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Slicing suck


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If you are a bounty Hunter I would Highly suggest Slicing, I'm level 16 with about 5k in profits from slicing so far. My slicing is only level 60 and mako routinely comes back with a blue schematic or quest starting item for all the crew skills.


Aside from that if you want money I would also suggest slicing it gives good money and random other little bonuses which have proven really beneficial to cybertech.

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Sentence structure is needed for proper understanding.


Seriously, I'm not sure what there is to 'Discuss'.

You don't have to take the gathering and crafting skills directly related to your class.


I am going to try to parse a translation. I edit bad writing for a living, though nothing this bad.


I don't understand, what for its necessary to enter a crew skill which brings only money.

Box on missions with money it's ok, but farming crates for money it's not much balansing.




Slicing - it's a gathering skill - let his take metals or blue/violet craft items from Scavenging. Or Underworld Traiding - it's overrated too. It's may be a microcircuits or chips, but not money.

For example, now UT is overloaded by Armormech Cybertech and Synthweawing. And Armo and Cyber use SOME resourses.


I want Slicing for craft recipes mount and smt else for Cybertech. But i can't take it, because win rotate - Cybertech/Scavenging/UT. Where in this place i can put Slicing?

UT or Scaveng for Cybertech dont' need.




I do not understand why there is a crew skill that gathers only credits. There are boxes in the game world that slicers can open for credits, and while this is profitable, it does not justify the existence of the skill.


What are your thoughts?


Slicing is a gathering skill, so perhaps it should provide metals currently provided by Scavenging and Underworld Trading (UT).


Right now, UT provides resources for Armortech, Cybertech and Synthweaving. Armortech and Cybertech use some resources. (???)


I want to use Slicing in order to obtain schematics for vehicles and some other things for Cybertech, but I can't because UT is more useful to a crafter.


I feel we should have a dialogue on this issue.

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Drop UWT and get slicing, you can make it to 400 cybertech without UWT easy. You can use the extra credits from slicing to buy any UWT mats you'd need for specific items anyhow.


Also, please try to slow down and structure your posts a little bit first. Very hard to understand what you were saying at first.


I went with UWT at first but then dropped it for slicing and I haven't had an issue making any of the cybertech stuff yet.

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