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Let's attempt to think here.


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Okay, I see a whole lot of rage and crying over this staggered system, let's break this down and try to be intelligent about this. Let's say the flood gates were opened and everyone got to log on. The possibility exists that everyone gets in on their instanced zones and we all walk off into the sunset with our lazer swords. Sounds pretty sweet huh?


Okay, now look at what could happen if Bioware didn't play it safe on this. Servers might start crashing left and right and even the instancing can't handle the load. All of a sudden the forums and every game media outlet is on fire with cries about a failed launch. The people who have never played an mmo or are on the fence see this and a large potential customer base is cut before it can form.


A week from now people will forget about their frustration in waiting for their place in line, a failed launch would live on a lot longer than that. I'm an adult and have had to wait for something I've wanted before this and will have to again after this. Personally; I would much rather wait a while in line and preserve the reputation and future of a game i'm planning on dedicating quite a bit of my time to, than get instant gratification and be on an empty server months from now.

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Okay, I see a whole lot of rage and crying over this staggered system, let's break this down and try to be intelligent about this.


I hate to break it to you, but rational thought goes out the window any time people want something and can't immediately have it. Good idea, but it isn't going to happen. :(

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Okay, I see a whole lot of rage and crying over this staggered system, let's break this down and try to be intelligent about this. Let's say the flood gates were opened and everyone got to log on. The possibility exists that everyone gets in on their instanced zones and we all walk off into the sunset with our lazer swords. Sounds pretty sweet huh?


Okay, now look at what could happen if Bioware didn't play it safe on this. Servers might start crashing left and right and even the instancing can't handle the load. All of a sudden the forums and every game media outlet is on fire with cries about a failed launch. The people who have never played an mmo or are on the fence see this and a large potential customer base is cut before it can form.


A week from now people will forget about their frustration in waiting for their place in line, a failed launch would live on a lot longer than that. I'm an adult and have had to wait for something I've wanted before this and will have to again after this. Personally; I would much rather wait a while in line and preserve the reputation and future of a game i'm planning on dedicating quite a bit of my time to, than get instant gratification and be on an empty server months from now.


I'm nixhexxion, and I approve this message

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Okay, I see a whole lot of rage and crying over this staggered system, let's break this down and try to be intelligent about this. Let's say the flood gates were opened and everyone got to log on. The possibility exists that everyone gets in on their instanced zones and we all walk off into the sunset with our lazer swords. Sounds pretty sweet huh?


Okay, now look at what could happen if Bioware didn't play it safe on this. Servers might start crashing left and right and even the instancing can't handle the load. All of a sudden the forums and every game media outlet is on fire with cries about a failed launch. The people who have never played an mmo or are on the fence see this and a large potential customer base is cut before it can form.


A week from now people will forget about their frustration in waiting for their place in line, a failed launch would live on a lot longer than that. I'm an adult and have had to wait for something I've wanted before this and will have to again after this. Personally; I would much rather wait a while in line and preserve the reputation and future of a game i'm planning on dedicating quite a bit of my time to, than get instant gratification and be on an empty server months from now.


You expect WAY to much from ppl mate. You know ppl will remember when they got in and still be peeved about it. Just the way the world goes mate

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You post is way to well thought out. Most people are going to just cry until they get what they want. I personally got the first invite wave, but have to work for another 5.5 hours. So to all the whiners.... just think, you could have taken my spot since I'm not even using my early access right now. So now you can whine about that :-)
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