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Yes, this server seems like it might end up having issues.


1+ hour queue's already on 2'nd day of early access. To many people migrating to the server outside of those who were originally placed there i guess.



I guess i hope Bioware eventually implements a "Guild-migrate" feature if it gets any worse, which i assume it will closer to launch.

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Stop complaining about the queues, the only reason we have queues is because all of the Italians and Spanish jumped on this server.


If everybody stuck to the server they were designated by Bioware then there would have been an even mix around the servers, instead large communities came piling onto these servers and brought far too many people with them. And for the record, yes I play on the server however my guild were put on the server by Bioware...

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The server limit must avoid any problem of access time and lag. We have this problem because server accept to much players that it can manage without problem of service providing. Nobody can avoid to choice his preferred server if that continue to accept people.


And before of all we are customers pay the service. Service provider must avoid any service lack.


We does not want to discover that probably there is sucking timer in the server login management, that will create long queue or that the service provider was not able to count the subscribers they already has from game preorder......considering that the queue is diffused in all the server before the 20/12/2011.

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gather all the nuub spanish and italians together, 2hr que is nothing.. after 20th it will be hell to log on...


i am already lvl 35 so there is no point for me to re roll on another server unless there is a free char xfer...



the only spanish chat spam was on korriban and imperial fleet

all low levels


i think spanish community should consider rerolling to another low/standart populated server


this way everybody can play nicely without que or spanish general chat spam..

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I'm spanish, and I finally got in yesterday final wave. I fled from Tomb of Freedon Nadd as it had a 2+ hours queue.


On the new server I chose surprisingly I found many spanish players also, but we set up our own channel, and the general chat is being constantly harassed not by "mediterranean" countries as someone else said in this same thread, but by some eastern folks (not sure if russian, polish, ...)


Everyone like to play in their own language with their own community. That's why French and German servers do exist. It's a shame Bioware didn't think on other languages also (and publishing the server list just two days before the start didn't help, forcing local communities to rush the server choose polls and such).

Now Tomb of Freedon Nadd server and some others are paying that lack of vision. :(


Anyway, please, leave that tonge-wars aside, and just enjoy the game. TOR deserves it...



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I said that i have no problem in chatting in english, i can also understand french, italian and some german too... although i can't write properly that.


But, i know people who does not understand/chat fluidly in english, so what's your solution at their problem? Letting them out of this game? or?


That being said, if you're in a English/German/French server, existing "put-here-your-language" servers, i agree with you. But, if there are no Spanish/Italian servers for example, it's kind of discriminatory that i can't use my language to express myself. The same way i can chat in english, an english player could understand spanish.


Again i say that i have no problem with being english the general chat (i would have if it were german, because i couldn't express myself in german ^^), but i also explain some points of view that a lot of people does not understand, and i, as a Spanish player, understand.


Not to mention that, if you write in bad english, a lot of people laugh at you, spam, and humilliate, so maybe decency is not that great if tolerance isn't there.

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Seems odd and very stubborn that both the Italian and Spanish communities decided to move to the server AFTER knowing that the EU RVR initiative was bringing more than 4,500 players to the server.


We have agreed not to move, since well we chose it first and informed both of those communities.


It looks like many of the Italian guilds have moved on again thankfully, hopefully they found a server where they can all log in without queues but the Spanish are still here and more are arriving. There are arguments in general chat everytime someone speaks Spanish (there is a spanish channel I believe) and there are 2+ hour queues.


I hope that the major or more influencial Spanish guilds are considering a move. Who cares if you lose a day or 2 or levelling and have to start again when levelling is so fast anyway?


Why doesn't the RVR initiative move? Because there are almost 5,000 players from more than 160 guilds there.

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Seems odd and very stubborn that both the Italian and Spanish communities decided to move to the server AFTER knowing that the EU RVR initiative was bringing more than 4,500 players to the server.


We have agreed not to move, since well we chose it first and informed both of those communities.


It looks like many of the Italian guilds have moved on again thankfully, hopefully they found a server where they can all log in without queues but the Spanish are still here and more are arriving. There are arguments in general chat everytime someone speaks Spanish (there is a spanish channel I believe) and there are 2+ hour queues.


I hope that the major or more influencial Spanish guilds are considering a move. Who cares if you lose a day or 2 or levelling and have to start again when levelling is so fast anyway?


Why doesn't the RVR initiative move? Because there are almost 5,000 players from more than 160 guilds there.


False. Blatantly False.


I cannot speak for Italian people, but the spanish comunity voted and chose Tomb the very same day the server list and pre-launch guild roster were availabe (you can check it by yourself here: http://www.swtor-esp.com/forums).


That aside, this is NOT a colonial war. There is no "reserved servers", and no "plant your flag first and claim your land". And talking about numbers, I bet there a FAR more than 5000 spanish players (and Italians, btw), so please do not pretend to force people out of anywhere... They will move freely if they choose to, exactly like you should do, (and like I did yesterday, just for avoiding the huge queues).



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Hey guys,


We have removed several off topic and rude posts from this thread. Please remember to keep posts on the topic of the thread, polite, and constructive to discussion.



Bioware, as a quick'n cheap solution, please consider adding default regional chats to EU servers. Adding whole servers for more languages can be costly, but many other online games have local channels. English on common channels (PVP - Trade), and general channels for English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, and so on...


Dang!, language problem solved... This does not fix the overpupulated servers due to several different communities trying to claim the servers for themselves, but this issue cannot be solved for now anyway.





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Simple solution - create 3 new pvp servers and 2 pve servers only for people from Ireland and the UK to join, the rest of Europe can do what they like on the other servers and speak whatever language they like too.


It's why some of us just end up joining US East based servers, as at least we know the language being spoken will be English and not have to worry about being stuck on a server filled with people and guilds who refuse or just cannot speak a word of English.


I don't mind the general chat tbh, don't care what's spoken, it's the fact that if servers are over-run by large pops from other normally non English speaking countries from Europe - then it's generally very hard to get in and get on in a guild.


Only exception to that being German servers, where they seem to openly welcome English speakers without any problems to their guilds.


Looks like I'm going to have to roll on a US East coast server when I get access to the game, mainly because I'm not going to take a chance at ending up on a server in the EU filled with very bad Engrish speakers and Russians - not that I've any problem with Russians, it's just pointless joining a server with them as they don't welcome English speaking people to their guilds, same with Italians and Spanish too in general also.


Designate servers for Ireland and UK only please.

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I didn't read all of what you say.

But HF on the US servers.


I'm not British or Irish, but I do prefer the language to be English. Not "what ever language". How narrow minded of you to think that only English and Irish people speak English... What about the Scots? or the Welsh?


Closed minds are closed, and the problem is countries wanting to have their own national servers, that aren't created.

Since this problem always arises on overhyped MMO's released in Europe (and most of the companies that do the administration of these are based outside of Europe) they do not realize the problem prior to launch.


It would be great to have 2 official Italian servers. Not a translated client, just a server stated to be Italian language, so that the general English speaking servers aren't "stolen" so to speak.


Russian servers also should be a given, since they are the one nationality most of the European players flee. They are simply too dominant and tend to break community spirit and in-game economies through bot lvl'ing and excessive gold buying. (Not saying all do it, but I've seen it happen many times).


For now, we're given English, German and French servers, with Germany fielding 3 "light loaded" servers... why not go to one of them, if you want to make a national server where you refuse to speak English?


Just a thought =)

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people should be allowed to have atleast a free transfer if they want to change servers because people don´t want to start their classes again and maybe for the 3rd time due too this and also people don´t want this early game access to be a huge waste of time. it´s also hard for people to reroll who are in a guild if they want to be a part of that and it could be hard to convince a whole guild to reroll, so free transfer and more servers to choose from. Edited by Sverrir
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I didn't read all of what you say.

But HF on the US servers.


I'm not British or Irish, but I do prefer the language to be English. Not "what ever language". How narrow minded of you to think that only English and Irish people speak English... What about the Scots? or the Welsh?


Closed minds are closed, and the problem is countries wanting to have their own national servers, that aren't created.


What are you talking about ? I said Ireland and the UK, not Ireland and England ?

You do know that Wales and Scotland are part of the UK yeah ?

Way to go, make stuff up in your own head that you think I said or suggested then go get annoyed at yourself over it :rolleyes:


I've heard it all before anyway but either way it always turns out that designated English speaking realms in Europe will end up every few minutes getting people from Spain, Italy, Russia, CZ, Slovakia and Swedes coming on and asking for respective guilds from only their own country to invite them. It's not just about the language, it's the fact that some of the countries involved actively refuse to participate in any server community outside of that which they create themselves in their own close minded country specific guilds which in some cases can be quiet large and in all cases when that happens they ruin it for others.


If you end up being overtaken by certain countries on your English speaking server, you have to more than likely suck it up and re-roll on another server as otherwise you're just wasting your time.


Anyway, I am off to reroll on a US East Coast server, I did try EU, honestly I did try but it went on the whole night "blah blah looking for [insert country here] guild invite me".

There were loads online, loads, lots of us speaking English, but barely less than 10 people if even that were actively participating in any community, again due to certain countries taking over the server and refusing to integrate with others different than themselves.

Already arguments about people being removed from a lowbie heroic grouping because they didn't speak a certain other countries language the other 3 spoke :rolleyes:

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As a point of order, just to point out my other feeling on this so I don't come across as selfish...


That it's unfair for other players in Europe and Russia to have to find among their community, servers that they can designate for themselves for their own country players.


While English might be spoken as a second or third language in many countries in Europe and Russia, it's not their first language either and some people from those countries cannot speak it or cannot speak it well enough so it is unfair to ask them to roll on English speaking servers and only speak English.


However, I'd see the reason for that not Bioware being lazy about it but probably more likely they don't have enough support people available who speak those languages and who can be GM's and customer service for those people.


Would hardly be fair on English only speakers for instance to have to call customer support in Russia and be expected to learn Russian just to get some support.


Maybe, until such a stage that support is available in those languages, some servers are officially "designated" for Russia, Spain, Italy etc., but the main language is still English, so as to cover support issues.

I can't imagine Bioware having problems for long though in regards finding people to work for them in Ireland who can also speak/write in any of the other European languages to cover support.


Anyway, I'm happy myself now on the Prophecy of the Five US East coast server after I re-rolled. Latency is never above 130ms so there's no impact at all, perfectly fine in pvp too. Seems to be others had the same idea, met a fair few from Ireland and the UK there already.


I reckon Bioware will provide designated servers eventually, once they can support them in their respective languages.

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According to posts on this forum:


- the International - English RvR community was the first that announced officially ToFN as their selected server (many guilds were already assigned on it)

- the Italian "Trattato Exarco" community was the second that announced ToFN as server (many Italian guilds were already deployed on ToFN)

- Spanish community was the third community that announced ToFN as server, when International RvR and Trattato Exarco communities already announced their decision not as a claim but as a warning


It is hard and stupid to claim then this server as "property" of one community.

It was simply a mistake by who coordinated the Spanish community don't face the situation, don't change their mind but decide to roll anyway on ToFN.


International RvR community and "Trattato Exarco" wouldn't have created this queue mess, they would have faced queues but not like the ones we have.

Spanish PvP community is big and healthy, able to fill an entire server.


Knowing what was already planned and announced by the other two communities, the decision to roll on ToFN was not wise.


I think that was correct explain exactly what happened, so at least everyone not in those communities can evaluate what happened and why ToFN has terrible queues.


Those announcements were not a way to claim the server but to give a wise warning to other guilds, communities and players, a warning that was ignored by the organizers - coordinators of an entire community.

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What I think. First, I'm not English. Second, I really can't understand the claim to exist "Country" specific servers because there are players that can't understand English. Sorry but when those people bough the game, it was already known that the game was only in English, French and German. If they, knowing that, still bough the game, its their own problem. I don't know how being in a "Country" specific server while the game itself is in English is going to help anyone! How do those players even understand the story/quests/game mechanics? Why not save the 15€ month and get some English/French/German lessons first?


I support that BW should give those communities servers in their own language for them to play, but that takes time and money (game translation is not an easy task). Until then, those that want to play should respect the others and use a language that everyone understands, in this case English.


Now regarding the Spanish Community in ToFN, I really don't have anything bad to say. Except those kiddies (not only spanish) that once in long while use the general chat to express something in a language only part of the server understands, everything is ok. Only thing that I still don't understand is why did they pick ToFN for their community server, as a lot of communities said before they were going to play there.


I really think the smartest move for BW is to give free transfers for ToFN and Bloodworthy, so some communities move to less populated servers. Instead of having 1 super server with huge queues (+3h), they will get 2 healthy servers with normal queue times.

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I rapresent italian comunity.


Our comunity it's small (500-600 people) and we decided to move to ToFD since bioware didn't care about our guild-alliance deploy, spreading all our guild (no more than 10) everywhere.


We knew that the UK comunity was moving there after we decided already. than we knew spanish too were moving...


nowdays almost half of our comunity decided to split somewhere else.


Defenetly our small comunity dosen't afflict that much the queue (we are not big nerds, cause we are busy eating pizza and cooking pasta). Probably the Spanish comunity should decide to move, also if it would be a sad things, cause a server populated from UK Spanish and Italians sounds cool.


We can only complayn about BW, that made strange decisions about many things (without replyng to our complayns is the first thing).


Let's see tomorrow if the rise of the cap will fix something

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