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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 50 PVP bracket = HORRIBLE!


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so the majority of posts were in favor of a bracket system and then when it gets implemented the majority of posts are about how it sucks.


i do not envy bioware.


First off there is no bracket system, Its just Level 50's and level 1-49. A bracket system must contain multiple brackets of levels. (Ie: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50 etc).


All that is currently in place is a separation of the Top level from everyone else.

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First off there is no bracket system, Its just Level 50's and level 1-49. A bracket system must contain multiple brackets of levels. (Ie: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and 50 etc).


All that is currently in place is a separation of the Top level from everyone else.


Lets hear it for JANUARY!

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So, what I was thinking a level 50 bracket would do, is put all the people who suck at PVP into another bracket. Wrong! The undergeared n00bs who queue in the 50 bracket are some of the worst PVPers I have ever seen in my life. I hate them. In fact, I would rather have level 10s on my team, than some scrub 50 who thinks that PVP is the easy ticket to gearing up.... then proceeds to get curb stomped match after match and quit every time.



The fact that new 50s get stomped in WZs is not because they suck. They get stomped because they don't have gear with Expertise. Simple as that. Furthermore this is worsened by the low server populations, making it nearly impossible for new 50s to get geared up as they must face the same decked out premades over and over. The fact that you see a new 50 getting bursted down in seconds and assume they suck indicates you aren't taking into account the most important (because it's so powerful that it becomes necessary to acquire) mechanic of SW:ToR's PvP system: Expertise. Ergo, you sir, suck. In fact, I guarantee you are like many of the other whiners that come on here and spew trash like this in the sense that you were able to get carried in WZs by geared players, and now you are geared, resulting in your ability to stomp freshies. You probably have no real skill in PvP. I'd even be willing to bet you roll FoTM classes, farm up as much expertise gear you can, then brag about how good you are in PvP when you beat new 50s without any PvP gear. I'd really love to see a screenshot of your UI and look at how unorganized your one, maybe two quickbars are. Even better would be a replay of you using maybe 5 of the 7 hotkeys you keybinded while you click everything else. I remember watching a replay on youtube pre 1.2 where the poster claims to be pro, and all he does is spam tracer missle with mouse clicks and manages to wrack up 35 kills. You'd probably make great friends.


Oh yeah, and considering the only place you can get the prerequisites for PvP gear is from the WZs themselves....yeah, PvP is in fact the easy ticket to gearing up.


Jus' sayin'. You ignant. Don't be ignant.

Edited by Maurdiib
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