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I want to preface this post with the fact that I'm not at end game but have been spending a lot of time reading these forums. This is also my first post so please don't tear me down too hard. I love the play style of the marauder and personally don't have any issues with the class but I do have questions.


I really just need to make a point about the on-going whine/L2play going on over Marauders.


BW are the only people who see the numbers. They have designed all DPS classes to be within 5% of each other and feel that our damage is where it needs to be. We are not totally gimped nor are we super powerful if you're not an idiot and know how to play. At best you are 5% better or worse than every other DPSer that is equally skilled and geared. Please stop complaining/bragging about how much damage you bring to the party, it can only be marginally better or worse than everyone else and only BW really knows!


I think most of us shared the vision of the Marauder as a dual-sabered, force powered, wrecking ball, but that's not in the cards. BW has designed the game to not give any class a true advantage when it comes to DPS. I am trying to figure out what we are built for if it's not to be massive-melee-hurt.


I guess I do feel a little cheated when I find out the BH in heavy armor is doing the same DPS as me and is not having to stay in the face of the enemy, but that is still the class and play-style that I chose.


I'm wondering where we see this class ending up. BW has stated that they are going to overhaul our rotations but I'm more curious about our role in a group. I can see that we could be a liability for a group from the perspective of healing. We do have very nice group buffs. We will probably gain a little durability and I would love to be a viable off-tank. But to be honest I would prefer to stay squishy and just break the 5% barrier. Any thoughts on where this class is going and what kind of role you think Marauder is or will be built for?

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It's not all about the damage charts, honestly. Sure, a Mercenary can sit back and spam 1-3 attacks and still top damage charts with ease while we have to really work for it... but topping the damage chart does not = bringing more to the table. First of all, the Marauder is a late bloomer... so it doesn't even start to get good until the mid 30s. But really where we excel is in 1v1 combat. We're great in groups as well, of course, but a Mercenary going 1v1 against someone is going to be at a distinct disadvantage. They don't have an interrupt, and we have a 6-8 second interrupt to keep their Tracer Missiles from wrecking us. Marauder vs. Mercenary in a 1v1 there's no comparison. Also, Sorcerer/Sage, which everyone seems to think is really overpowered, is even easier to beat on a Marauder. They'll probably buff us a little bit in the near future, but I don't think we really need it all that much honestly. It's just a difficult class to play compared to some of the others, like the Mercenary. But I think it really rewards skilled play. I feel like a total beast on the battlefield, honestly.
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I think most of us shared the vision of the Marauder as a dual-sabered, force powered, wrecking ball, but that's not in the cards. BW has designed the game to not give any class a true advantage when it comes to DPS. I am trying to figure out what we are built for if it's not to be massive-melee-hurt.


1. I am a dual-sabered, force-powered, wrecking ball. Sounds like the problem is you.


2. No class has a "true advantage" in "POTENTIAL DPS", but many classes have real advantages/disadvantages in "REAL DPS".


Your BH plinking away with tracerlol has the advantage of range. He also has the disadvantage of castbars, and low mobility while DPSing. Your Op/Smugg lol8kcrit has the advantage of first strike and high burst. He also has the disadvantage of 0 gap-closers beyond stealth, average DPS after his opening, and ****-all for survival.


So. Stop ************ about potential DPS, and start laying hard on what you're really doing in a fight, and pressing your advantages into the enemies' weaknesses.


The theoretical "potential DPS" just doesn't seem to have much meaning when they're the ones eating dirt as you dance on their corpses.

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what they said and


Wielding two sabers and unmatched aggression, Sith trained as Marauders

slice through enemy ranks, dealing death with merciless efficiency. Able to intuit

precisely how to attack in order to maximize every strike, their adversaries

become victims in the blink of an eye. Whether annihilating a squad of

Republic troops or cutting down a single Jedi, the Marauder sees and

exploits every weakness to exact the greatest toll. Never

hesitating, never faltering, there is no swifter bringer

of pain and damage in the galaxy.

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I like where the Mara is at currently. Some improvments would help but i dont feel like im at a disadvantage, only under certain circumstances(Operatives mostly).


I feel like as a class we need more group buffs, or debuffs for targets, as it stands the only thing we can really bring to a raid is Bloodthirst. Id like to see Annhilation spec have there dots increast crit chance against the target or reduce defenses, Carnage can reduce armor and have it apply for the whole group rather then just us. Rage can increase the critical damage to the target for the whole raid. Just suggestions. To make us help a raid/group more.

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I should have noted that I am far more concerned with the end game PVE aspects of the class particularly how well we enhance a group. Again, I am not having problems and really enjoy this class and play style. I get the theoretical vs real DPS but I imagine that BW has the ability to compare some simple metrics and adjust things until they match their goals. I guess I don't understand where our niche is if we aren't they "Burn em down" type class.


Please note; I am not complaining about any experiences I am having or that this class is underpowered. I'm just wondering what we are meant to excel at if all classes DPS the same.

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