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UI lag kills the mara.


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my main is a rdps, i wanted to try a mara, they looked fun.


Little did i know what hassle you guys go through just to fight, the slow unresponsive UI stops you playing fluidly, you hit a move and pray it actually works, its total hell getting the reaction skills to work, i found myself having to pre-empt and think 20 moves ahead rather than react to current events because the UI lag just does not allow you to play at the speed you want.



BW this really needs a fix, its 2012 issues like this should be a thing of the past

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sorry what is UI lag. Im a bit new but I think that I suffer from something similar just from what I gather by the name.



This basically. Note I didn't make this video. The guy is hitting his attack when the UI shows it should be available. Not spamming it, just hitting it once. The char makes a lame attempt to start the attack and then.....nothing.


Noticeable on all classes but really bad for Marauders.

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looking at the video has got me wondering , do we suffer for the same issue as jugernaut where a parry / defend interrupts ours move and resets us ?


the video has a lot of parry's going on while he/she is attempting to slash.


i know it is one thing pressing a key and 3 secs later the action happens but i wonder if the video above showed 2 separate issues - he had abilty lag at the start with the charge and applying of shields but the phase of parrying , key presses seemed to match animation .


eitherway its ruining me game .

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Ever since upgrading from a e6600 to an i3-2120 ive had very LITTLE ability delay, so im guessing its part animation issues/pc issues.


It's got absolutely nothing to do with people's rigs. It's got everything to do with Bioware's lack of competence.

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Ever since upgrading from a e6600 to an i3-2120 ive had very LITTLE ability delay, so im guessing its part animation issues/pc issues.


Load of rubbissh.


I've got an i7 overlocked to 4.0, 8gigs DDR3 1800mhz RAM, ATI 6870HD 1gb gfx, 120gb SSD, 50mb fiber optic cable, and I still get ability delay - so your point is mute I'm afraid.


Its the game being broke, nothing to do with someones rig at all.

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my rig is:



SSD windows drive, SSD gaming drive 2tb storage.

16gb ddr3 @ 2000

Intel Core i7 3960X Extreme @4.9ghz (too unstable at 5.4ghz needed vcore of 1.50)

HD 7970 3gb + HD 7970 3gb crossfire.


i also get UI issues like shown in the video, and i know it isnt my rig, and on a side note, this games fps is capped at 111.1 fps :)

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What happens in that video happens so often it is actually completely saddening. Granted, once it happens a few times, I at least run in circles to reset it (usually seems to fix it) but that still wastes a few seconds where I could be DPSing like crazy. A lot of our skills are very very bugged, and Vicious Strike (as seen in the video) is only one of many.


It messes up more than any other class, I'm afraid...

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Is bioware going to fix this at all?


Bioware has already said they are making the issue a top priority, but anyone who expects an issue like this to be solved relatively quickly is insane. You need programmers to fix the issue, and you need to extensively test the impact the new coding will have both upon the engine itself, and the game. If the fix breaks the game, it's not a fix at all, and modifying the source code of a game engine can have some serious consequences on the game itself when trying to implement them.


Bioware has a lot of power behind them right now, with LucasArts and EA backing them, but it will still take awhile to design and implement a fix.

Edited by Selixx
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Long story short it has to do with the fact the Hero Engine doesn't support multi-threading and, apparently, when BioWare took the Hero Engine it didn't have multi-core support.



In this game you hit a button and it:


Registers the button press.


Starts to play the animation.


Calculates the damage.


Readies the spell effect on the enemy.





It's something like that (was explained on a /v/ thread last night and I don't remember the exact example he gave.


In a multi-thread supported game all of those calculations are done at the same time, allowing instant cast abilities to go off and do damage seemingly at the same time as you finish a cast.


tl;dr it's pretty obvious the game was rushed out for holiday sales and, in doing so - like so many other MMOs - its starting to dig its own grave. The Ilum fiasco plus end-game bugs not getting fixed are started to be the last straw for people.

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tl;dr it's pretty obvious the game was rushed out for holiday sales and, in doing so - like so many other MMOs - its starting to dig its own grave. The Ilum fiasco plus end-game bugs not getting fixed are started to be the last straw for people.


Agreed, Bioware definitely rushed the game. It was a good time to release the game, with holidays up and coming, and the demise of Rift. Furthermore, GW2 and Tera both have not been released, so Bioware slipped in real nicely inbetween Rift and GW2. They should have taken an extra month and had an open beta imo.

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