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The one thing that keeps me playing.


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There is only one thing that is keeping me playing this game... space. Really space is the only thing that is RIGHT about this game. PvP is lame, questing is lame, my cat is lame, but space is AMAZING. Consider why space is amazing in this game...


  • Accessibility
    It's easy to learn to play space missions in this game. There are a total of 6 buttons that you can use while playing space missions. Left, right, up, down, left click, and right click. This is great because the less buttons I have to press, the better. I can do space missions while watching TV and eating popcorn. Even if I had one arm I could still do space missions because using the keyboard is not even necessary.
  • Fun Factor
    Probably the funnest thing I have ever done in my life. Space missions make me feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker, but in a spaceship. They last about 5 minutes each and that is the perfect amount of time. Who can do anything for longer than 5 minutes after all? I can't. Bottom line: Space content is amazing and I enjoy it.
  • Progresive Advancement
    Well, you can unlock improvements and abilities for your ship. The unlocks cost credits but they are really worth it. You can't do high level missions without ship upgrades, you will fail miserably if you try. Some of the upgrades make you shoot faster, some of them do nothing, but in the end, you might as well just buy them all.


So as you can see space is amazing. Probably the most amazing thing in any game ever to exist. Many of you are complaining about minor issues in this game, but you probably have never tried space. Who cares that PvP sucks and is horrible when you can fly your ship into space and do stuff? Who cares that combat abilities are clunky and unresponsive when the game has space missions this fun? People need to stop looking for the bad in this game, and enjoy the good things.

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