


i never said anything about quitting, i said i havent played, cuz the game got more broke for me with 1.1 and 1.1a.


and stop comparing swtor to wow, cuz they aren't comparable, on another note, you should think before posting lame comments, as i quit wow 3 years ago, because it was wow, if i wanted to play wow, id play it to this day, and not waist my time correcting your sorry *** !


/rant off excuse the french, bit frustrated here !

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Serious. I had to get up and walk around so as to not put a fist in my monitor last night. Dumb ***** Jaesa decided to stop following me and/or stop fighting mid fight. Then I wiped on an elite and rezzed, walked to a safe area to heal only to see that stupid chick still standing right next to the elite. Timer goes down, elite immediately jumps on her with 1/2 health, I teleport right next to the elite, run away, teleport back, run away, teleport back, die. Really? I think the 1.1 patch needs a rollback. I've never experienced as many issues as I am post-patch.


Oh but, yeah on topic, Ravage had random cooldowns last night ranging from 2-30 minutes. Yes, a half hour to use Ravage again. :/


BTW WoW was unplayable for teh first 3 months of the game with the way they had bugs and their server stability. Its a shame people cannot grasp as good of a launch this is.

Uh, no they really didn't. I only played WoW from launch until about 6 or 8 months later and bugs like this did not exist. The skills worked, the animations worked, the gameplay was solid. They had server stability issues, yes, but not globally. On overpopulated servers, yes, on low pop, no.


I was perfectly happy with the launch, actually. I'm just annoyed that 1.1 broke hard. I recognize there were bugs at launch, but they didn't bother me too much. As a software engineer I understand bugs in a release. I don't condone them in any way, mind you, as these should have been caught first in QA then again in beta, but I understand them. I have worked with my share of crap coders who can't put out anything without crippling bugs...

Edited by mrHaterade
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i dont know if i agree on the rollback or not, but it needs fixing, and such takes time. i work with customersupport and i know ppl want things done now, but it doesnt work like that in real life.


until it gets fixed, i don't see much point in playing wz's or anything where i have to spam one ability, and when it finally goes off, i get rooted in the animation and nothing happens; not to talk about this on ilum where server lag is an issue aswell...

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i dont know if i agree on the rollback or not, but it needs fixing, and such takes time. i work with customersupport and i know ppl want things done now, but it doesnt work like that in real life.

Well I can tell you that with every company I've worked for we've always fixed bugs before moving on to new features and content. Especially critical bugs, which gameplay issues should be considered. From what I've been reading in the forums a lot of these ability bugs have been around since beta last year. To not have them resolved by now is pretty bad.

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RAVAGE is utterly broken Force Choke is a laugh when its just animation.. does annihilate deal dmg or is just sometimes.. deadly saber where is it ´s bonuses ?!!? skills goes on cooldown without applying its effects smash dosen´t hit targets etc there are many more issues and minuses with this class than +++


Not to mention the pvp medal system is flawed for the dps classes compared to the other classes.


but I still like the Marauder :)


does anyone agree with this ?


What scenarios are you seeing this? in PVP only?

I only PVE and don't really see the issues you have... Ravage works great for me, Choke sometimes doesn't lift the mob up in the air but the damage still ticks, Annihilate always seems to do damage for me. Deadly Saber I will have to watch more closely, and haven't had an issue with smash.

Again this is pve only I'm referring to.

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What scenarios are you seeing this? in PVP only?

I only PVE and don't really see the issues you have... Ravage works great for me, Choke sometimes doesn't lift the mob up in the air but the damage still ticks, Annihilate always seems to do damage for me. Deadly Saber I will have to watch more closely, and haven't had an issue with smash.

Again this is pve only I'm referring to.


think the general discussion here is regarding these abilitys in pvp, i only pvp; so when i log on i want to do wz and ilum; wich quite frankly isnt such a blast atm :p

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oh noes!!! QQer over a game that just launched and has a few issues. Yes please quit and go back to wow.




BTW WoW was unplayable for teh first 3 months of the game with the way they had bugs and their server stability. Its a shame people cannot grasp as good of a launch this is.


Do you ever add anything posative to this forum ?? The guy posts a legit thread with Real problems and all you do is flame. You troll everyone on these forums so why dont YOU go back to wow. Would be better for all of us.

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Do you ever add anything posative to this forum ?? The guy posts a legit thread with Real problems and all you do is flame. You troll everyone on these forums so why dont YOU go back to wow. Would be better for all of us.


He thinks it makes him cool and hardcore to make fun of people... Unfortunately, he is too stupid to realize he only came of as a douche. Must suck to fail even when trolling.



Edited by CoreIX
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Calling the launch of a decade ago obsolete, and not being able to compare it to now, is ignorant. It's still an MMO launch, and while the bugs are NOT the same, there will always be bugs. Some appear very simple, but when in truth, this is a very complex game with things that take factor and change the outcome of combat as it happens (very similer to fps). You can watch homing missle from max range come at you an pop a cd to avoid the dmg taken, where as other MMOs you have already been dealt the dmg, and it is applied when the animation finishes.


That is only one comparison and example of how complex the coding system in this game is.


Fact is, every MMO launch will have bugs, and I am willing to give some time for the bugs to be worked out, tested and implemented. Just sucks that while we are the class that is effected by the ability delay the most, other classes are surging ahead of us in pvp gear, valor, etc.

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Calling the launch of a decade ago obsolete, and not being able to compare it to now, is ignorant. It's still an MMO launch, and while the bugs are NOT the same, there will always be bugs. Some appear very simple, but when in truth, this is a very complex game with things that take factor and change the outcome of combat as it happens (very similer to fps). You can watch homing missle from max range come at you an pop a cd to avoid the dmg taken, where as other MMOs you have already been dealt the dmg, and it is applied when the animation finishes.


That is only one comparison and example of how complex the coding system in this game is.


Fact is, every MMO launch will have bugs, and I am willing to give some time for the bugs to be worked out, tested and implemented. Just sucks that while we are the class that is effected by the ability delay the most, other classes are surging ahead of us in pvp gear, valor, etc.


No one called WoW's launch obsolete, we simply stated precedence makes its launch an invalid comparison. Recent mmo's have come off with a great deal less bugs, regardless of how difficult, all your doing is justifying the poor performance of those coding this game, personally, i think a lot people expected a lot more from bioware and that makes the excessive bugs all the worse. Some of these failings in the game right now scream amateur and mismanagement. Fact is, there was too little beta testing at cap, no way to argue that, just look at the hard mode bosses, half their loot tables were broke for weeks after launch, you can't justify that.



Edited by CoreIX
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Calling the launch of a decade ago obsolete, and not being able to compare it to now, is ignorant. It's still an MMO launch, and while the bugs are NOT the same, there will always be bugs. Some appear very simple, but when in truth, this is a very complex game with things that take factor and change the outcome of combat as it happens (very similer to fps). You can watch homing missle from max range come at you an pop a cd to avoid the dmg taken, where as other MMOs you have already been dealt the dmg, and it is applied when the animation finishes.


That is only one comparison and example of how complex the coding system in this game is.


Fact is, every MMO launch will have bugs, and I am willing to give some time for the bugs to be worked out, tested and implemented. Just sucks that while we are the class that is effected by the ability delay the most, other classes are surging ahead of us in pvp gear, valor, etc.


You're right, you could compare it to WoW, but then you could compare it to more recent MMO's too. Rift is a fine example of an outstanding start with very few bugs, and almost none(I don't think there were any) of them were game breaking. As it stands, the ability delay and the plethora of other bugs plaguing SWTOR is going to be what kills it before it ever gets its sea legs.

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Well I'd have to say that a launch eight years ago is too far out to compare to one today. To many things have changed in the industry, culture (of the industry), and economy alone for there to be a fair comparison. Agile development is the new religion, as are short, bursty dev cycles, rampant outsourcing, high turnaround, and rushed deadlines. When WoW was in development we had 6-12 month cycles for small projects, let alone massive undertakings like a MMO. Companies' release dates were typically, "When it's ready." Not so today.


I'd say poor coding and mismanagement is definitely an issue here, but that's more a sign of the times than a Blizzard > Bioware issue. Unless you've been in the industry the past 10 years (13 for some of us), you just don't know the whole story. Now bear in mind I'm not saying this is OK. Quite the opposite. I come from the days when software worked at release. Hell, most everything did. To have even 2% buggy code back then was a near fireable offense. I'm just saying times have changed... mostly for the worse.


EDIT: I don't think any of the release date bugs were game-breaking. For people to keep saying that is ridiculous. The fact that some of the people stating this are level 50 and have been for some time proves that. For how do you get to be level 50 if the game is broken?

Edited by mrHaterade
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RAVAGE is utterly broken Force Choke is a laugh when its just animation.. does annihilate deal dmg or is just sometimes.. deadly saber where is it ´s bonuses ?!!? skills goes on cooldown without applying its effects smash dosen´t hit targets etc there are many more issues and minuses with this class than +++


Not to mention the pvp medal system is flawed for the dps classes compared to the other classes.


but I still like the Marauder :)


does anyone agree with this ?


the force choke thing not firing is just plain frustrating. you do the animation, but no damage or hold. this leads to moments where I feel like an idiot just standing there doing the animation momentarily while I get whooped on.


I really like the game, in fact I wish I were playing right now --but I'm just amazed that the class plays like this right now: a melee dps class that relies on quick thinking and quick reaction time to stay alive and the abilities don't fire.


Didn't the devs think that maybe, just maybe people wanted to play a dual lightsaber warrior and shouldn't they have made sure that class was polished? After playing these games so many years I can see the glaring disconnect between game developers and their customers

Edited by HBninjaX
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the force choke thing not firing is just plain frustrating. you do the animation, but no damage or hold. this leads to moments where I feel like an idiot just standing there doing the animation momentarily while I get whooped on.


I really like the game, in fact I wish I were playing right now --but I'm just amazed that the class plays like this right now: a melee dps class that relies on quick thinking and quick reaction time to stay alive and the abilities don't fire.


Didn't the devs think that maybe, just maybe people wanted to play a dual lightsaber warrior and shouldn't they have made sure that class was polished? After playing these games so many years I can see the glaring disconnect between game developers and their customers




i love the game, but as it is now its hard to find it fun to play with all the agony! hence, ill log on every day, idle a bit at the fleet then f oof and do something else! until its fixed !

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Well I'd have to say that a launch eight years ago is too far out to compare to one today. To many things have changed in the industry, culture (of the industry), and economy alone for there to be a fair comparison. Agile development is the new religion, as are short, bursty dev cycles, rampant outsourcing, high turnaround, and rushed deadlines. When WoW was in development we had 6-12 month cycles for small projects, let alone massive undertakings like a MMO. Companies' release dates were typically, "When it's ready." Not so today.


I'd say poor coding and mismanagement is definitely an issue here, but that's more a sign of the times than a Blizzard > Bioware issue. Unless you've been in the industry the past 10 years (13 for some of us), you just don't know the whole story. Now bear in mind I'm not saying this is OK. Quite the opposite. I come from the days when software worked at release. Hell, most everything did. To have even 2% buggy code back then was a near fireable offense. I'm just saying times have changed... mostly for the worse.


EDIT: I don't think any of the release date bugs were game-breaking. For people to keep saying that is ridiculous. The fact that some of the people stating this are level 50 and have been for some time proves that. For how do you get to be level 50 if the game is broken?


How many recent high profile MMOs have released without bugs? Everyone keeps towing the Rifts line, but everything I read about that release was huge queues, little if any end game, and an overall stale gaming experience. I don't recall any other recent MMO that released without issues. That isn't really a justification for the current state of TOR, I would have liked to see a more fluid release personally. I ran smack into the Taris issue, and still do not want to step foot on that planet even though I know it is fixed.


It isn't like BW is just ignoring everything and using the whole "plug my fingers in my ears and merrily chant la-la-la" approach. They are fixing things, some issues take longer to fix than others. It may seem like a simple fix to you, but trust me when I say that it isn't always simple on the other side. I am a developer, and I know first hand that the "easiest" fixes are usually the most annoying to root out and correct.


I know things are frustrating right now, I have had my share of "scream at the monitor" moments of issues within the game. At this point though, I enjoy the game and feel it is worth continuing to support it while they iron out the bugs. Bioware does have a window to work with before my support starts to wane. I will not be around at 1 year if a lot of the issues are not resolved before then. I'm sure that I'm not the only one on that particular boat. However, I am not ready to just pull my sub after one month. They're making fixes, you can't just dump updates into a live environment. Not without testing first, in all honesty I think BW needs some new QA testers. Because the ones they have now, do not know how to do anything beyond what is written on their testing script. That is painfully obvious.

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