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Agent Loelle/Lord Tharsis


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Anyone solo Agent Loelle and Lord Tharsis on Balmorra Bonus Series. Was able to take down Loelle with Doc but Tharsis was way too hard a hitter. Or is this meant to be done in a group. Level 37 atm.


I managed to get Loelle too, but I've found you need at least one other person to kill Tharsis, and preferably a healer class. I don't think it's meant to be completed solo.


Its usually easy to find a group willing to help if you agree to do the Heroic quest in that area with them.

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I'm able to solo him as a lvl 38 healing commando with Elara(using every heal and damage reduction trick I have plus med packs), but I must be taking too long. When he get to about 2000 hit points, the mission fails. I finish him off and get some xp, but that stage of the mission resets.


What a shame that I can survive, but a crap artificial time limit prevents me from completing the quest.

Edited by JeroMckechnie
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I'm able to solo him as a lvl 38 healing commando with Elara(using every heal and damage reduction trick I have plus med packs), but I must be taking too long. When he get to about 2000 hit points, the mission fails. I finish him off and get some xp, but that stage of the mission resets.


What a shame that I can survive, but a crap artificial time limit prevents me from completing the quest.

I'm stuck on this, too. I try to toss out all the DPS I can, but I tend to have to catch up healing afterward, so I might get to throw in some shots every 30 seconds or so. I'm a 39 commando using M1-4X, and I get to about 1-2% before the mission fails right before Tharsis keels over. This time limit is pretty crappy.


"LFG Hit 'Em Where They Live, Justice for the Lost, Lord Tharsis"



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Is this the Heroic 2+ with the Stunnable Champion level Sith Lord in the Spaceport with the two strongs? If so, there is a way to intentionally reset the fight so you can heal up after taking out the two strongs (run around behind the ship). If you don't want to do that, can always just take the death, and reattempt as the strongs do not respawn.


For those Defense specced, I weaved Hilt Strike, Stasis, Blade Ward, Shield Wall, and Call on the Force to reset Blade ward. Worst case I would slow em with Freezing Force and let Doc heal me up. He didn't seem to hit me too hard as a tank.

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I was able to solo both of them just last night.

It took forever, but having Doc with me made it easier.



If the quest resets either you're running too far out of the area or you need better mods in your lightsaber. Upgrade your hilt, crystal, mod and enhancement to the best possible for your level.


The only moving I had to do was to reposition myself and Tharsis so that I was actually in Doc's healing range. Luckily, Tharsis isn't completely ranged or else I would have had to put Doc on Passive to get him closer.


BTW, I did it as a purely Defense spec'd Guardian. It took me long enough that I was able to use Warding Call 3 times in the fight. Or was it 4? I can't remember. I had to use my medpacks 3 times, as well, when I was unable to interrupt his one DoT ability or the follow up lightning strike.



I was level 37.



My Rotation was as follows:

Hit quest thing to spawn him, back way the hell up against the door to wait. Then:

Saber Throw > Leap > Blade Storm > Sundering Strike > Riposte > Combat Focus > Force Sweep > Sundering Strike > Hilt Strike > Force Stasis > Master Strike


Then I used either Slash, Sundering, Riposte, Sweep, or Blade Storm. Whichever was up. I'd weave in the others, except leap and throw, whenever their cooldown was up. Blade Storm, Riposte and Force Sweep having priority over everything else(in that order).

I'd also use my cooldowns when I dropped to around 60% HP or when I wouldn't be able to stop that DoT+Lightning combo that seemed to hit harder than normal.


I can't put enough emphasis on using your interrupt. Even if just to give Doc breathing room to heal you real quick.

Edited by Faolon
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I was able to solo both of them just last night.

It took forever, but having Doc with me made it easier.



If the quest resets either you're running too far out of the area or you need better mods in your lightsaber. Upgrade your hilt, crystal, mod and enhancement to the best possible for your level.


The only moving I had to do was to reposition myself and Tharsis so that I was actually in Doc's healing range. Luckily, Tharsis isn't completely ranged or else I would have had to put Doc on Passive to get him closer.


BTW, I did it as a purely Defense spec'd Guardian. It took me long enough that I was able to use Warding Call 3 times in the fight. Or was it 4? I can't remember. I had to use my medpacks 3 times, as well, when I was unable to interrupt his one DoT ability or the follow up lightning strike.



I was level 37.



My Rotation was as follows:

Hit quest thing to spawn him, back way the hell up against the door to wait. Then:

Saber Throw > Leap > Blade Storm > Sundering Strike > Riposte > Combat Focus > Force Sweep > Sundering Strike > Hilt Strike > Force Stasis > Master Strike


Then I used either Slash, Sundering, Riposte, Sweep, or Blade Storm. Whichever was up. I'd weave in the others, except leap and throw, whenever their cooldown was up. Blade Storm, Riposte and Force Sweep having priority over everything else(in that order).

I'd also use my cooldowns when I dropped to around 60% HP or when I wouldn't be able to stop that DoT+Lightning combo that seemed to hit harder than normal.


I can't put enough emphasis on using your interrupt. Even if just to give Doc breathing room to heal you real quick.


I attempted as a 39 defensive spec'd Guardian and doc couldn't even come close to keeping up with the damage. All orange gear, mix of Guardian mods/Shield/Absorb mods all blue level 14-16.


I bladestormed whenever possible for shielding, used all cooldowns and interupted him whenever it was on cooldown and still my health was dropping too fast for Doc to keep up.


The only way I can see this being more feasible is if you some how drag him up and LOS him around some of the Equipment to interupt his lighting ability.

Edited by Macblair
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I attempted as a 39 defensive spec'd Guardian and doc couldn't even come close to keeping up with the damage. All orange gear, mix of Guardian mods/Shield/Absorb mods all blue level 14-16.


I bladestormed whenever possible for shielding, used all cooldowns and interupted him whenever it was on cooldown and still my health was dropping too fast for Doc to keep up.


The only way I can see this being more feasible is if you some how drag him up and LOS him around some of the Equipment to interupt his lighting ability.



Nah, I just took most of his lightning to the face, since I couldn't interrupt all of it.

It is really weird to have such different experiences.


All of my armorings were rating 88.

My mods were either str/end/power, str/end/def or str/end/absorb.

Enhancements were mostly end/def/shield with an end/shield/absorb in my chest piece.

Saber hilt was rating 92.

Doc was still a Guest, so his crap was all the base stuff.

I just now remembered I have to upgrade my relics, so I was still using the +11 endurance ones. I never used their buff, anyway.



Did you get every datacron up to that point?

You don't need all of them, but you'll gain benefit from the str, end and presence ones. Willpower offering a tiny benefit as well to certain attacks.

I'm a collector so I have to get them all.

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