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What makes something great


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Lets be honest. Most players never log on to the forums. The ones who do are probably "hardcore" MMO gamer lobbyist. What makes a game great is simplicity. Not everyone wants to go read up on whatever to figure something out. Not everyone wants in-depth complicated game mechanics. 10% comprised of these "hardcore" players might, but its not what the goal of this game should be. Hated by many, loved by more, World of Warcraft did this right. When you logged on to play the game within 5 minutes you had direction, you had goals, you felt as if you already had been playing the game. Instant gratification at the first hour of playing is what hooks most of the population. What made World of Warcraft great was its formula of catering to the average or new gamer who just wanted to have fun. It thrived on simplicity in a way that can be enjoyed by anyone in the world. Community is ruined by strictly professional guidelines or "serious guilds" who take it to themselves to try and control the game and the community. Their definition of what is "fun" is different from a bunch of friends getting together to mess around and play a game. The community in WoW was half of the fun for me. Trolls get annoying sometimes, but more often than not the constant arguing, bashing each other, getting under everyones skin, and the many memorable lines that came out of Barrens chat is was made it for me and many others. The community in WoW gave me the sense of just being around a bunch of my friends playing and going at it and I loved it. When it came down to getting to business the players were still able to come together and achieve tasks as a team. By creating this world that geared towards the casual community it left for expansion of the hardcore content for those who's goals were a strict raiding guild. Many times clashing and fighting in the main cities, the casual players and hardcore players still coexisted perfectly and more fun came out of it than annoyance. It is my belief that swtor has the potential of being the next great thing that EVERYONE, not just a small few, want to play.
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