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Commando PvP healing


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Ive searched for some threads on this. I am currently Valor rank 25 and level 32

I am having a seriously had time surviving and being able to take on pretty much anything on one on one.


Juggernauts, Bounty hunters, Sorcs after a while all tear me apart. And its starting to get very very frustrating.


I feel im clad in plastic armor not plasteel, i am very squishy and only seem to be able to delay the inevitable until i run out of ammo and die,


I have all my 23 points in Combat medic i have the push back talents and trauma probe.


To any other Combat Medics out there... what am i doing wrong? is there something im missing or do i have to wait till im level 40?

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Being a healer in this game doesn't mean you're invincible. Sure, you might be able to heal through one DPS just wailing on you, but any more and you'll have difficulties.


Positioning is very important as well as knowing where the enemy is so you can try to LoS them. Chances are, if you're able to make them follow you while your team tears them apart, things will work out. There's not much you can do if three or so DPS focus you. You'll die :/


Your armor only really hinders warrior-type classes, as other classes have ways to avoid your armor (I.E., kinetic damage, armor penetration, ect).


EDIT: Also, you might try to kill them before they can kill you by outlasting them and pecking away at their health. If they're getting healed, you're not DPS-y enough to damage through it.

Edited by ZekeMinus
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I appreciate the response.


I cant even seem to put the damage output to be able to kill an enemy target, even with healing.


Trust me i seem to be killed the most by Tracer missile spam, and single blade using warriors, i assume they have the 20% healing debuff i hear about.


And im aware that im not supposed to be able to tank alot of players like a paladin but i just wanted to make sure if i was right in feeling that i cant seem to out heal or survive the damage im taking.

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In most cases, a decent DPS will eventually wear you down if you don't get help. I know it sucks, it happens to me all the time as soon as I throw a heal around :p. Just stick with other people and hope they know you're keeping them alive, so that they might return the favor.
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Situational awareness. That's all really.


You need to always cut the line of sight with other enemies, while keeping it with your own troops.

In WZs, I never just "move around" to heal, I always move toward a secure location THEN heal up. Secure locations include side of pillars, next to the stairs, doorways, etc.


You also need to have your camera way back, if that's not already the case, so that you see what's happening around you. If you have it, dropping the stealth probe nearby is also something I'd do constantly since it allows you to move BEFORE you get stunlocked.


Sorcs and Merc are the easiest to deal with usually because you can cut corners easily. If they rush in your face, bump them into a friendlies pack and cryo them there.

For melee enemies, what I usually do if I can't just fool them around is move INTO the pack of my friends then turn around and cryo grenade them in there. Then I bail back to my corners. What this does usually is make them focused by friendlies, or in worst case scenario, have them focus another friendly, which then you can heal if you need to.


The only exception is when friendlies are getting beat up pretty bad while I'm at full health. Then I move RIGHT in the enemies face and start healing. Usually they turn on me right then and there. I then pop my defensive shield, ready a medpack and the HP regen ability while still healing up. That usually allows my low HP friends to get some of these down, which reduces the DPS intake enough for my HPS to take over.


And last, when you pop your Supercharged Cell, don't hesitate to just unload like hell on people, especially high damage dealers, with Charged Rounds since they cost nearly nothing (or nothing whatsoever if you talent it). Sometimes healing someone is better done once you killed the enemy :)



tip: never, ever, ever defend a node just by yourself as a healer. It's just stupid. You need to always be where there are at least 2 or 3 people. If you see just one guy at a node, memorize his name then move to the pack while keeping an eye on his HP bar via the raid panel. Soon as you see his HP move, get into a visual position and see if you need to rus back there, or if you can stand with the pack.


another tip: when you're trying to get out of combat to recharge cells, make sure your target is clear (just ESCAPE to clear it or click on the ground). That usually puts you out of combat within 5 to 10 seconds, even when there are tons of enemies around.

Edited by Kemorand
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You're just too low level at the moment. You lack the proper abilities, and gear.


I'm a level 50 commando, and PvP healing is where I excel. I rarely run out of ammo, and I barely get killed.



Ammo management:

Field Triage (Advanced Medical Probe -> Medical Probe costs me 4 ammo)

Bacta Infusion - A free instant heal that I can use every 21s

Reserve Powercell - Next ability is free (Means Advanced Medical Probe -> Medical probe costs me 1 ammo)

Supercharge cells - 2 energy cells, and I can spam AMP - MP



I rarely get targeted, as I am ranged, and I never use hammer shots to heal (That's like holding a sign above your head saying "please kill me"). When I do get targeted, I never fight back, I just make whoever chasing me, regret it:


Reactive shield (specced combat shield) - 25% less damage, added 30% less pusback, and immune to interrupts

Adrenaline Rush - Restores 15% of health over 10 seconds

Trauma Probe - I have 31% crit chance unbuffed, and this little guy crit heals for around 500 every 3 seconds.

Bacta infusion - Instant heal

Kolto bomb - Heal while moving

Tech Override - Next ability is instant (means you can use medical probe while running).


Oh, and I never just stand there while getting targeted, I run around like crazy, trying to hide behind every obstacle i can find, just to pop a heal.


Combine all that, and you are an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE to kill. Most people just give up after a few seconds, and go for easier kills.


Oh, but this was before the Ilum patch, now all my enemies have Battlemaster gear and I get owned no matter.

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WHat Kemoraand wrote is great advice. Always try to be with at least 2-3 teammates. If you run around alone you will die alone, freezing wishing you had a warm Guardian to hug!



Never use Hamershot to heal, it's an automatic "kill me" button, use HS to DPS instead. Try to stay of the enemies radar as much as possible. Standing in the middle of the bridge healing in VOidstar will make you a huge Bulls Eye...

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Ammo management:

Field Triage (Advanced Medical Probe -> Medical Probe costs me 4 ammo)

Bacta Infusion - A free instant heal that I can use every 21s

Reserve Powercell - Next ability is free (Means Advanced Medical Probe -> Medical probe costs me 1 ammo)

Supercharge cells - 2 energy cells, and I can spam AMP - MP


I fully agree on the first and the last. Before you have Field Triage, ammo management is a pain, healing is much smoother with 3 points in it. I actually dare to say, the combat medic is not a real healer before you have 3 points in FT. Combine that with 2 points in field medicine to get 6 charges per MP and you are fine. Also, don't hesitate to hammershot teammates while waiting for a match to start and hammershot enemies when there's just no immediate need of healing on the team. These charges are extremely valuable when healing is needed.



By building up these charges all of the time, you can use Supercharge cells freely, no need to hold back with it. It basically has no cooldown (1,5 seconds are nothing, you'll need longer to build up charges again, anyways) and helps a lot. Too many people see it as "emergency button", but it actually is, in combination with field triage, our primary means of ammo management.


The only thing i basically disagree is bacta infusion. It might be nice, but the "once in 21 seconds" plus having to invest 6 points to get it makes me prefer other abilities. (To explain the "6 points", i consider 3% increase on crit healing a bad deal when i can have +3% aim elsewhere. Those +3% aim affect all healing and damage i do, not only my critical heals. )

Edited by Sylow
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The only thing i basically disagree is bacta infusion. It might be nice, but the "once in 21 seconds" plus having to invest 6 points to get it makes me prefer other abilities. (To explain the "6 points", i consider 3% increase on crit healing a bad deal when i can have +3% aim elsewhere. Those +3% aim affect all healing and damage i do, not only my critical heals. )


This is my current spec:



"Heavy Stock" is actually weapon calibrations in-game, which increases alacracity with 4%

Heavy Trooper above Advanced Tech was a personal pref


But I have all the necessary healing and stats talents, and bacta infusion... which in my mind is a MUST HAVE. The only talents I'm missing are DPS abilities, which isn't my role anyway.


I use it as fast as it gets off cooldown, it's completely free, and it isn't affected by global cooldown. It's a great ability to top up party members (or myself) other then the tank, or an "oh s***" button if someone takes burst damage.

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I thank you all for your responses, it makes me feel a little bit more secure in my gameplay as you seem to be in the same boat as me (somewhat) but have a lot more experience.


I have been using Hammer shot to heal, so i will definitely stop that.

The line of sight tip is something ive been trying to do but i will try to be more aware of it as im starting to loathe tracer missile.


Last question on this. Our hammer shot heal is a big green beam of obviousness, what is the Bounty Hunters version?

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Last question on this. Our hammer shot heal is a big green beam of obviousness, what is the Bounty Hunters version?


It just looks like green blaster fire. But even then, I never use it because it does a pitiful amount of healing - unless I need stacks anyway. (I'm only 44 though so correct me if this changes at 50).

Edited by Nevesta
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It just looks like green blaster fire. But even then, I never use it because it does a pitiful amount of healing - unless I need stacks anyway. (I'm only 44 though so correct me if this changes at 50).



Yeah i thought that was the case, i agree it doesnt do much but is a great way of mitigating some damage and getting stacks.


I think if the Troopers version was more akin to the BH's graphically it probably would be used more often.

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