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Sentinal won't be like other classes that can push/pull


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or even have a knock back ability. Sucks, But i can deal with it.


However I kinda wish that if we can't be permitted to have any of those abilities why not a ability that prevents us from being knocked back, thrown, pushed, or pulled? and i don't mean a triggered ability but a passive one that does a % chance. Say start at 15% and build up to 50% on each attempt to knock back, throw, push, or pull a sentinel?


I guess you will get the idea that i play a lot of huttball. trust me not by choice, and i understand i could always drop out. People like myself do a lot of crew crafting so I'm always needing credits so i don't run myself dry. So even if we're losing i don't leave a PVP match.


What I'm trying to point out is that it seems unfair as a sentinel class we our outside of any of those abilities. How bout some ability that would make it just a little less worse?


I'm not saying the class is terrible otherwise I would reroll and start a new class. An this is not attempt to say we don't measure up in PVP, I kinda don't care so much. But I do get a little envy when we get ransacked by abilities to where our only counter maybe force leap, chances are you may have used that to build a little focus.


Until then I'll be in huttball, in the furnace, we're some bounty hunter grappled me to.

Edited by ReithKanaka
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In the Focus tree we have a talent to make Mortal Strike not be interrupted. Im fully talented into it but im still CC'd or pushbacked during it. As i think about it, i believe it only makes me not interrupt the ability before it fully finishes.....which is kind of dumb.
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by far sentinel is the hardest class to play, but once you get your CDs good and really know what your doing, you will love it..but beware you will get singled out a lot during pvp..


i average 25-35 kills a match and die less than 5 times..


im also watchmen spec'd


so honestly if you know how to play it, you really wouldnt need any of that, even though it would be nice :)

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my problem is that sentinels/marauders are not quite as effective in combat as, say mercenarys/commandos because of cc.


ive looked at the basedmg of main skills in comparrisson to commado at lvl 20 in a warfront and it showed me 2000 basedmg in the toolip of grav round whereas it shows me barely 1000 when i look at blade rush or slash on my lvl 50 sentinel with 500 expertise.


i'd say one may compare these abilities with only one exeption: blade rush can be used on the move but has only 4m range instead of 30. i accept that these abilities shouldnt do the same amount of dmg but 50% is a bit harsh.


i suggest to buff slash+bladerush+blade storm+cauterize by 20% in their dmg.


the immunity against knockback and/or root woul be nice. it would perfetly fit instead of the rebuke/cloak of pain buff in the combat/carnage tree.


rabuke/cloak of pain should grant immunity at least against knockbacks.


the next thing i'd love to have is a force pull (hapoon-like skill with 30m range)


maybe master strike should be allowed to use on the move but i am not so sure about this. atm it rarely hits a non stunned target, even though ive skilled the root on it in the combat tree.

Edited by der_mawel
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by far sentinel is the hardest class to play, but once you get your CDs good and really know what your doing, you will love it..but beware you will get singled out a lot during pvp..


i average 25-35 kills a match and die less than 5 times..


im also watchmen spec'd


so honestly if you know how to play it, you really wouldnt need any of that, even though it would be nice :)


I'm confused as to whether you read my post or simply skimmed it, and came up with your own conclusion as to what I was saying. You posted your average kills per match, again this isn't about how well we perform in PVP or how different trees work better then the other.


It was a suggestion to answer a lack of abilities with simply a percentage chance counter. And saying things like "If you knew how to play it" smells slightly of elitism. Seeing how I never posted a video or explained how my performance is on PVP or my rotation, you can't really assume how I play.


You might argue that by simply posting this was a whining post, but then by simply replying it would seem almost like your trolling about how "you don't know how to sentinel" now wouldn't it?


Not meaning to flame you, I'm asking that you keep it productive. But I do respect that part where you mentioned in your opinion we may not need it, and possibly explain along the line why you believe that instead of saying "cause I know how to play sentential and you don't." We all come to these forums to see how other players are doing and to see HOW we are not utilizing the class to its maximum performance.


Players need input, not criticism.

Edited by ReithKanaka
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