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Under Populated Republic..


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This needs to change... I understand everyone loves EMpire that is fine... but what about the people that wanted to go to Republic... My server we can not eve queue for WZ becasue we ROFLWTFSTOMPED by the Empire who rule Ilum now all day and farm valor nonstop. So now not only can we not do our dailes in Ilum we can not do our WZ dalies. (I group with the highest valor people on my server)


Can we merge servers with low pop rep with high pop rep and high pop emp with low pop emp... So dumb... They should made a slight insentive for becoming republic. This game is broken right now and is no fun to play unless you dungeons all day...



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You're just on the wrong server then. On my server, imperials are outnumbered at least two to one, more likely three to one.



Funny how "the wrong server" is 90% of them...


Also, Armors.


If ALL armor were available on both sides, maybe, just maybe the republic would have an equal playerbase.


But even then, with all the bugs plaguing the republic classes and the mostly disapointing storyline endings (aside from guards), why would anyone play Republic.

Edited by dargor-
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