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Hey Marauders, You're Going To Want To Know About This.


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I just got a first-hand confirmation of this bug for Watchman Sentinel's Searing Saber talent, and we have a secondary confirmation from a Marauder that they have the same problem.




Editing post for people who don't like links, I'll keep it short:



After some testing with both Cauterize and Overload Saber i seem to only get the crit bonus from Surge Rating, Searing Saber doesn't add 30% crit damage.


Is this some known bug? Or the tooltip being outdated on the talent? Googling it came up blank.



Wow, I can't believe this didn't get caught sooner lol. We fail at theorycraft and mathing stuffs ><.


Based on my char sheet and numbers I see I can confirm this too.



Same for mara






Just tested it multiple times in and out of Juyo form with a Watchman Sentinel in a duel.





Second Edit: Looks like Georg Zoeller slipped in a reply at the very last post of the second page where we didn't notice.



Hi guys,


We'll look into this.


-- Georg

Edited by Kyromoo
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I just got a first-hand confirmation of this bug for Watchman Sentinel's Searing Saber talent, and we have a secondary confirmation from a Marauder that they have the same problem.


That only affects those in Anni spec. But yea if its confirmed to be bugged thats a big hit to dps with bleeds.

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Where does it say it's getting fixed? I didn't see any dev posts in the linked thread. Source?


Well obviously it's going to get fixed, maybe not right now, but it is. They're not going to let a talent that does literally NOTHING remain that way.... Right?

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I was curious about this so I refunded my skill points and skilled up to before picking up Bleedout (whatever the sent name is). It isn't adding +30% to crit bleed/burn damage. It is just adding a flat +30% to bleed/burn damage.


All of the following numbers are for the DoT of Rupture. DD has been ignored.


Without Bleedout:

Rupture: 389 (64 per tick on a 0% internal defense person)

Rupture (with full Juyo stacks): 427 (71 per tick on a 0% internal defense person)

Rupture Crit at 53% crit modifier: 109 per crit tick



This is where it gets weird


With Bleedout:

Rupture: 505 (84 per tick)

Rupture (with full Juyo stacks): 616(?!) (102 per tick)

Rupture Crit at 53% crit modifier: 156 per crit tick



Notice that the increase of 389 to 427 is indeed 10%. Also notice that 389 to 505 is a 30% increase in damage. So, the first and only real question is: Why did my rupture increase by nearly 22% (which is a 220% increase over the original 10% damage increase of Juyo stacks) after full Juyo Stacks and what about Bleedout is causing this to happen?

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I am wondering if others have tested the similar talent for Rage and Carnage in their respective trees. Sever in the Carnage Tree and Dark Resonance in the Rage Tree are talents that are suppose to provide a similar benefit to Bleedout for the trees main abilities. Are they providing the critical damage bonus? Edited by juddnelson
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A combat log would make this so much easier to see what is working, and not working...


This is exactly why they don't have a combat log...i wouldn't be suprised if every class was broken and a combat log would just make that easier for us to see.

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1 - I have to hope that's not the reason there is no combat log.


2 - It appears this is not being fixed in 1.1.1.


Would that be accurate?


I dunno when its getting fixed but there is a dev post floating around saying it will be fixed.

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