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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP unplayable as a Sentinel


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1. Force Leap has a cool-down.

2. I'm routinely stunned and killed at range before I can get off a single Force Leap.

3. Even if I can get into range initially with Force Leap, my opponents can continue attacking while moving away, while some of my abilities require that I remain stationery to use them, so I can't stay in melee range.

4. Given the above three points, do you still really contend that melee DPS shouldn't be higher than ranged DPS?


Dude, do you use saber ward, rebuke, trancendance? Gaurded by the force even... you should not be killed by ranged before you can get to them... if you are, then your going after a group, wich is not wise for any spec... Use a little more team work maybe. Sentinel is awesome once you learn it. It does take a while to master though.


Once you force leap onto someone, if they are ranged, drop your 50% slow on them, They can't kite you I promise you, use force camo to gain ground, or even transcendence.


And *** are you talking about you have to stay stationary?? Force stasis should only be used as an interrupt, or if you have a healer to buy you some time if someone is dpsing you down. Master strike can pretty much be taken off your bindings. Only time I use it is if a noob is sitting still letting you whale on him.


Use your defensive cd's man. It is hard as hell to kill me. Usually takes a group of people. Granted I am level 50 now with Full Champ minus my main hand and boots, but even before then I was very hard to kill. Don't run into a group of people alone, no class can survive that inevitable death.


No excuses, no buts... there has been good advice given to you here on this thread, use it.

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Points that were presented as problems with sentinals/marauders:


1. As a melee DPS character, I am literally useless outside of melee range.


This is true. As it should be.




2. I can be routinely stunned and killed before reaching melee range. Resolve has a two-minute cool-down, so sometimes I am killed 3-4 times in a row without once reaching range to attack anyone back with no defense possible.


It is possible to be stunned and killed within the stun. However, Ops and Scoundrels are the only ones I have seen that successfully do this one vs one and it doesnt happen all the time and if your being stunned and killed by multiple enemies your going to die even if you use your trinket. When your trinket is up you can avoid this by simply using it quickly and then using a defensive CD (scoundrels and ops 6sec stun fully fills your resolve bar so that you cannot be stunned again). Also, to say that Sentinels / Marauders have no defense possible isnt true. We have a great deal of defensive CDs on pretty short cooldowns.



3. Assuming I can get to melee range, some of my better abilities require that I not move to activate them, where as my target only need to step backwards to get out of melee range and render me again completely useless.


There is a very small number of abilities that require you to not move (channel). Ravage, Force Choke,..... actually that is it (marauder point of view). Force Choke stuns them for the duration and Ravage should only be used in situations where you can complete it (Carnage allows you to spec so that Ravage roots the target) you can cancel both of these any time simply by moving. Also remember that as ranged classes are kiting you they are doing significantly less damage



4. Melee DPS is not significantly higher damage than ranged DPS to make up for these short-comings.


Marauders and Sentinels should not do more overall DPS than ranged classes because the above issues are either issues shared by all classes i.e being stunned till dead or because Melee DPS can do the same amount of damage standing still or on the run. Ranged classes cannot do the same DPS moving and standing still because they have many more channeled abilities. Ravage is the only damage ability we have that is channeled and you can spec to have it root. Force choke always stuns so it cancels out.




Also, I would like to say that just because some people overcome the hardships of the class simply means that it is possible and you can learn how. Marauders and Sentinels take work to be good at especially if you not used to melee as a play style. Hang in there and use the constructive advice in this thread.


If you feel as though it is useless you should roll another class because this class feels very similar to other melee classes I have played over the years. It is just how melee classes play.

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No one can logically argue against your since that's the way the game should be balanced.


Melee should have more burst and dps than ranged classes.


Or put a minimum range on all of a range classes abilities.


I couldn't stop laughing when I read this. How the game developers actually thought it was a good idea to make range classes not only do more damage than melee, but also tank better than them is beyond me. I'm actually glad to see someone else mentioned this... for a minute I just thought I was losing my f*cking mind. It should be one or the other not both.


Ranged dps healer tanks? Sure why the hell not.

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Originally Posted by strakt

You just don't know how to play your class properly. I've seen AMAZING marauders such as Stamp and Kalinda.







Would love to see what this great an mighty Kalinda is fairing against lvl 50's probably not so easy no more and actually takes skill instead of mashing 5 keys to kill a lvl 15.

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You just don't know how to play your class properly. I've seen AMAZING marauders such as Stamp and Kalinda.







http://www.twitch.tv/stmp ( he streams like at 2pm est)



Watch them and learn as marauder is the hardest and most complex class to play.


2 things I wanna say about this.


First is, I'm not saying any of these guys are bad. I really can't judge from the vids.


As for the Kalinda Vid. it only shows how squishy a Marauder really is. Considering kalinda has the Champion title in the video I'm just going to assume he has atleast "some" expertise gear.

Now again, I'm not saying he's a bad player, but when you consider that he gets dropped to about 20%HP by 2 lvl 2x guys it just shows how terrible the class is unless it's a 1v1.


Would those guys have been 50 aswell, or even with some battlemaster gear, just going by that vid he prob woldn't even have killed one of them.



I play a guardian myself in full DPS (Vigilance) spec and survive a lot longer than that.


Again, not saying Kalinda is terrible, but that vid shows just how squishy their class really is.

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Perhaps a poor choice for me to post this here, I've read only half the post, but I hit 50 today on my Sentinel. I leveled Combat (center tree) and it's all I know. I'm not amazing, but to date I have only died maybe twice in 1v1 world combat, if you don't count the few times I had the misfortune of running into people much higher level than myself. That's twice out of a minimum 100 encounters, probably closer to 200.


However, all the recent Sent/Mara videos I've seen are generally Focus (pvp tree) or Watchman (dot tree). My question is, has anybody been successful at pvp with Combat? I'm rather fond of it. I do, as far as I can tell, quite well, but when I enter a WZ without a healer I just get utterly stomped. That's to be expected, sure. But Focus looks like a one-hit-wonder spec, and dots are appealing but the ramp up time to put up all dots and keep Merciless from falling off feels clunky.


I'd really rather not learn an entire different way to fight, re-learning keybinds is a *****.


TL;DR - I like Combat, what most would call the PvE tree, and want to stay this spec while being effective in PvP. My PvP experience is mostly based on 1v1 encounters on a PvP server, while dying frequently in WZ (using defensive cd and using Resolve effectively). Can Combat be effective at both PvE and PvP? Thanks.

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I am not sure why OP rolled sentinel ... if you want to dps outside of melee range, that is domain of ranged classes. Melees like guardian and sentinel are front line bruisers, they don't need range, that's what the guys behind them provide.
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Is the OP serious?


I think i need to change my pants from laughing so hard.


Im a lvl 50 Marauder. I honestly have no freaking issues. You SHOULD have no issues because Jedi and Sith Warriors PLAY IDENTICLE.


The fact that you are having issues means 1 of 2 things. You don't know what you are doing. Or you have no skill at all.


If i can force charge RDPS and smash them to pieces, then why can't you? My cool downs are the same as yours. My stuns/cc are the same as yours. So what is your issue?


What seems to be the issue is the you are a nublet and need to reroll a different class, as they are NOT going to change your class as there is NOTHING wrong with it.



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Am I going too far to suggest that PvP is utterly unplayable as a Sentinel?


1. As a melee DPS character, I am literally useless outside of melee range.

2. I can be routinely stunned and killed before reaching melee range. Resolve has a two-minute cool-down, so sometimes I am killed 3-4 times in a row without once reaching range to attack anyone back with no defense possible.

3. Assuming I can get to melee range, some of my better abilities require that I not move to activate them, where as my target only need to step backwards to get out of melee range and render me again completely useless.

4. Melee DPS is not significantly higher damage than ranged DPS to make up for these short-comings.


I love SWTOR on the whole. SWTOR excels in story, but arguably long term sustainability of an MMO depends on enjoyable mechanics for after you've completed your story. The disparity between classes/builds in PvP just absolutely baffles me. I believe Bounty Hunters and Troopers can both "run-and-gun" to stay out of range while killing me, but I can't activate abilities while trying to get/stay in range. This is immediately apparent to most players I've spoken to, but apparently not to the PvP team.


I was fortunate enough to play in early betas, where I saw the exact same feedback being given in the tester forums. I had hoped these concerns would be addressed before launch. And I've been paying attention to any interviews or posts from developers discussing future development. I've seen no indication these concerns will ever be addressed at this point.


PvP wasn't the selling point of the game for me, but it concerns me that such a glaring problem could impact the sustainability of the game with a larger audience.


I sincerely hope that my character will be able to get gear on par with the best PvP gear (best in game I've seen so far) via crafting or Operations/Flashpoints so that I'm not forced to play PvP at end-game.



Very true

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Is the OP serious?


I think i need to change my pants from laughing so hard.


Im a lvl 50 Marauder. I honestly have no freaking issues. You SHOULD have no issues because Jedi and Sith Warriors PLAY IDENTICLE.


The fact that you are having issues means 1 of 2 things. You don't know what you are doing. Or you have no skill at all.


If i can force charge RDPS and smash them to pieces, then why can't you? My cool downs are the same as yours. My stuns/cc are the same as yours. So what is your issue?


What seems to be the issue is the you are a nublet and need to reroll a different class, as they are NOT going to change your class as there is NOTHING wrong with it.




calm down son.

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While you make some valid points (other than suggesting melee damage should be higher than ranged since that would harm pve), it's not unplayable. The class has a lot of defensive cooldowns and lends itself to being healed. If you're getting burned down, then you might need to pick your spots better.


Considering that in pve melee has to run back to boss with every knockback, avoid cleave attacks, stop dps to avoid aoe attacks and they are the players most susceptible to dmg, all the while ranged can do their rotation semi-afk from 30m, I say no, it would not harm pve, it would even balance it a bit.

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