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Is it worth leveling a Trooper?


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I have a low level (17) Merc bounty hunter... the fun factor is good and such. but I always liked the look of the trooper. id like to tank, but i heard van is a meleish AC which blows imo... so commando looks like where id go, i know BH is a mirror class of the trooper, just looking for opinions about the fun factor for troopers.



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If you like the class by all means.


Vanguards are good tanks.


If you want ranged dps or healing, and want to max out pvp sorc is currently out of control.

Sorc has higher damage, a ranged interrupt, more stuns, a better bubble, and run away speed that is money. Commando has a stealth scan, which is handy, but i would much rather have the super run away speed to escape melee and heal up

Edited by Dooger
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