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The Galactic Empire and YOU!


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Imagine: You are a citizen of the Galactic Empire. (Era: Between Episodes III and until the Rebel Alliance wins.)


As a regular citizen, why would I hate the Empire? What is so evil about living under it's rule? Aside from the fear of having my world destroyed by the Death Star, what is the problem?



Same goes for the Sith Empire of the Old Republic times. What inspires me to say "Enough is enough!" ?




Thoughtful discussion? :)

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1. Whatever the Dark Council/Emperor says, goes. So if they say that your entire race is now under slavery, there is not much you can do about it.


2. Lack of Democracy, you went, in 20 years, from a semi-functioning Democracy where YOU and YOUR RACE had a say in the government, to a despotic totalitarian government ruled by sadistic monsters.


That's all I've got for now.

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Living on Imperial-controlled resource worlds in particular tends to not be a lot of fun. The Empire strip-mines your area for what's useful to them and negotiates the sales under terms that are favorable to them, not you. That goes double if you're a non-human indigenous species. Edited by Meira_Arirai
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Living on Imperial-controlled resource worlds in particular tends to not be a lot of fun. The Empire strip-mines your area for what's useful to them and negotiates the sales under terms that are favorable to them, not you. That goes double if you're a non-human indigenous species.


Sounds like Colonial earth politics...

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For the people living in the Core Worlds--i.e. civilized space--very little changes under Imperial rule. Life goes on as usual as it had under the Old Republic, and people would have little reason to protest the Empire since it mostly (with a few exceptions: Raltirr, Alderaan, etc.) rules with a beneficent face in the Core, being as it is a government by the wealthy and for the wealthy. The Rim worlds, as noted, fare differently and probably have little fondness for the Empire, since their experience with the Empire would probably involve the military or colonial arms.


The exact opposite is true in the time period of this game. The Sith barged in from the Rim to invade the Core Worlds--for the Core, the Republic is the society they've known and the Sith are warring on them. They have every reason to hate the Sith.

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