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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Daily-Killer: Near Impossible to Complete Ilum Daily / Weekly Now After Patch 1.1a


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fire the idiots who:


- designed Ilum

- designed RNG PVP bags

- designed end-game PVP armor

- profit


and offer:


- free faction changes from empire to republic ONLY




Ilum blows.


The random PVP bags are soul crushing. I don't even want to PvP any more. It just isn't fun or exciting to get my 10th earpiece or another empty bag that resets me back to zero.

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I really think they should just roll Ilum back to old Ilum. At least then EVERYONE could do their daily/weekly, not just Empire. Boohooo, Mr. Imp, you can't do your daily in under 3 hours. My heart WOULD bleed for you, save for the fact that I can't do my daily at all. Sorry, my problem far outweighs yours. My sympathy dried up with my dailies. Ilum is in desperate need of a fix, and old Ilum would be a vast improvement. Until Bioware gets it through their thick, stupid skull that they must actively balance their own faction populace, Ilum the way it was meant to be played will NEVER work. No one wants to go there to be zerged in 5 seconds and come up with 0 kills. Balance the factions or give up on world PvP.
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what they need is a bolster system like warzones, but for Ilum. As republic, i want to PvP. When i say pvp, i mean actually have a chance to kil other players if i outplay them, not get zerged the second i walk out of my base. Ive seen some ridiculous threads of people saying republic are stupid/lazy/cowards for not walking into the meat grinder of sith camping the base.............lol why would we go to place to just get farmed?
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qft - ilum daily isn't worth is on low-republic population servers.


Last night we formed an ops group with about 6 others, imp numbers were 20+ for our instance. We tried to use hit-n-run guerrilla warfare tactics. Since the imps are about as mobile as we are isn't not so easy. Not-to-mention ilum's handy little announcement that pops-up for everyone in the zone when you near an objective. In other words, because of the announcement, the imps were already on the way as soon as we entered range of an objective. Basically, we'd run into a node and try to kill the few imps that were there before the gank posse arrived. Most of the time we'd get a few kills before being overrun and killed.


Capping & keeping nodes was impossible with the population imbalance. I did finally get the ilum daily done. We never controlled even one objective for long thus got token valor for every kill.



* ilum now is a valor farm for the controlling faction.

* it's not worth the reward to do the daily now unless you're even numbered and can control a node or two. (why accelerate the controlling factions valor gains?)

* guerrilla warfare tactics don't work well when enemy is just as mobile. Plus, it's made worse with ilum's announcement instant-intel tool.

* the only positive i see is this seems to be getting people to want to group up and work as a team. Even working in a group some would not really listen and wander off alone or not listen to obs chat.


Oh and a wonderful little bug as ops leader, that keeps spamming (in big read !@#$ing text) in your chat & middle of your screen that says "party size limit reached. Companion has been dismissed." over-and-over-....





best post eu



listen up devs, and fix that spam bug it is gamebreaking as ops leader.

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You know a simple player fix to this? (It will never happen). Stop. Massing.

I still do my Ilum dailies as a Republic, I put up with being outnumbered, frustrated and annoyed. But sure enough, if we get 5 guys together in a group, you Imps come swarming in the 20's and we all just leave.


Did you ever see EuroTrip? The scene with the nude beach. You are the endless hordes of guys coming to gawk. But you're self defeating, you only chase us away. So, if you stopped swarming like locusts, and exercised a little restraint in your grouping, Republic wouldn't avoid Ilum like the plague.


Now sure, I understand that there are more of you trying to get your quests done, but how's that working out for you at the moment? Enjoy your armaments (Oh, and I love you whining about the respawn time on them. I know, it must be hard being provided an out to your dailies that you can only accomplish as the side with numbers. They need to be taken out all together. You know how many armaments I typically get? 0. Yep, 0. Because there are always atleast 5 imps farming them, so if I show up to try to grab one, I get insta-jibbed. So don't even whine about their respawn, atleast they're there for you.)

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what they need is a bolster system like warzones, but for Ilum. As republic, i want to PvP. When i say pvp, i mean actually have a chance to kil other players if i outplay them, not get zerged the second i walk out of my base. Ive seen some ridiculous threads of people saying republic are stupid/lazy/cowards for not walking into the meat grinder of sith camping the base.............lol why would we go to place to just get farmed?


It also doesn't help when fellow Imperials, most of which are moronic, just sit at your base door - not even giving you the opportunity to leave.


The entire PvP-portion of the planet is just completely broken and horrifically designed.


It's truly the biggest abomination in this game.

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A large part of the problem is the fact that Bioware have given level 50s one area of one planet for open world PvP. There is very little reason to even leave your Fleet at level 50. PvP dailies on Ilum, and PvE dailies on Ilum and Belsalvis. That's about it. Maybe a couple of world bosses, but the loot they drop is pretty bad and there's no reason to farm them over other content. What this basically means is that everyone who is out and about in the world (universe?) at 50 is on Ilum, unless they're doing daily PvE quests on Belsalvis. This really exasperates the issue of population imbalance on all servers.


I know some will scoff at the mention of other MMOs, but Trion managed to spread the population out a bit more in terms of open-world PvP on their PvP servers in Rift. How?


1. PvP daily quests. These would take place in one of three zones, and the zone would change each day. Two or three of these quests were essentially PvE quests that brought both factions to the same place and forced them to fight over mobs/resources, and another quest to kill players of the other faction. This is essentially the equivalent of Ilum, but actually takes you to a non-secluded part of the world where other people may actually be.


2. PvP Rifts. You could open a PvP Rift in any of the three (four now) high-level zones, and these tasked you with delivering sourcestone while protecting your carriers and the rift itself from the other faction (who were encouraged to kill you for PvP currency). Completing these rifts was part of a weekly quest (either by successfully closing yours, or by destroying one that the opposite faction is attempting to close).


3. World events. Essentially PvE content, but there were often large battles fought over the world boss spawning at the end, either before or after defeating it. They sparked a decent bit of PvPvE which is completely absent from SWTOR.


This did a decent job of providing alternatives to simply going head-to-head zerg vs. zerg style in an isolated part of the map. Opposite faction completely dominating the daily quest area? Ok, well there's alternatives to keep you busy while you wait for numbers.


Bioware have thrown all their eggs into one basket though, and it's just turned Ilum into a nightmare for anyone on the underpopulated faction. There's no reason to leave Ilum if you're winning because of the war buff, which means one faction can/will hold it all day long. War buff + extra valor from kills means there's no reason to go elsewhere at all.

Edited by Sheridyn
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It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.




As I stated yesterday, I'm happy that apparently more and more imperial players are starting to figure out that this situation doesn't benefit anyone. And yes you are correct, republic avoids Ilum because simply put there is nothing to gain for republic players by going there, not even the simple element of fun. You can try and make a group with friends or random people, but outside of very small time windows, no matter how many republic players you can get together empire will always have much more, so it's just pointless. Until they simply make sure that overpopulation isn't a factor (--> turn Ilum into a regular warzone), Ilum will never work.

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Bioware - you have the money and the resources- look up some of the original RVR devs from DAOC or maybe even some of the guys who did Shadowbane. At least that pvp was fun and there was constant action.


Just cause you started with Gabe A. doesn't mean you need to keep him in charge; I think there's enough money at stake that you shouldn't keep letting him mess things up.

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This might have been brought up not sure. I guy I work with plays on the republic side of the server I play on. 90% of the time Imps control Ilum. What they do is spam fleet chat to build a full ops group. Once it is full roll out to Ilum. They take over central pretty fast. Yes alot of the time we at that point start an ops group and start to take it back. The thing is with all the fighting both sides get there daily done in about an hour.
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Bioware - you have the money and the resources- look up some of the original RVR devs from DAOC or maybe even some of the guys who did Shadowbane. At least that pvp was fun and there was constant action.


Just cause you started with Gabe A. doesn't mean you need to keep him in charge; I think there's enough money at stake that you shouldn't keep letting him mess things up.


Indeed. The overall lack of creativity, given this game's budget - is truly astonishing.

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This might have been brought up not sure. I guy I work with plays on the republic side of the server I play on. 90% of the time Imps control Ilum. What they do is spam fleet chat to build a full ops group. Once it is full roll out to Ilum. They take over central pretty fast. Yes alot of the time we at that point start an ops group and start to take it back. The thing is with all the fighting both sides get there daily done in about an hour.


The problem with that is that unless you're in Ilum, at the specific time their Operation group showed up - you're **** of luck.


Otherwise it will continue to remain void of any Republic players, and Imperials fighting for the same limited spawns.

Edited by brentonj
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Bioware have thrown all their eggs into one basket though, and it's just turned Ilum into a nightmare for anyone on the underpopulated faction. There's no reason to leave Ilum if you're winning because of the war buff, which means one faction can/will hold it all day long. War buff + extra valor from kills means there's no reason to go elsewhere at all.


I wish they would just scrap the pvp-portion of the planet entirely and come up with something new.

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I personally quit Ilum b/c:


1. It's usually a 1v10 scenario.

2. Empire ranked up so fast on 1.1 D-day & with no roll-backs, our whole faction is outgeared.

3. It takes entirely too long to complete the daily.

4. Valor, commendations, gear, and money can be made faster queuing for WZs. (& at least we have even #s in WZs).

5. 10-49 is loads of fun now, so I play alts as well.

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ask yourself why they reset every day and not every hour.


you are not every clever.


cry more and L2P


Please stop blatantly trolling. You're adding nothing to the discussion, and only making yourself look like a fool in the process.


I personally quit Ilum b/c:


1. It's usually a 1v10 scenario.

2. Empire ranked up so fast on 1.1 D-day & with no roll-backs, our whole faction is outgeared.

3. It takes entirely too long to complete the daily.

4. Valor, commendations, gear, and money can be made faster queuing for WZs. (& at least we have even #s in WZs).

5. 10-49 is loads of fun now, so I play alts as well.


Indeed. Oddly enough, the Imperial-heavy servers share many of the same problems now. Minus the 1 vs 10 scenario and ranking up.


Though I don't think rollbacks were necessary. The fact remains, the weekly and daily are completely unreasonable and broken.


Would love to hear people's thoughts on how to fix them.

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You picked the zerg faction. What did you expect? Time to reroll republic.




It's a lose/lose situation atm.


Also there is no reason to let the Empire finish their weekly and daily in a reasonable amount of time while the Republic can't finish it at all or have to invest an ridiculousness amount of time.


Like seriously, there is nearly no way it's doable on Ragnos. We did an Ops with 15 People but we still got crushed 50-80vs15. We gave them the weekly and we didn't finish it. They started to camp us at our spawn.


EDIT: As a quick fix they should add Tenacity. I'm not really sure about the numbers though. However, if the Balance is 1v4 you should be able to win a 1v4. Maybe even make Tenacity OP, that would encourage a Reroll.

Edited by Teabaker
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It's a lose/lose situation atm, no reason to let the Empire finish their weekly and daily in a reasonable amount of time.


I dont feel the least bit sorry for any imp who is struggling to progress in pvp. I would be overjoyed if half of them quit the game.

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