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PvE Self-Sustainable build idea


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So, I just started a sentinel a few days ago, and i was looking at the trees. I like to put out decent damage and be able to take care of myself in aoe damage situations, so I came up with the following build. I was wondering if it looked good or if I am completely off my rocker?




Advice is appreciated, thanks :D

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It's an okay build, but for PvE, some talents could be better spent elsewhere. This is the build I use:




2 points can go wherever you want. I put mine in focused leap for 1 extra focus on the leap.


Riposte isn't really worth using as Watchman unless you just wanna burn focus on it. I usually use it for Slash at best for that. You'll find yourself juggling so many abilities and generating so much focus and centering, it's ridiculous. So...I guess if you wanted, you could use Riposte. But I hardly if ever use it.


Also, keep in mind that Force Leap can be used as an interrupt and having it on a shorter cooldown and usable at point blank range = 3(or 4) more focus + a second interrupt on a fairly short cd.


I picked the accuracy talent because I hate missing key abilities like Cauterize and such.

Edited by Ryuji_Sukata
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