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AOE Healing


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Or the lack there of.....The disparity between sorc aoe and BH's is disgusting.



Can we remove the +heal to kolto missle and make the green sludge a ground aoe heal area.


Or how bought move emergency scan to a lower tier (it really is very very very weak for tier 7 ability) and add a talent that makes death from above heal instead of do dmg.


Just random idea's that would add depth to the healing besides just stand there an spam the same boring stuff over and over...



The real lack of mobility and the pigeon hole healing this class is based around is really sapping the fun out of it.

Edited by apacheFXX
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I agree with the OP. Dunno how many BH healers do Raids, but 3 person kolto is a joke. Throw that in with the lack of a combat rez, a BH healer is the red headed step child you let tag along if you cant find another healer class.


Dunno why BW thought to deny us this stuff, is it because they thought heavy armor would make all that much of a difference? I have no idea, if someone could explain it to me then I could feel better about being a BH healer.

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Combat rez yes we need that.

A bigger aoe heal not really as we aren't really an Aoe healing class imho we are more like a single target healer.


I don't want all healing classes to do the same things have the same abilities where is the fun in that.

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No combat res is fine, ill take koltoshell and heavy armor thanks. We have plenty of sorcs and ops to do the combat ressing.


Kolto missile is great, love it, 5% damage reduction on the melee camp/tank is great too. It's not like you are running the raid solo healing too, bring a sorc/operative friend and the classes work well together.


EV Nightmare/Hm(bar overtuned soa who will go down tonight) and Kraagas Hm cleared.


I do like the healing DFA idea though, if only for ultra pimp looking healing.

Edited by Lotusate
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I dont think we need a combat rez, but we need more aoe heals. Anything to spice it up



Single target healing is just plain *** boring.


wow paladin=BH bodyguard merc


If you find it so boring, then roll another class.


Just saying.

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The thing you have to realize, is that BH's are primarily Single Target healers. BH's are the tank healers.


All our talents, skills, stats (being crit/surge) are all rotated around us being single target healers, not AOE healers.


This isn't WoW, where every class can preform the same task as every other class just as well as everyone. IA's are much better AoE healers than BH's, but BH's are better single target healers.


While our main aoe heal, kolto missile, is relatively weak, and only hits 3 people. It is not that bad. It heals for a decent amount, and especially with the amount of crit/surge BH's have, it normally heals for a decent amount. It is also on a very short CD, and costs little heat. Not only that, but it adds a very nice buff that increases healing by 10%. It is not a bad spell at all. It is fine, and doesn't need to be fixed.


For being single target healers, it is not a terrible AoE heal. Obviously it could be better, but then that would start to beg the question, why bring other types of healers when one class can aoe/single target heal better than the others.


It keeps the classes balanced. IA's are AoE, Sorc's are mix of aoe/single, BH's are single target healers.

Edited by KaydaPearl
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It keeps the classes balanced. IA's are AoE, Sorc's are mix of aoe/single, BH's are single target healers.


Actually, the more I run into sorcs the more I believe that sorc>everything. I mean yeah, sure, BH is good single target, but sorc can be just as good and he certainly is much better than IA at AOE healing.


As for single target, sorc can't do burst healing at merc's lvl, but he can but the shield on and that amount of times he can dish out his heals without of running out of mana is plain ridiculous.

Edited by DervimNorth
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The thing you have to realize, is that BH's are primarily Single Target healers. BH's are the tank healers.


All our talents, skills, stats (being crit/surge) are all rotated around us being single target healers, not AOE healers.


This isn't WoW, where every class can preform the same task as every other class just as well as everyone. IA's are much better AoE healers than BH's, but BH's are better single target healers.


While our main aoe heal, kolto missile, is relatively weak, and only hits 3 people. It is not that bad. It heals for a decent amount, and especially with the amount of crit/surge BH's have, it normally heals for a decent amount. It is also on a very short CD, and costs little heat. Not only that, but it adds a very nice buff that increases healing by 10%. It is not a bad spell at all. It is fine, and doesn't need to be fixed.


For being single target healers, it is not a terrible AoE heal. Obviously it could be better, but then that would start to beg the question, why bring other types of healers when one class can aoe/single target heal better than the others.


It keeps the classes balanced. IA's are AoE, Sorc's are mix of aoe/single, BH's are single target healers.



So classes have to fit inside certain "you heal this type" so unoriginal and generic.


I liked the idea of healing with bullets and missiles thats what brought me to this class, but then to find out we get 3 standard boring stand here and cast this heal within these boundary's because of lack imagination.

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I have cleared all the 16 man Nightmare content in the game so far as a BH Merc Bodyguard.


While I would like to see Kolto Residue leave an aoe heal on the ground.


You also have to take into account that while it only heals three people..... and has a rather poor casting mechanic. It does put a Buff on the target that increases incoming heals, and leaves a shield on them that reduces dmg.


So while our AOE heal isn't great at HEALING!...... it does give multiple advantages over a sorcs aoe healing.;)



Edited by Aluo
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My only complaint about it is the 3 person limitation.


If if could hit the three lowest people though I'd be okay with that. As is sometimes it hits a dude with full health...




^ that! if they want to limit it to 3 people cool.. just how about healing the 3 most in need?


actually the 3 people/droid limit is silly

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I under stand that BH is "Supposed" to be single target. But as others have brought out, we're not that much better if any against a Sorc.


We don't have enough heals, and when healing multiple targets (4 man Hard modes) Heat builds up way to fast. And we only have about 10 seconds of fast/hard healing before we're back to what? Once we burn are supercharged gas, we're screwed if people are still getting hit hard. Once we burn are only DOT heal, we have instant scan which is Moderate (with long CD). And we have are "OMG this Cast time is Ridiculousness" Heal which builds Tons of heat.


Fact: Did you know the IA's longest heal is 2.5 seconds Un-Specced


I'd like to see Kolto Shell heals increased by a small amount or give a defensive buff. (Supposed to be single target healer right?)


I'd also like to see Reduced CD for Emergency scan or a new heal. Also maybe increase it's healing by a small amount.


I understand Kolto missile the way it is. And if Bounty hunter is a single target guy, give him Better single target stuff.


Because there is no advantage to having a BH heal your tank then there is from any other class.

And that's the problem. Imo.

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Having it heal unlimited ammount of people would be semi OP with the 5% dmg reduction + the 10% you already get from supercharged gas... You could effectively make most the raid take 15% less dmg for a decent ammount of time in a fight.


4 would be cool for flashpoints.

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