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Fracking Rebels - Livestream & Youtube (ONLINE!)


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Hey all. I'm currently livestreaming. Starting day 2 of SWTOR early access! If you're bored, come check me out and ask some questions in the chat! I'm going to be up all day / night once again. Hopefully it helps the time pass for some of you that haven't got in yet!


Currently level 17 Sniper on The Crucible Pits server. (Same server as Ruin, Dara Mactire and a few other notable PvP guilds). Doing PvP and PvE alongside my partner in crime, Tacitus!




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I thought 'community' related stuff belongs in the community forums. Sorry not having a go but seeing alot of these threads in general :confused:


Yeah, but not a lot of people even know that the community forums exist. I know a lot of people haven't got in early access, so popping my channel in here so they can have something to fill in their SWTOR addiction until they get in.



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